...On the Alcohol

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After vomiting three, yes, three times, that random wave of nausea left. God, how do alcoholics do this? How do they continually drink their lives away with these type of after effects? It's not worth it. There's no appeal whatsoever.

So, after brushing my teeth a total of three times, I re-emerge from the bathroom. There's that damn whispering again. Honestly, why the hell does he-Wait. There's two voices. The person at the door.


Great, now I'm forced to walk around in a freaking robe around some damn stranger. I take my time walking to the living area. As soon as I enter the room, four eyes land right on me. Colin and another very attractive black man. He's tall like Colin, not as tall though, and probably close to or a little lighter than my color.

He flashes an alluring smile and I feel my cheeks warm, "Hi, I'm Derrick." He stretches his hand out to me.

"Arianna," I smile, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Damn Colin, I guess you weren't exaggerating." He chuckles, glancing at my....husband.

"Told ya," Colin laughs softly, typing away on his iPhone.

"I'm sorry?" I question, confused as to what he's talking about.

"You really are stunning."

Okay, I'm 99.9% sure my face is as red as a tomato. Yeah, I get compliments from guys, but most of them are from older men and explicit. Plus, none are ever as sexy as the two in front of me.

"Thank you," I mumble, looking down at the ground. Fuck. I can't have them thinking I'm some easy lay. If they don't already, that is.

"Stunning eh?" Crossing my arms over my chest, I turn towards Colin. "Now was this before, during, or after you were inebriated?" I smirk.

"Don't answer that bro. I'm telling you. The last time a girl asked me that I-"

Not even thinking about what I'm about to say, I quickly cut Derrick off. "Oh please, I doubt the last girl you were with even knows what inebriated means, let alone how to use it in a sentence." Shit. Did I seriously just say that aloud?

Surprisingly, Derrick and Colin catch on to the playfulness in my voice and bust out in laughter.

"I like this girl, dude." Derrick laughs, placing his arm around me. "Look, if you ever get tired of little drummer boy over here," he nods his head in the direction of Colin who flips him off. "Look a brother up and I'll show you what it's like to be with a real man."

"Well, as enticing as that sounds." I chuckle lowly, looking up at him while batting my eyelashes. "Why would I downgrade from a Camaro, to a station wagon?" His smile immediately drops and the shocked look on his face is priceless.

I laugh while walking by Colin who's also laughing.

"That was cold ma," Derrick mutters, a smile tugging on his lips.

"That was fucking awesome." Colin sounds, putting away his phone.

"That  was the result of me when I have no food on my stomach," I complain, slamming the fridge door shut when I see there are only water bottles. "This place has everything else in it, yet no food? The fuck?"

"Order room service." Colin says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the word.

My head shoots up as I look at him, my sudden boldness starts fading away. "Seriously? You don't mind?"

"No, why would I mind?" He crosses his arms and I internally fawn over how the muscles flex due to the movement.

"Well, I mean, it's probably expensive and-"

"So?" Derrick butts in, from his new position over by the couch as he flips through the stations. "Ya'll married. He already bought your ass a ring. What's a couple more dollars?"

"Shut up!" Colin and I yell in unison.

"Arianna, just order what you want. Let me worry about the rest." Colin says sincerely, and I swear my insides melt. He's so freaking sweet.

"Thank you," I mumble, before doing something I'm not entirely sure I should do. Standing on my toes, I grab onto his shoulders, pull him down close enough, and plant a kiss on his cheek. Feeling flushed, I don't even bother to wait for his reaction. I rush towards the phone in the living room. There's a phone directory card. Following the chart, I dial one and wait for someone to pick up.

"Room service," A woman answers with a surprisingly pleasant tone.

"Uhhh hi," I greet, in an awkward manner. "Do...do you guys do like.....special requests?"

"Yes mam, we do."

I swear, my smile is so big, one would think that I just won a million dollars.

"Oh my gosh. Okay, wow, umm then can I get: Chicken Lo Mein, Orange Chicken, General Tso Chicken, mozzarella sticks, no marinara sauce, an Arizona Ice Tea, original flavored, and a Caramel Cappuccino with sugar." I babble, letting my extreme hunger override my common sense.

"Okay then," the woman stammers. "Anything else?"

"Uhhhh," I pull the phone away from my mouth, and look toward the guys, who have their mouths dropped. "Do you guys want anything?"

Their flabbergasted appearances don't stop them from giving me their requests though.

"Pepperoni Pizza and a liter of coke."

"Supreme Pizza and a can of Dr. Pepper."

I give the woman the rest of the order, and after going over it again, she informs me that it should be up in twenty minutes. Thus, the end of the call.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were hungry huh?" Derrick jokes, shaking his head.

"That was a lot huh?" I frown slightly, realizing how greedy I probably just sounded. "But in my defense, I eat because of my nerves. Always have. Always will. Plus, look at me, do I look like I'm the type of girl that only eats low fat and diet food?" I finish, with an eye roll. "That's a rhetorical question by the way, answer and I'm not responsible for what I say or do."

Colin looks extremely amused, along with something else I can't quite put my hand on. Derrick, on the other hand, has a weary expression.

"Dude, you might want to look into getting a bodyguard 24/7....and a will." The slight smile on his face lets me know he's only messing with me.

"Yes, because I totally stand a chance against freaking Zeus over there," I point at Colin. "All 5 feet and 2 inches of me against his....his....how tall are you?"

"6"5." He answers smoothly, stretching his arms upward. "And Zeus? Really?"

"What? It was the first thing that came to mind and plus, I'm a tad bit infatuated with mythology. Therefore, references tend to pop up in my everyday dialogue from time to time." I finish sheepishly, realizing how much of a nerd I must sound like.

Well, I mean I sorta am, a book nerd that is, but that doesn't mean he needs to know!

Surprisingly, rather than the weird look I'm expecting, Colin seems extremely intrigued. "Wait, you like Mythology?"

"Like? No. Love? Hell yes." I gush. "Wait. Do you?"

"Are you kidding?" Derrick butts in."The man fucking lives for that stuff."

"Derrick, I swear, if you don't shut your ass up-" The sound of knocking at the door interrupts my threat. "Ooh. Must be the food. I'll get it!" I offer, before sprinting off to the door. Without even bothering to look out the peephole, I swing the door open. Unfortunately for me, the person isn't at the door isn't the food service people. It's a woman whose facial expression is anything but friendly, and the first thing that comes out her mouth definitely takes me by surprise.

"You're Colin's wife."


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