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THE SKY WAS CLEAR AS FLUFFY CLOUDS moved slowly. Mint green eyes staring at the sky with daze, not really caring about anything around.

"That cloud looks like a cow... or is it an ox?" You thought as your eyes never left the weirdly shaped cloud. You sighed to relax more and closed your eyes, preparing to take a small nap.

Today, you and the other Hashiras decided to hangout together. Since it was daytime, demons weren't active which was a good opportunity to get some free time away from missions. You all decided to meet in the Butterfly estate so you can arrange where to go. You didn't really want to go there, but Mitsuri and Shinobu wouldn't stop nagging at you until you agreed. You were the first to arrive, so you decided to do some cloud gazing in the garden and relax for a bit. The other Hashiras had to deal with some things before they arrive.

A colorful butterfly landed on your nose, but you were unfazed by it and let it be. "Ara ara, aren't you adorable Tokito san?" Your eyes opened as you saw Shinobu looking down at you, giving you her cheerful smile. You stared at her for a few minutes, "Who is she again?" You thought, slowly standing up.

"What's the matter?" You bluntly asked, giving the Insect Hashira a bored look. Shinobu sweatdropped at your straightforwardness, "You're so blunt, Tokito san. Anyway..." She pulled a folded paper out of her haori and gave it to you, "...If you don't mind, I need to get those things in the list, but I'm so busy with some work. So would you kindly buy them for me?" You stared at the paper for a moment before taking it and mumbling a low, "Okay."

"Arigatō, Tokito san."

You just nodded and was about to leave before you heard the voice of the Love Hashira, "Y/N chan is here!" Mitsuri exclaimed, dashing toward you and tackling you into a tight hug, "I missed you so much, cutie chan!" She added, squeezing you in her arms. Even though you had a blank look, you were pretty annoyed by this sudden physical contact, "Let go of me." You told her as a shadow casted over your face. Mitsuri pulled away, but she wasn't bothered about your rude command.

"Y/N chan is cute yet demanding, I love this!"

You missed the blush on Mitsuri's cheeks since you walked past her to go to the marketplace.

As you walked calmly, your crow flew over your head. You weren't bothered and you knew if Ginko, the crow, didn't scream, than you don't have any missions yet.

"Why was I going to the marketplace?" You spoke up as if asking someone. Thankfully, your crow heard you and replied to your question, "Caw! Caw! You have to buy the things Kocho san listed in the paper! Caw!" Ginko screamed and you nodded, continuing your short journey to the nearby village. Unbeknown to you that a strange portal opened underneath your feet, taking you by surprise and sucking you down.

Ginko panic and flew above the portal, "Caw! Tokito san! Caw!" The female crow didn't know what to do and just went through the portal, following after you.


You slowly opened your eyes as you heard some noises in the background. You were met with an unfamiliar ceiling, "Where am I?" You sat up and looked around only to see five males staring at you.

"Welcome Y/N, my name is Diavolo, futu-..." The red haired male stopped talking as he saw a blade a few inches away from his face, making the other four males to freeze in shock.

You were now standing and holding your sword out, "Don't approach me, demon." You said, emphasizing on the word demon with venomous tone. The male with black hair noticed the writing on your Nichirin blade and his eyes widened.

Destroy Demons...

He was about to approach you, but stopped when Diavolo raised his hand up, "It's alright Lucifer, I will handle it." He turned to you and smiled, "We mean no harm, please lower your weapon." He said as he offered you a friendly smile.

"How can I trust you?"

Diavolo raised both of his arms up in surrender, his smile never moved, "I assure you that none of us will harm you in any shape or form." You weren't sure what to do since he didn't attempt to attack you, but you can't either trust him.

You sighed and sheathed your sword back, keeping your guards up just in case.

"I'm listening." You said, closing your eyes and gesturing him to move on.

Diavolo cleared his throat and fixed his composure, "As I was saying, my name is Diavolo, future king of Devildom and president of the student council. You have been brought here as a part of the students exchange program." He started to explain while you tilted your head in confusion.


The red head seemed to understand your confusion and looked at the black haired male, "This is Lucifer, my most trusted friend and the vice president of the student council, he will explain everything simply to you." You just blinked your eyes as you still didn't get what he was saying.

You were unfamiliar with this and you didn't really grasp what he was saying. Wasn't he aware that you're a person who works to kill demons?

You saw the black haired guy standing before, placing his hand on his chest, "We welcome you here in Royal Academy of Devildom." He started, giving you a welcoming smile while you just continued to blink, "As mentioned, you will be an exchange student in this program so we can demons build up good relationship with humans. We have brought a female human before you, but she was expelled because of... misbehaving." You didn't want to know what kind of misbehavior the girl did because you weren't intrested at all.

"You will just stay in RAD for a year and write a report about your stay here by the end of this year. Plus, you will do some tasks that will help you out to blend in."

As he finished explaining, you just kept on staring at him. A whole year? Away from your friends and missions? You sure as hell going to suffer here from all of these demons.

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