The Plan

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Arianna starts mentally panicking. She loathes being put on the spot. Thankfully, she's the expert at poker faces.

"I'm sorry?" Adrianna questions, putting on the best poker face that she can muster up. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

The woman quirks an eyebrow, "We'll, you're a hell of a liar. If I didn't know any better, I'd actually believe you."

Arianna has to catch herself. Crossing her arms over her chest, she manages to hold her temper. "Excuse me? Who-"

"Arianna," Colin suddenly intervenes, placing his hand on Arianna's lower back. She stiffens for a second, before relaxing. "This is Jennifer," he gestures to the woman. "My manager." He looks at Jennifer, "Jennifer, this is Arianna."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Arianna smiles with fake sweetness. Without giving Jennifer a chance to respond, Arianna turns around and walks away. She mouths 'Bitch' to Derrick who tries, unsuccessfully, to stifle his laughter.

"Enlighten me Colin," Jennifer starts, walking into the hotel room. Colin closes the door behind her. "What was the last thing I said to you before I left to go home to visit my family?"

Colin cuts his eyes, while Jennifer's back is still towards him. "Not to do anything stupid," he sighs, walking to stand in the living room where Jennifer now stands.

"Exactly," she exclaims, snatching her sunglasses off her brunette head. "And yet you do the exact opposite." She shakes her head. "Honestly Colin, do you realize how bad this is going to look? And of all the times to pull a stunt like this, you just have to do it after making the biggest accomplishment in your career so far. What are you going to do now?"

"Isn't that what he pays you for?" Arianna mumbles to Derrick, who sends her a glare, but with a smile on his face.

"The fuck should I know?" Colin groans, throwing his hands up in the air.

Jennifer shakes her head and turns towards Arianna, "Do you have a last name Arianna?"

"James," She answers, trying to be polite. "Arianna James."

"And how old are you exactly?" She questions, typing away on her blackberry.

"Twenty-one," Arianna sighs. "I'm sorry, but-"


A beat.

"I don't have any," Arianna answers, the tone in her voice doing a complete 360. She doesn't sound angry or irritated anymore, but emotionless. Derrick looks down at her with confusion. Jennifer, with content. Arianna notices Colin's expression is indecipherable.

"What do you mean-"

"I like you Arianna, "Jennifer cuts off Derrick, without even thinking about it. "I like you a lot."

"What?" The three young adults say in unison.

"If you 'like' me," Arianna gestures with her fingers. "Why were you so rude to me?"

"Precaution," Jennifer shrugs. "Sweetie, I've been managing athletes for over twenty years, and if you knew half of the type of women I've had to deal with; you would understand." She walks closer to her client's new wife. "Still, I suppose I shouldn't have come off as strong as I did." A beat. "My apologies."

"It's okay," Arianna cracks a small smile. "But I have to ask, how can you like me when you've only known me for what, 10 minutes?"

"As I said, I've met a lot of different type of women. And in the case of athletes, most of them are, for a lack of a better term, gold diggers. You, on the other hand, are far from that."

"That's true," Derrick chimes. "Most girls in your situation would be trying to bank in on as much as they could. Shit, they'd probably have my boy just about bankrupt by now."

"Shut up Derrick," Colin mutters.

"Soooo...." Arianna trails off. "What exactly are we gonna do about this? It's too early for a divorce, but I think we can get an annulment, right?"

"An annulment?" Jennifer laughs, walking closer to Colin. "Nice thought, but no." She goes back to the no nonsense tone she had when she walked in. "You two are staying married."

"What?!" The married couple yells at the same time.

"This isn't funny Jen," Colin warns.

"Hun, do I look like I'm joking?" Jennifer shoots back. "Now here's what we're going to do. I'm going to head to the office and prepare a press statement to release later today. Thankfully, this hasn't gotten out to the media...not yet at least. Therefore, the story is this: you two have been dating over a year and tied the knot last night in a quiet small ceremony. It'll work because Colin is already an insanely private person. He was able to keep his last two relationships a secret, so this one will be no problem. Now, if in five months, the two of you decide that things just aren't working out, then you can separate. Until then though, this is just how it's going to have to be. Oh, and Arianna will be moving in with you Colin."

"Wait a minute Jen," Colin interrupts, flabbergasted by her plan. "Have you thought this all the way through? You can't honestly expect Arianna to go along with this. This shit is probably mostly my fault anyway. She's not the famous one. I am. I can't ask her to do-"

"I'll do it," Arianna interjects softly; uncomfortable with how everyone's attention soon turns to her. "What? This is partially my fault too. The blame goes both ways. I was irresponsible as well. You're right. You are the famous one, and if this gets out, it's going to probably ruin your image. I refuse to let that happen, not over me. I'm not worth it."

"But-" Once again, Arianna interrupts her husband.

"It's only five months Colin. Time will go by faster than you think. Before you know it, I'll be out your life and you'll be out mine." She turns towards Jennifer. "I'm not quitting my jobs though. I refuse to depend on a man for money. I'm extremely independent. Plus, I'm in school and my education is everything to me, so I'm not quitting that either. "

Jennifer beams at the headstrong and determined young woman. "Arianna, despite whatever may happen between you and Colin, I believe this is the start to a beautiful friendship."

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