Birthdays and Letting Go

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AN: Catalina in the photo :)


"No, I don't want no scrub," A five year old Arianna sings nodding her little head to the catchy beat of TLC's latest song. "A scrub is a guy that can't no love from me."

Twenty-two year old Catalina smiles broadly, sneaking a quick glance at her daughter in the back seat of her Toyota Camry through her mirror before returning her eyes back to the road.

"Hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride, trying to holler at me," Catalina sings the next verse. Even though Arianna still has the typical "baby" voice one would expect of her age, Catalina can tell, like herself, her little girl will grow up to have a beautiful singing voice.

"Mommy!" Arianna pouts, crossing her tiny arms. For her age, she's rather petite. This doesn't bother Cat too much though. She was the same way as a child. Eventually, her body caught up with her age. Curves for days. She just hopes her little girl won't be developing sooner than need be.

"Si mi amor?" Catalina questions, already knowing what's going to come out of the girls' mouth.

"You can't sing that part!" Arianna exclaims as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Why sweetie?" Catalina struggles to conceal her smile. She was right on target.

"Becauseeee," Arianna drags on the ending. "It's the only part I know, duhhh."

"Uh uh," Catalina quickly turns on her discipline voice. "What did I tell you about using that word nina?"

"That I shouldn't," Arianna replies sadly.

"Por que?" Catalina continues.

Arianna sighs, "Cause it's disrehecful."

Catalina has to laugh at that. For the most part, Arianna is very advanced for a five year old. Her mother has opted to raise her to be bilingual, along with teaching her how to read at the young age of four. She wants the best for her child. She wants her to be better than she is. She will be.

"The word is disrespectful mija," she smiles, pulling into the parking lot of their destination.

"Chuck E Cheese!" Arianna shouts, smiling broadly, revealing her deep dimples. Catalina frowns slightly. Those dimples. The same ones her father has. Her little girl has so much of him, it's almost painful.

"That's right baby girl," Catalina parks, removing the keys from the ignition, and unbuckles her seatbelt. Getting out the car, she closes the driver's door and proceeds to open up the backdoor. She unbuckles Arianna from her car seat, pulling the little girl out and kneels down to look at her eye to eye. "Now I know I told you I'd give you a birthday party sweetie but," she looks down. "Mommy just doesn't have the money this year." She wants to cry. Sure, her daughter is only five and she has plenty of time to throw her a birthday celebration, but this isn't the first time her finances have gotten in the way of her giving her meaning for living something she really wants.

"It's okay mommy," Aria says sadly, but with a smile on her face. "It's your birthday too and you won't have a party either so we can be" Her face scrunches up in confusion and frustration at not being able to find the right word.

"Twins?" Catalina offers sweetly. One thing Catalina loves about the relationship between she and Arianna is their many similarities. The fact that they share the same birthday would have to be the main one though.

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