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IT WAS FINALLY YOUR FIRST DAY IN RAD. You weren't excited, but what else can you do here. You stood in front of the mirror, observing your new uniform given to you by Lucifer.

It wasn't your style at all, especially the shoes since it added some inches to your height

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It wasn't your style at all, especially the shoes since it added some inches to your height. You were used to your flat Zori sandals, they were easy to move with. However, Lucifer made it clear to wear the standard uniform of RAD and to NEVER take your sword with you which actually annoyed you. Nonetheless, you still can beat the hell out of whomever tries to harm you. Ginko was still asleep and you didn't want to disturb her since the poor crow was yelling at Mammon for insulting you.

For the past two weeks, you managed to learn the most important things about Devildom and some of its rules. You also managed to grasp how to use your D.D.D, but still needs to practice more. Your relationship with the brothers got more better, but you still need to trust them more since you weren't that fond of demons just yet. However, it was still better and you started to communicate more with them.

A knock suddenly snapped you out of your thought and made you look to the door, "Who is it?" You called, not moving from your spot. "It's me, Asmo. Lucifer sent me to get you for the breakfast." You tried to remember which one of the brothers was he, but to no avail. You walked toward the door and opened it to see the peach haired male. Asmo gasped when he saw you wearing the school uniform and started gawking, "You look so adorable in the school uniform! Um... Your hair and face just need some fixes." You blinked a few time and tilted your head to the side, "What's wrong with my hair and face?" You asked as you held a hair lock in your hand.

Asmo chuckled and grabbed your hand and said, "Come on, let's make you look stunning!"


The six brothers sat on the table, waiting for you and Asmo to get down. Everyone was busy doing their stuff aside from Beel who was starving and looking at the food, "Lucifer, can we eat now? I'm hungry." The orange haired male whined as he frowned at his untouched plate. Lucifer sighed and crossed his arms, "We need to wait, Beel. We can't just leave Y/N knowing that it's her first day in school." Beel didn't say anything and just sank in his seat as a pout was drawn on his face.

"It was mistake sending Asmo to get Y/N." Satan added, flipping the page of his book. Just then, a set of few rushed footsteps could be heard, "We are here!" Asmo yelled as he dragged you inside, "I was taking care of Y/N's look, see how beautiful she is!" He added, moving away to reveal you.

 Just then, a set of few rushed footsteps could be heard, "We are here!" Asmo yelled as he dragged you inside, "I was taking care of Y/N's look, see how beautiful she is!" He added, moving away to reveal you

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The brothers looked at you with shock as silence spread in the room. The first one to break the silence was Levi who was fangirling secretly, "You look like the anime girls, Y/N!" He exclaimed as he tried to hide his blush. You didn't understand and blinked, "Is that a bad thing?" You asked and looked at them.

"He means that you look good." Belphie spoke up while smiling softly and you gave a low 'oh' as respond. Satan nodded in agreement as he closed his book, "I can't agree more." He said. "Isn't the makeup too much?" Mammon who was fuming with jealousy spoke up, earning a scoff from Asmo, "Excuse me! Y/N refused to wear makeup, I just fixed her hair thank you so much!" The lustful demon retorted.

You noticed Beel being quiet while looking down at his food. You knew from the pout that he was surely hungry, so you raised your hand to get the demons attention, "I want to eat." At your request, Beel looked up at you while Lucifer gave a firm nod, "Alright everyone. We don't want to be late, so let's eat." Everyone sat down at their assigned spot. You sat in between Beel and Asmo and started to eat your breakfast.


The walk to the school didn't take long. You found yourself staring up at the school building that looked like one of those haunted houses. Lucifer suddenly stopped and turned around to face you all, "All of you go to your classes and you Y/N will follow me." He said, but you weren't paying attention as you looked at the night sky.

"Why must she go with you?! She must stay with me, the GREAT Mammon!" Mammon protested as he glared at his elder brother.

"Why is it night time? The stars are beautiful though." You thought, ignoring the commotion in the background. The last thing you know was a hand pulling you away from the rest of your group. You snapped out of your thought and looked up to see Lucifer dragging you with him. You just shrugged your shoulders and followed after him.

Time Skip:-
You were taken to the Student Council room where you saw a red haired male standing there. You recognized him as the demon who first talked to you, but you like usual forgot who he is.

As you and Lucifer walked in, the red haired demon greeted you both with a smile, "Ah Lucifer, it's good to see you..." He paused, looking at you who was dazed, "Hello there Y/N, I hope your stay with brothers was to exception." He talked to you which made you look at him. You tilted your head as you tried to remember who is he, but you failed miserably.

"Who... are you?" You asked, making Diavolo look at you with confusion, "Huh? Did you forget who am I?" He asked and you just stared at him with your mint green eyes. That's when Lucifer decided to join the conversation, "You see my lord, Y/N seems to forget everything easily. That's why she doesn't remember you." At his explanation, Diavolo laughed, "That's alright, I completely understand." He exclaimed, turning to you again, "Y/N, my name is Diavolo. Please don't forget it." He smiled as you nodded your head.

"Dia...volo..." You tried to pronounce the name. He kinda reminded you of Rengoku with his beaming and bright personality. Lucifer frowned slightly at you, "You must call him lord Diavolo as a respect his position as the king." You looked up at him for a few seconds before closing your eyes in carelessness and looked away from him, "The only one I respect is Oyakata sama and no one else." Was the only thing you said to make both males go quiet....

"Hahaha, I like her already!"

"Please no, my lord."

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