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THE BROTHERS GATHERED IN THE middle of Devildom to see if any of them managed to find you. Levi tried to call Mammon, but the greedy didn't answer. They also tried to call you, but you didn't take your D.D.D with you since Belphie is the one who answered.

Asmo, Beel, Lucifer, Levi, and Satan all gathered to see if anyone spotted you. Poor Ginko was so worried that she was weeping, "Caw! Tokito san is missing! Caw! Where is she?! Caw!" She cried as she landed on Lucifer's shoulder. The male sighed and petted her head, "Don't worry, we will eventually find her." He then turned to his brothers who were also as worried as the crow, "Did any of you find a clue about where she might be?" He asked and the younger brothers all shook their heads. "Unfortunately we couldn't find anything about her." Satan started as he crossed his arms, trying to remember where else could you be. Beel who was worried the most like Ginko spoke up, "I called Belphie and he said she didn't return yet." Lucifer sighed again.

"I think we should inform lord Diavolo about this." Asmo pointed out, making Lucifer mentally facepalm for completely forgetting about him. "That's right, how didn't you think of this Lucifer?" Levi spoke up, raising an eyebrow at his elder brother. This was a good opportunity for Satan to mock him, "The responsibilities made his brain unable to function properly." He taunted, giving a teasing side glance to Lucifer. An irk mark appeared on the dark haired demon's forehead, but he tried his best to compose himself, "Not now, Satan. We have more important things to take care of." He stated, pulling out his phone to call Diavolo.

Just then...

"Oi! What are ya all doin' here?!" The voice of Mammon could be heard coming from the other side. The five brothers and crow turned to the source of the sound with dark glares. The first one who decided to take action was Ginko who flew to him angrily, "Caw! You useless demon! Caw! Tokito san is lost because of you! Caw!" She screamed as she attacked him, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Ow ow! Stop that! Oi, help me!"

"Nope, you deserve it scumbag." Levi stated as he and the rest enjoyed the show.


"Incredible! You got to the highest rank just in two months? That's amazing!"

Diavolo who was so excited exclaimed after hearing about your adventures. Barbatos had left to do some tasks his lord had asked him to do and will join you later.

You hummed and nodded your head, taking a bite from your [Favorite Flavor] cake that Barbatos had made, "I forgot the name of the rank, but I remember it's the highest of them." You monotonously said, taking another bite of the cake. Diavolo smiled and crossed his arms, "That's so interesting, but why are you fighting demons? Is it some sort of a war?" You thought of an answer to his question, but your memory is failing you everytime you tried to remember.

You took some time to remember until it clicked, "Demons in my world eat humans to gain power and the demon slayer corps are fighting them to bring peace upon humanity. This won't happen unless we defeat the demon lord and the twelve kizuki." You explained.

"Twelve kizuki?"

"Upper and lower moons, the strongest of demons."

A small sound of 'oh' emitted from Diavolo who was trying to process the information. Just then, Diavolo's D.D.D rang, grabbing both of your attentions. He pulled it out and saw that it was Lucifer calling, probably because he was looking for you. He answered the call, "Hello Lucifer... Ah yes, she is here. I apologize I didn't inform you earlier, we were caught up in our conversation. Sure thing! Okay I will be waiting." After the call ended, he looked at you with that beautiful smile on his face, "Lucifer and the brothers are coming to pick you up, they are worried about you." He informed you while laughing, but you didn't actually care as you were focused on the cake you were eating.

Your conversation carried on until you started to feel tired. You fell asleep and Diavolo ordered Barbatos, who had just returned, to take you to the guest room to sleep comfortably until the brothers arrive.

Time Skip:-
After 30 minutes, the brothers had arrived to Diavolo's castle to pick you up and go back to the House of Lamentation.

They got into the livingroom where Diavolo and Barbatos were talking about something. "Caw! Where's Tokito san?! Caw!" Ginko yelled worriedly as she flew in front of Diavolo. The male offered her a kind smile, "Don't worry, she is sleeping in the guest room. Beel, would you be kind and take her there?" Beel nodded and left the room with Ginko flying behind him. The demon prince looked at the rest of the brothers, noticing how Mammon was in such a mess. He thought it was probably Lucifer, but it was actually not. Ginko gave him one hell of a lesson.

However, it wasn't the time to discuss this. He had important things to talk about, "Please take a seat, I would like to talk about something may concern you." The demon brothers looked at each other before doing what Diavolo asked them.

The red haired prince cleared his throat, "I asked Barbatos to do some research on Y/N since I felt a sad aura deep within herself." He started then looked at Barbatos as a signal to continue. The male nodded and turned to the brothers, "I went to the human world and unfortunately couldn't find anything that leads to her past other then a small grave near her old house, a family member I assume. Other than that, her comrades are doing a research parties to look for her." He explained, making the brothers all surprised by this.

So you did lose a family member, but who?

"Well, Beel did tell us something about Y/N asking about siblings and how she smiled sadly, maybe this family member is her sibling." Satan spoke up, placing his hand on his chin. Lucifer looked at his little brother with irritation, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?" He asked or more like demanded.

"Your highness were busy most of the time I'm sorry."


"Both of you stop!" Asmo demanded as he glared at both of them, "Enough fighting, we need to know what happened to Y/N." He added, folding his arm. Levi nodded, "I agree, we need to find out about her past life then you both you can fight as much as you want." They both went quiet, but kept on glaring at each other. Mammon sigh as he fixed his messy hair, "So what are we goin' to do to know my human's past?" He asked, earning a few sharp stares from the demons around him.

"I believe the reason she became a demon slayer is because that family member we assumed as her sibling was killed by a demon." Barbatos started while closing his eyes in thinking manners. Diavolo nodded his head as his smile got bigger, "I'm planning on holding a party next week." He announced, making everyone, except for Barbatos, confused.

"Why are you holding a party, my lord?" Asked Lucifer.

"Y/N's birthday is next week and I want to know what's bothering her in that party."

As he told the reason, all of them went quiet, unable to find anything else to say.

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