Hawaii {Part II}

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No comments on our man, Colin. He is just....Lord we need to pray for him.

Isn't X fine as hell tho? Lmfao!

So, for this chapter, we're doing something a little different. My co-author and I love all of you to death, but we want to hear some more voices.

Therefore, we have a proposition. For every comment we receive, from people other than our regular commenters (ya'll the real MVP btw) we will choose two people and they will be allowed to ask us any question about this story that they wish and we will give them the answer. No question is off limits. Hell, you can even ask how it's going to end and we'll tell you.

So, again, all you have to do is comment, it can be on a passage or jus the chapter in general and you automatically have a chance. Got it? Good. :)

Goal: 30 comments and 50 votes.

Enjoy! :D


Colin falls to Arianna's side, both breathing heavily, but Arianna being more out of breath than her husband.

As per usual...

"We are so going to hell for this," she moans, drawing a pillow from behind her head and placing it on her face.

Colin chuckles, "I don't think God sends people to hell for having sex baby girl."

"He does when the sex happens two doors down from a four-year-old," she whines.

"I doubt anyone even heard us," he rolls his eyes. "Having the TV on really helped to drown out all the noise."

Arianna's eyes widen, "Was I that loud?" Colin looks away, Aria taking his silence as a nonverbal 'yes.' He then laughs at the horrified expression on her face. She slaps his arm, as he pulls the 5"2 woman on top of him.

"You're such an asshole," she murmurs, crossing her arms over his chest, resting her chin on them. He says nothing, playing with her hair and caressing her cheek. "What?"

"You're beautiful," he says quietly.

She rolls her eyes, "This after some mind-blowing sex."

"I'm serious Arianna," he replies with nothing but pure honesty. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know," she frowns. "In spite of my wicked ways."

"Which I believe I just corrected," he smirks, squeezing her plump derriere.

"Ain't nothing wrong with a little repetition though," she smiles suggestively. He returns her grin, capturing her full lips in a sweet embrace. He goes to flip them over, but she pushes down on his chest.

"I think it's time for the student to show the teacher a thing or two," she breathes sensually, snaking her way down his body, disappearing entirely underneath the silk sheets.

Perhaps hell wouldn't be so bad after all...


"Maya, Maya, Maya!" Avery shouts, jumping on Maya's bed.

The twenty-two year old slowly opens her eyes and mentally groans. Turning over groggily, she is met with those gorgeous blue orbs she's grown to love.

"Tell me Avery," she starts off, ruffling his head of curls. "When exactly do you sleep?"

He smiles and moves closer to her, "At nighttime silly."

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