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THE BROTHERS WERE ALL SITTING in the common room after finishing their dinner. They were completely blinded by the storming rage coming to them shortly.

"Has anyone seen Mammon? That scumbag needs to pay me back my money!" Levi who just walked in announced in anger. The brothers looked from what they were doing to see the pissed off Levi who sat down on the couch, "Now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen him almost the whole day. It's strange for him to stay out up to this hour." Satan said, flipping the page of his book.

"Eh! Knowing him, he is probably gambling somewhere." Asmo who was painting his nails added, blowing on the freshly done nails. A disappointed sighed emitted from Lucifer, "This isn't anything strange for Mammon." He shook his head in despondency. Beel gulped the food in his mouth and looked at Lucifer, "I didn't see Y/N too today." He stated, taking a bite from his burger.

"Yeah, the normie didn't appear today." Levi who was playing with his gaming device now agreed. Understanding the situation, Lucifer hummed, "Y/N was in the Purgatory hall to me-..." Before he can finish his sentence, the door slammed open. Everyone's heads turned to see you standing there with you head lowered. Lucifer was the first one to speak, "Y/N? Weren't you suppose to be a sleep?" He asked while raising his eyebrow in suspicion of your behavior. You slowly raised your head, making the brothers terrified from the dark shadow on your face.

 You slowly raised your head, making the brothers terrified from the dark shadow on your face

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"Where is my sword?"

You demanded with venomous tone in your voice. Satan stood up after placing his book down, "What do you mean? Maybe you misplaced it somewhere." Hearing his statement, you glared at the wrathful demon which made a purple hue appear on his face, "My sword is stolen and the demon aura is overwhelming my room." After you said that, Lucifer stood up from his seat and approached you, "Don't worry, we will find it soon." He assured you, putting his hand on your shoulder. You growled and grabbed his wrist tightly, "You must." Was the only thing you said before letting go of his wrist.

Lucifer mentally hissed as he grasped his wrist, rubbing it to sooth the slight pain. It was the first time he and his brothers see you like this. Normally you would be calm and spacing out, but now you were terrifying and scary. Like you were ready to destroy and kill everyone in front of you, even Beel was frightened to approach you or talk to you.

A gasp was heard from Levi who was now holding his D.D.D, "I-I think I know where's Y/N's sword." All of you looked at him as he showed his phone to you, "It's displayed in Akuzon for a high price!" He added which actually angered you more. However, you didn't notice the change of the brothers looks, "The only one who can do that..." Asmo started.

"Is Mammon!"

The rest replied to him, "Huh? Ya were talkin' about me?" Just as in cue, Mammon appeared right behind you while playing dumb, "What's goin' on here? It's like ya were fightin's som-..." Before he managed to finish, a powerful punch made a contact with his stomach, taking him off guard and slamming to the wall. The greedy demon winced as he held his stomach in pain, "What the hell?! Why would ya punch me?!" He yelled while you slowly approached him, "You dare to sell my sword to get money?!" You were about to punch him when Lucifer held your hand.

"That's enough, Y/N. As much as I'm irritated by Mammon's doing, I can't just let you hit him like that. However, I assure you that he will receive a severe punishment." He declared, glaring at his brother after finishing his speech.

"You better then get my Nichirin blade back." You threatened and moved away from him, pulling your hand away from his grasp. Just then, Belphie came down after hearing the commotion downstairs.

"What's going on?"


You were left with Belphie to calm down as the rest of the demon brothers went to figure out how to get your sword back. You were still fuming with anger, but calmed just a little bit after Belphie offered to take you to a place in their house called the Planetarium. It was a very quiet and calming place, but still, you were a bit mad that you lost the most important thing.

Belphie noticed that you were a bit stressed, so he decided to chat with you to make you release this stress, "Say Y/N, how's your life going in the human world before coming here?" He asked which made you turn to look at him.

You gave a shrug as you tried to recall some memories, "Not bad I guess..." You trailed off, placing your index and thumb fingers under your chin in thinking manners. Belphie nodded as he placed his cow-patterned pillow in his lap, "What about your family? Do you have any siblings?" This question suddenly clicked something in your mind. Some pictures flashed in your head.

Family... Siblings...

Did you really have them?

Your hand subconsciously was placed on your head, "Siblings... I-I don't... remember..." You truthfully told him, not making eye contact with him. All the time and Belphie was studying your reaction, he could see that you were trying to remember something, to recall who are your family. However and for some reason, your mind refused to remember them. The blue haired demon placed his hand on your shoulder, "It doesn't matter right now. Let's relax for a bit, plus I'm tired." He said as a yawn escaped his mouth.

You nodded your head and both of you sat down while relaxing for the meantime. Truth to be told, you were still a bit concerned that you will permanently lose your Nichirin sword.

"Don't worry Y/N, they will get it back." The slothful demon gave you a head pat which actually made you ever so slightly blush. You were thankful that he gave you some attention to comfort you and sooth your anger. It was simple, but meant so much to you.

Time skip:-
"Here's your sword, Y/N."

You took the sword from Lucifer's hands and held it securely in your arms, "Arigatō." Was the only thing you said then glared at Mammon who was nervously standing there waiting for his punishment from Lucifer. Just as if reading your mind, Lucifer turned to Mammon with a dark and scary look on his face, "As for you Mammon..." He dangerously muttered, making the white haired demon gulp while shivering in fear.


The last thing you knew, Mammon was being hanged upside down in the chandelier by Lucifer, "LET ME DOWN! I ALREADY SAID SORRY!" He yelled while thrusting to free himself.

"HA! Let this be reminder to give me back my money!" Levi uttered, completely satisfied by what Lucifer did. Satan sighed and shook his head, "You will never learn." He said and took his leave. "A scumbag will always be a scumbag. Ah! I need my beauty sleep after this tiring task." Asmo added, returning to his room as well.

You felt your hand being held by someone, so you turned to see it was Belphie, "Come on Y/N, let's return to the Planetarium." You nodded and let him guide you back to that room. Beel saw you leaving and chased after you, "Wait for me, I'm coming with you!"

Eventually, everyone went in their separated ways, leaving Mammon hanged there for the whole night.

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