Cake {Part I}

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Nicole looks over her nails, mentally making a note to schedule a nail appointment. She's overdue for a fill in. If there's one thing she can't stand, it's looking raggedy by the hands. She has too much class and resources for that shit.

Walking pass the shoe department of Macy's, a sparking pair of $350 shoes catch her eyes. She quickly drags her legs over to check them out.

"Ms. Nicole?"

She mentally curses.

Nicole looks down at her boss's four-year-old son. Technically, he's her boss. She's his nanny, as of almost a month ago. No, it's far from what she would like to be doing, but it's work. Plus, it helps his dad is handsome and rich. Two of the qualities Nicole requires in a man.

"Yes Avery?" She tries to sound genuinely concerned, but her eyes keep making their way over to the pair of shoes.

"I have to use the bathroom." The child innocently admits, crossing his tiny legs over one another.

Nicole bites the inside of her cheek, "You can't hold it till your dad gets off the phone?"

The three of them decided to go for an outing since her employer had taken the day off, and wanted to spend time with his son. He told Nicole she really didn't have to come and could also have the day off. Of course, though, she wasn't about to miss an opportunity to get close to him. She practically invited herself. But, she wasn't thrilled when they pulled up and he got a business call that he had to take. He told them to go in the store, and he'd find them as soon as it was over. Sadly, she complied.

The little boy shakes his head, "No mam."

Nicole sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes, "Come on." Tightening her grip on his arm, she speed walks over to the closest restroom. When they reach the men's one, she waits for him to enter, but realizes he's looking up at her with confusion.


"Daddy usually goes with me," the child replies sheepishly.

Nicole has to bite her lip from snapping at the kid. "I'm not a man Avery. I can't go in there with you."

"You can go with me in the girls one though right?" He questions softly, now 'bouncing' up and down to hold it in.

"Look Avery," Nicole releases a scoff, and bends down to be face to face with the nuisance. "The Lady's room is all the way on the other side of the story. I doubt you can hold it for that long. So why don't you be a big boy and go in their by yourself? I bet your dad will be so proud, and I'll be waiting right out here for you when you get out."

Avery looks at Nicole with hesitation, "You promise?"

"I promise," she forces a grin on her face.

"Okay," he flashes her a smile, as she opens the door and watches him walk in.

Avery isn't even gone for 20 seconds, when Nicole hears on the intercom about a special, one day, unadvertised, sale on shoes. Without a second thought about the child, she practically runs back over to the shoe department.


Maya's POV

Life sucks.

Specifically, fashion internships suck.

Actually, let me rephrase that.

Shitty ass Fashion Internship boss's suck.

Two months. I spent two months on that damn dress; only for that bitch to tell me it was "a nice try."

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