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EVERYONE WAS NOW GATHERING to visit you in the human world, they were just waiting for Simeon and Luke to arrive

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EVERYONE WAS NOW GATHERING to visit you in the human world, they were just waiting for Simeon and Luke to arrive. They all have agreed to meet Solomon there because apparently he knows where you live.

Mammon was getting impatient as he started to tap his foot, "Where are they? They are takin' long!" He exclaimed, tired of waiting for a while. "They will come eventually, Mammon. Just be quiet and wait." Lucifer stated as he side glared at Mammon. He paled and went quiet, making both Belphie and Levi snicker under their breaths, "Impatient scumbag!" Levi taunted, giving his elder brother a smug look. All Mammon did was just glare at him while shaking in anger.

"Oh they have arrived!" Asmo chanted as he pointed at the two angelic males walking toward them. Simeon gave a friendly smile to his old friends, "I apologize for taking long, Luke here was making a pie for Y/N." He said which made the young angel's flush in embarrassment as he held the box that had the cake tightly, "She just likes it and I wanted to make one for her." He said, trying hide his blush.

Barbatos smiled at Luke's nice gesture and went to him to pet his head, "I'm sure she will enjoy it." He said while smiling with his eyes closed. Just then, Diavolo clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, "Alright then, let's go and visit Y/N!" He exclaimed with excitement.

Everyone sweatdropped at his excitement, but nodded nevertheless.


Once they all teleported to the human world, they were met with Solomon who was obviously pissed off.

When he saw his old friends, he exploded, "Why did you take long?! Look now, it's even night time!" He yelled, irk marks floating around his head. "We were waiting for Simeon and Luke to arrive, that's all." Satan stated, raising his eyebrow while waiting for Solomon to reply. When Solomon knew the reason, he decided to change the subject, "Anyway, we need to move and quickly. It's night time and demons here are active... a lot." He said, emphasizing on the word 'a lot'.

"They won't be that bad..." Belphie mumbled as he and the rest followed after Solomon. As they walked, they could feel something watching them. It was kinda strange since they were walking in the middle of the forest. Luke seemed to get the ominous feeling and moved closer to the nearest person him which was Beel, "You feel it too?" The gluttonous demon whispered which made Luke nod as he kept on eyeing the place around him.

"Everyone stop!"

Lucifer suddenly spoke up, making everyone halt. They all looked at Lucifer who walked up ahead, "What's the matter, Lucifer?" Diavolo spoke up as he looked at his best friend moving forward, "There's something strange here... Someone is watching..." He stated while glaring at a specific spot, "Come out!" He demanded, preparing himself for anything that might appear.

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