Sensual Seduction

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A/N: You'll see, as you read, when to check out the media. ;)


June (2009)

"Cindy, I need you to be in hair and makeup like yesterday, Mac, please stop playing with your cuffs - the material is durable, not indestructible, and for the love of God Abigail, if you don't stop asking does you butt look big, I will slap you into next week! You have no ass! Now, let's move it people! We're on in fifteen!" Maya shouts, clip board in hand, headset on her neck.

She's directed countless of fashion shows in her four years at Cox High, but this one is different. It's special. Why? It's the last one she'll ever direct. At least, on a high school level. All of the previous ones have ended up fine. Reviews had been rave, and everything had gone off without a hitch.

She just feels more pressure on her than usual because he's going to be at this one. Whether she likes to admit it or not, his opinion means the world to her. Plus, fashion is her life and he has slowly become a part of her life that she's not sure she can live without. The two go one in one.

Sneaking a glance behind the curtain, she's not surprised at the sold out audience. Again, all of her shows have always had a good show up. Her eyes peruse through the audience searching for her two best friends. They hadn't missed a show. Ever. She wasn't sure about tonight though.

Senior year was supposed to bring them even closer together, but it seems like it's done just the opposite. Sure, they've all played their parts in the gradual separation, but Maya is not unwilling to admit blame lies solely on her two counterparts. Kay had gone sex crazy and Arianna was so far up Kendall's ass....

One face she didn't see was the one she really wanted to though.


"Maya!" Her stage manager calling her name breaks her thoughts. She turns to the sophomore that has been shadowing her since the girl started high school. She's inexperienced and can be a bit of a pushover at times, but Maya is confident in her talent and abilities. "They're ready for us to start."

Maya nods softly, "Thanks Brenda." The girl doesn't move. "Is there something else?"

The brunette open her mouth, then closes it again before lightly placing a hand on Maya's shoulder. "He'll show up. Don't worry."

Maya glances at the girl with mixed emotions. Ironic as it may seem, Brenda was the only one who knew of Colton and Maya's affair. Not even Aria and Kaydence were aware. Because she had spent so much time advising the underclassmen, the two grew close and Maya actually trusted her. Brenda didn't judge Maya and instead offered support whenever needed. It was nice to have someone she could talk to and Maya would greatly miss the girls' companionship.

She smiled softly and nodded toward Brenda, "I know. Thanks girl."

Brenda smiled back before scurrying off to help ready the models.

With one last look at the crowd, Maya says a silent prayer and heads back to kick off her show.

One last ride.


Maya never really cared for the outdoors. It wasn't her thing. She was far from prissy, but still enjoyed the finer things in life. Specifically, AC and lack of insects. So, a park would seem a bit out of character for the soon to be high school graduate. Yet, she loved the park. She would always go there when she needed to clear her head. Most of the times, she would go late at night where she could avoid being bothered.

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