Dreams vs Memories

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::. Derrick POV.::

A smile forms as I open Maya's latest snap. It's a picture of her with her eyes clearly in the middle of an eye roll, and a scowl on her face. The caption causes me to chuckle.

"One big internship full of dumb bitches 😒"

"What you laughing at?" Diamond questions, her high-pitched voice full of attitude. She leans over and looks at my phone, the snap of course, disappearing right after she gets a look at whom it is. "Are you serious right now?" She leans back and crosses her arms. I clench my eyes. I'm really not in the mood for her right now. "You're snapchatting her while you're with me?"

I suck my teeth and click the sleep button on the top of my iPhone. "If by her you mean, my girlfriend you damn straight. What's it to you?"

"It's disrespectful Derrick," she maintains the attitude in her voice. "We're at our baby's checkup right now for Christ sake!"

I lean down closer to her bump, "You don't mind me snapping Maya do you, little man?" Silence. "That's what I thought." I lean back into my chair, and place my elbow on the arms of the uncomfortable chair.

"You really need to start respecting me more," she releases a frustrated sigh. "And stop calling it, him. It's not gon' be a boy. It's a girl. I don't want no boy."

I look at her, "Why not?"

"It's bad enough I gotta deal with your aggy ass, last thing I need is a mini Derrick getting on my damn nerves." She purses her lips in a frustrated manner. "And I don't want her around my baby-"

"Her name is Maya," I cut her off, getting real sick of this shit. "And that's my baby too Diamond, meaning I can have him around whoever the hell I want to."

"Not if I petition for full custody you won't," she mutters quietly, probably thinking I didn't hear. Too bad I did.

"Fuck you just say?" She avoids my harsh gaze. "Trust me Diamond, you do not want to go there with me. Once that baby is out your stomach, I'm not obligated to do shit for you if it doesn't involve my child. Just keep that in mind the next time you wanna pop off at the mouth."

She doesn't say anything else, but I can tell my words got to her. Good. She's becoming too much. She doesn't even want to meet Maya, who actually agreed to meet her ungrateful ass. I swear. I'm excited as hell to be a father, but I'd give anything to have someone other than Diamond as the mother.

"Diamond Thomas," the nurse calls her name. She moves to get up and I do the same. We follow the nurse to the room and I sit in silence while she gets asked the usual checkup appointment questions. Even after the nurse leaves, we still sit in silence. I don't mind though. Diamond doesn't have an annoying voice or anything, but she just has the tendency to get on my nerves.

"Afternoon," I look up as the Doctor Sullivan walks in. I'm sorry. Lord knows I love me some Maya. However, Dr. Sullivan is one fine ass black woman. She got them long ass legs like my girl and a killer smile just like Maya. She has got to be close to forty, but don't look a day over thirty. I guess it's true.

Black don't crack.

"How's everything?" She asks, walking up to the side of the hospital bed. "Any changes since your last checkup?"

"Not really," Diamond shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm good I guess."

"Still taking your prenatals?"


"You know doc," I start off, unable to help myself. "I'm really surprised Michael Ealy hasn't mentioned anything about you."

Turns out, Dr. Sullivan is Kaydence doctor too. It just sucks because Rico hasn't been able to attend any of her appointments with her. Most of the time, it's cause X was going with her, he had prior obligations or she took Maya, Aria, or Ayesha with her.

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