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Author Note:-
Helle dear readers...
Before the story, I would like to thank you for making this story reach +150K, I'm happy to see that you like this book. Another thing is, this story is coming to an end soon and it will include a bad ending for dramatic purposes. Maybe this chapter will be the last or the next one, it depends. Anyway, thank you for reading this book, for commenting and voting.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

MONTHS WENT QUICKER THAN ANYONE EXPECTED since that day on the beach with Diavolo

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MONTHS WENT QUICKER THAN ANYONE EXPECTED since that day on the beach with Diavolo. You formed a strong bond with everyone you know, the brothers, the other exchange students, Diavolo and Barbatos. Everyone was so special to you even if they were demons/angels/human. However, the day you have to leave will come eventually and leave everything behind.

Surprisingly, you did great in your study and didn't find difficulty in grasping the information for a semi long time. Lucifer was the one mostly proud of the effort you were putting in your study. Since your departing day was nearing, all of your friends decided to take you to a very special part in Devildom that will make you feel at home.

That day, Asmo handed you a bag while smiling happily which made suspect him. What didn't help ease your suspicions was what he said, "Come on Y/N, wear this and come down. We will be waiting~" He said that in flirtatious manners. However, when you opened the bag, you saw a very beautiful kimono and haori in there. You held the haori up to observe the fabric and the color, "What are they planning?" You thought as you took all the stuff out of the bag and started to prepare yourself.

Meanwhile, the brothers waited for you as they all finished wearing their yukatas. Mammon huffed and crossed his arms, "Oi, why is she takin' long?" He exclaimed, being the impatient one between his brothers. "Just be patient, she will be here shortly." Satan spoke up which made Mammon roll his eyes. Beel grumbled as sad expressions were painted on his face, "I still can't believe Y/N will leave soon, I got used to her around us a lot." He said, making all of his brother look down in sadness. Belphie placed his hand on his twins shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "Don't worry, we still can visit her anytime we want." He assured, giving a soft smile to Beel and that seems to make Beel a bit relieved.

Just then, the brothers could hear footsteps approaching them which made them all look at the source of the sound only to freeze in place at the sight they saw.

Just then, the brothers could hear footsteps approaching them which made them all look at the source of the sound only to freeze in place at the sight they saw

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They all blushed when they saw how cute and pretty you looked in the kimono and haori as Ginko was elegantly standing on your shoulder. You hummed and walked toward them, "I'm ready, where are we going?" You spoke up, but didn't get any reply as they all were stunned to speak. Especially Levi, poor demon had a very strong nosebleed.


You were surprised when you saw the town in front of you, it looked like those villages in the human world.

As you all walked, you saw Luke, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos, and Diavolo waiting for you by the entrance of the town. Once Luke saw you coming, he ran to you with a big happy smile on his face, "Y/N!!" He called, giving you a tight hug. You stumbled slightly, but managed to hold yourself, "I miss you so much!" Luke exclaimed as he looked up at you with big innocent eyes.

"What's his name again? What are we doing here? I can't remember." You thought as you blinked a few times, giving Luke a few head pats. Diavolo and the others approached you, "Hello Y/N! I should say you look very pretty today." Diavolo complimented and you stared up at him, giving him a nod with a small smile, "Thank you" You said, making Diavolo blush while smiling sheepishly. The demon brothers, Luke and Solomon frowned in jealousy while Barbatos and Simeon hid it behind a smile.

The red haired demon then saw the crow on your shoulder, "You brought Ginko too, that's great!" He exclaimed, petting her on the head. Mammon gave a huff in annoyance, "I don't know why this crow must come with us anyways." And that was his big mistake. Ginko turned to him as she was obviously pissed off of what he said, "DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT? CAW!" She flew towards him and attacked him.

"Somebody help me! Ah!! That hurts!" The greedy demon called for help, but nobody paid attention to him. Levi placed his hands on your shoulders and pushed you forward as he and the rest started to walk away, "He deserve this for being a scumbag." He mumbled, feeling satisfied that your crow gave him revenge.

As you all walked in, you saw the beautiful lights of the festival brightening the atmosphere. It wasn't that much crowded, but there was still people walking around. Mommon shortly follows after you, being all messy from the beating he received from the female crow while she flew above you all still a bit angry. Suddenly, Luke spoke up, "Simeon look! Golden fishes!" He exclaimed, pointing at the game of Goldfish Scooping. The older angel smiled and nodded, "Alright, let's try it." He said and went there with Luke.

You knew how to play this game, so you followed as well along with the rest. Luke was handed a poi which was a tool made of thin paper and a bowl. He looked around the fishes in amusement, "Whoa! There's a lot! Which one should I pick?" He asked, looking back at everyone. "Aren't they all the same?" Lucifer asked, eyeing the tank filled with fishes. The little angel frowned, "Nobody asked you!" He yelled with displeasure in his tone.

"Luke, be polite." Simeon calmly scolded which made Luke huff and focus back on the fishes. He tried several times to catch one fish, but unfortunately the poi broke and he can no longer catch any fishes. Luke pouted in sadness, "I really wanted a goldfish." He said with sadness. You felt sorry for him, so you decided to play, "I want to play too." You told the man who owns this game and he handed you a poi and bowl. Now everyone's attention was on you to see how you would catch the fish.

You kept on staring at the tank so you can choose which one you will catch. With one scoop, you had two fishes in the poi, "Yay! You caught two of them! You're amazing!" Luke exclaimed, cheering you on. You continued to catch fishes until your poi broke as well, but you had the bowl filled with so many fishes. The owner put the fishes in separated plastic bags and you decided to give everyone a fish as a gift from you, aside from Levi who refused to replace his precious goldfish Henry.

That was only the beginning, you still have a lot of games and activities to do with your friends.

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