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AFTER KNOWING WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU in the past, all males had returned to their homes. No words had been spoken, just silence looming around all of them. The amount of sorrow they felt was indescribable at all. They now understood why you hate demons so much.

Now let's see what everyone thinks after discovering your past.

With Lucifer...
The dark haired demon sat behind his desk, completely unable to finish the piling paperwork. For some reason he felt responsible for what happened to you, was it because he also was a demon? His hand ran thought his black hair as he let out a sigh, "It was so much for her mind to handle it, she is really brave for continuing to live with such a memory." He thought as he stood up, walking toward the window. His gaze was glued on the beautiful lights of Devildom, "I believe we must support Y/N as much as we can." He mumbled, clenching his fist tightly.

Your teary mint green eyes flashed in his mind, he couldn't forget how sad and desperate you were for your brother to survive.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N."

With Mammon...
He was a lot frustrated!

He was pacing back and forth in his room, trying to calm himself down. Even though you almost killed him because he sell your sword, he still cared about you. He took care of you for the first two weeks and he couldn't really deny the fact that he loves your company. When he saw how much of a bright child you used to be, he couldn't help but blush at how genuine and happy your smile was. However, his joy disappeared once he saw what happened. His human went through hell.

Mammon kicked the nearest object to him which was a camera thrown mindlessly on the ground, "Ugh! I suddenly started to hate myself!" He exclaimed, throwing himself on the couch. He let out a sigh, "From now on, I will protect my human from danger!" He stated with determination. He couldn't let you face the same fate.

With Levi and Satan...
"Ugh! I lost again!"

Throwing the controller away, Levi let out a deep groan and threw himself on the ground. He couldn't focus on the game at all tonight. Everytime he starts a new level, everything about your past flash in front of his eyes. He shook it once and twice, but still couldn't forget what he saw. He stood up and decided to go to the kitchen to get a cup of water, "That normie made me feel bad." He thought, exiting his room. When he arrived to the kitchen, he was surprised to see Satan on the table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Can't sleep, huh?"

Hearing his brother's voice, Satan looked up and saw Levi entering the kitchen, "Yes, it seems I won't sleep tonight."

"Is it about Y/N?"

All Satan did was just nod as he kept his green eyes on the coffee. Levi exhaled and walked to sit beside his little brother after getting himself a glass of water, "Same here, all of that scenario is playing in my head over and over like a broken record." He added, making Satan rub his eyes. The blond male placed his head on his hand while glaring at the cup, "I can't forget how scared she was when her brother got hurt or even the rage she had when she attacked that demon, it gave me goosebumps whenever I remember it." Satan uttered as his grip on the cup tightened, almost breaking it. Both of them didn't say anything as they went quiet.

With Asmo...
Asmo couldn't stop himself from crying the whole time. After knowing what happened to you, he couldn't help but pity you.

The pain and rage you felt, but still you continued to be a nice and kind girl. Asmo buried his face in the pillow as he continued to cry, "This is bad for my face, but I can't stop crying! My dear Y/N, she suffered so much and beared with it! Poor Y/N, I feel sorry for her. Maybe it's for the best if she doesn't remember..." He thought while trying to stop the tears from ruining his pretty face, but he failed. For the rest of the night, Asmo wailed for hours until he fell asleep.

With Beel and Belphie...
The twins sat in their room quietly, not saying any word.

Surprisingly, Beel didn't feel hungry at all and Belphie wasn't sleepy like usual. Knowing how you lost your twin touched them deeply, they couldn't imagine how sad you felt when you heard his last words. You must be really depressed deep down...

Beel looked up at his twin with worry, "Do you think Y/N remembers her brother now?" He asked, waiting in anticipation for his brother to reply. Belphie shook his head as he hugged his pillow tightly, "I don't know, but if she did, she will very sad." After hearing Belphie's answer, Beel dropped his shoulders. However, he got something in his mind.

"Let's keep Y/N safe and protect her!"

"Huh? Why is that so suddenly?"

Beel made a determination look as he leaned forward, "I wouldn't lie about this, but when I saw her brother... er... Yuichiro die, I felt like it was Y/N. They both are so identical to each other that you can't tell the difference between them. I don't want to lose her like... y'know." Belphie knew what his brother was talking about and nodded.

"Yes, let's make Y/N happy for real." He said with a small smile, making Beel happy that he agreed to protect you.

With Simeon, Solomon, and Luke...
Solomon sat alone in the livingroom, waiting for Simeon to come.

Apparently, Luke was so frustrated and sad that he almost threw a temper tantrum. Simeon had to take him to his room and try to calm him down which actually took a bit longer than expected.

Shortly later, Simeon came and sat beside Solomon, "Is he asleep now?" Solomon asked, his blue(?) eyes observing the angel. Simeon nodded and let out a sigh, "He was so angry that he hardly fell a sleep." He replied, making Solomon chuckle bitterly. "Aren't we all so frustrated to sleep too? I don't believe I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight." Solomon stated, leaning back while crossing his arms. Simeon frowned as he placed his hand on his heart, "Poor girl, I pity her. I hope there's a way to help her." He said with sorrow.

"My friend, all we can do now is support her."

With Barbatos and Diavolo...
"My lord, it's getting late. You must get some sleep."

"I can't sleep tonight, Barbatos."

The butler frowned when he saw the state his lord was in. An unhappy aura surrounded the red haired prince as he bowed his head, "Are you perhaps still concerned about Y/N?" Barbatos asked, moving closer to get a better look at Diavolo. The prince nodded, "I feel guilty and regret for what I have done. I thought Y/N got into an accident that made her lose her memories, I didn't know she faced all of that." Diavolo was feeling so guilty for doing this. He just wanted to help you out, but he never thought what happened to you was horrible.

Barbatos knew that Diavolo will take responsibility for this since it was his curiosity who led him to do this. Thus, he had to cheer him up, "My lord, I don't believe she will know about this yet. You still can make it up for her." He said with a gentle smile, making Diavolo look at him with puzzlement.

"How so?"

"I believe Y/N enjoys cloud gazing a lot, maybe you can use this information to your advantage."

Diavolo's face lit up as a big smile formed on his lips, "I can take her to my private beach! Great idea Barbatos!" He exclaimed in happiness as he started to plane for a simple picnic for only you two.

Everyone was concerned about you in their own way, but they all shared one thought and one plan.

Support and protect you.

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