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THE WEEK WENT BY RATHER quickly as the brothers tried to collect information about the things you love and hate throughout your stay with them. The plan for your birthday party was going very well and you of course were completely oblivious to what the demons are doing behide your back. Diavolo informed Simeon, Luke, and Solomon about this and they were more than happy to join the secret plan.

All of that was just to know more about you, but what would happen once they know the shocking truth? Would they blame themselves for what their kind had done to you? Or would they just ignore the fact that your life turned upside down because of the demons? They don't know how to react or feel yet, but they were certain of one thing...

They all have grown attracted to you and they all wanted to protect you and remove that sadness from your heart. They just wanted you to be genuinely happy.

Right now, the demons, angels, and the only human were in the livingroom of the House of Lamentation to finish the last preparations of your surprising birthday party. By this time, you were in your room mostly since you would be polishing your sword or just playing with Ginko.

"Alright, I have checked everything! We are ready for the next step!" Diavolo exclaimed as he eyed the nicely decorated room.  After that, he went to the table that had many gifts for you and placed a small box wrapped in F/C wrapping paper. Lucifer approached him and eyed the box suspiciously, "What did you pick for Y/N, my lord?" He asked and Diavolo smiled, giving his close friend a few pats on his shoulder, "It's the key of acknowledgement for Y/N hidden secrets." He proudly stated which made Lucifer a bit uncomfortable about what he had in store. Diavolo went to Luke to start the final part, "Luke, can please get Y/N down here?" When the young angel was called out, he looked up at the red haired prince and replied with, "Alright, just give me a moment." He quietly huffed and left the room as everyone took their assigned spot.


You sat in your alone as Ginko was already asleep after you fed her. You were trying to remember what you were going to write about in your report, but unfortunately you couldn't remember anything at all. Every once in a while you would remember a tiny bit, but nothing much that would be useful in your report.

You hummed as you placed the pen on your lips, "It has something to do with school activities, but I can't remember." You thought as your gaze went up to the ceiling. You sighed and gave up, you will ask Lucifer to help you later, but now you need some rest. You were about to go and change your clothes when suddenly there was a knock on the door. You went to the door and opened it only to reveal Luke who was quite excited, "Hello Y/N!" He greeted and you give a nod as a way of greeting back. Without wasting any time, Luke grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room, "Come on Y/N, I want to show you something." You didn't say anything and followed the young angel.

He dragged you all the way to the livingroom and then let go of you, "We are here." He smiled at you and then opened the door, walking in ahead of you. You went in and saw that the room was dark, "Why is it dark here?" You mumbled while looking around, trying to find any source of light. Suddenly, the light turned on, blinding you temporary.


A loud scream pierced through your ears as your eyes adjusted to the light. You saw the room decorated and the various things you weren't familiar with at all, but you were puzzled.

"Whose birthday today?" You questioned which made everyone sweatdrop at your question. Yup, you don't remember you birthday date.

Time Skip:-
After explaining to you that it was your birthday and congratulating you, your friends dragged you to a table that had all types of food with a beautifully prepared birthday cake right in front of you. You blinked as they sang to you the usual birthday song and then asked you to make a wish before blowing the candles.

You made your wish and then blow the candles, making everyone clap their hands. "So Y/N, what did you wish for?" Asmo asked with curiosity, looking at you with exciting eyes. You blinked a few time then replied with, "I forgot it." Was your only answer. Lucifer chuckled and petted your head, "Typical of you to forget." He amused.

"Come on let's eat, I'm hungry!" Beel grumbled as he held his growling stomach.

After eating your cake and food, it was now time for presents! You had got so many things like an anime figure from Levi, a dress from Simeon, a decorated sword sheath from Solomon, a beautiful F/C bow for Ginko and a hairpin from Luke, a makeup set from Asmo, a book of old Japanese stories from Satan, a bracelet from Barbatos, a stuffed bunny from Belphie, a little cute bunny charm for your sword from Beel, a pair of sunglasses from Mammon that were similar to his, and an elegant kimono from Lucifer.

The only one left was Diavolo's gift, you opened the small box and saw that it has a very beautiful necklace.

The only one left was Diavolo's gift, you opened the small box and saw that it has a very beautiful necklace

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You picked it up and eyed it carefully, observing its colors. "This necklace is very special, Y/N. It can show you the most thing you want to see, just hold it close to you and you will be able to see this thing or person in front of you." He explained and you looked down at the necklace.

It can show the most important thing you want to see and miss? Maybe you can discover something, maybe you can remember something from you long forgotten past. However, you were scared to remember. You weren't ready yet to see what's in the depths of your mind. Nevertheless, you have to remember eventually. Sooner or later, you will know what happened to your family and how they ended up like this. It was fated for you to discover the truth that may or may not hurt you. You have to wait and see what this special necklace has in store for you.

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