Confessions and Interruptions

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"Why the hell not?"

"Because it's ugly as fuck, that's why the hell not."

"Just let her take the damn robe so we can wrap this shit up," Maya's humdrum voice sounds from her position in Arianna's closet.

Kaydence huffs and tightens her grip on the averse article of clothing that she's deemed as flotsam.

"Promise you won't wear it around him."

Aria rolls her and sucks her teeth, "Hell no."

Kaydence releases an aggravated groan, "Why the hell must you be so difficult?"

Aria's eyes transmute into slits, "Why the hell must you be so damn controlling?"

"Why the hell are you two arguing over a goddamn robe?" A new voice, filled with equal irritation joins the conversation. The three roommates turn their attention to Derrick, whose tall frame is standing by Aria's door.

"Trust me," Maya sighs, exiting out the closet with a standard sized box in her arms. "You don't even want to know." Her eyes narrow in slits as she suddenly starts to stare at Derrick suspiciously "Hold up a minute. I sent you like ten minutes ago to bring that box to the car. What took your ass so long to come back?"

He hesitates with his answer, "I got lost."

"Bullshit," Maya hisses, crossing her arms over her chest. "You were in my room again weren't you?!"

"Prove it," Derrick smirks.

That little comment seems to piss off the short-tempered young woman even more.

"How am I supposed to prove it you jackass when I've been in here working unlike your lazy ass!"

"I'm sensing you're a little tense," Derrick comments, clearly trying to hide the amusement in his voice. "Maybe I can help with that..." he trails off suggestively.

"Or maybe I can choke your ass until I see your eyes roll in the back of your big ass head!" She shoots back, moving to jump at him when Kay decides to intervene and grabs her arm.

"Yo, chill out Maya." Kay keeps a firm grasp on Maya's forearm.

Maya turns her glare towards her roommate, "I'll 'chill' out when that hooligan stops going through my shit!"

"Technically," Derrick pipes up. "I was admiring your 'shit'. You're really talented you know that?"

It happens almost instantly, Maya's whole disposition changes. Yes, she's still angry-furious even. Nevertheless, Derricks comment seems to mitigate her ire.


"Your drawings," Derrick replies, chuckling softly as he subconsciously places his hands behind his head. "Your designs are phenomenal. I thought they were by some famous designer until I saw your signature on the back."

Maya looks unsure of what to say. Extremely confident in her appearance, she can't say the same when it comes to her designs. She takes pride in them, but she's always second guessing their worth. Of course, her instructors and roommates are always reassuring her of their superb quality. Still, it's not the same as having a celebrity's opinion. Albeit, even if that celebrity is (in her opinion) the bane of her existence.

"Thanks," Maya mutters awkwardly and quietly, as a blanket of momentary silence falls upon the four young people.

"You know," Kay bats her long eyelashes up at Derrick. "I've been told I'm quite the artist myself."

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