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If you received this letter, please follow the simple map in the back. It will take you to our workplace.

We will be waiting.

That was the message you received with Ginko by the end of the school day. Apparently, Lucifer wanted you to go to where they work since you definitely forgot the way back to the House of Lamentation from school.

This was actually very clever of Lucifer.

The walk didn't take long and you found yourself stand in front the Bunny Café. You exchange stares with Ginko before opening the door. As it opened fully, you saw Lucifer just passing by, "Ah Y/N, welcome." He greeted you with a smile, but you just stared at him and how he was dressed.

"Nope, that's a sin." Was the only thing you said before turning on your heels to leave.

"Eh? Wait!"

Lucifer quickly grabbed your hand which made you turn around, "We have been waiting, you can't just leave." He told you and you turned around to face him, "Alright, what do you want me to do... What is your name again?" You tilted your head as you asked him. Lucifer sighed, "It's Lucifer. Anyway, let me explain how this place works." He started as he handed you a bag filled with carrots, "If you found a bunny that is to your liking, simply give him a carrot." He explained to you and you nodded, giving him a thumb up.


"I'm going to forget anyways."

After your conversation with Lucifer ended, you walked in only to see Mammon. You noticed that he was upset and since you forgot about the whole incident of your sword sell, you were oblivious to why was he angry. "Oh, it's you, huh? Haven't seen in ya in a while. What will it be?" He kind of greeted, clearly not hiding his anger. You blinked a few times before suddenly pointing at him, "Why are you mad?" You questioned with bored expression.

Mammon got startled by your question, but quickly denied the fact that he was upset, "Huh? Wh-What? I ain't mad or nothin'." You actually didn't believe him since it was pretty obvious.


Ginko shouted which irritated Mammon, "That crow!" Mammon thought.

"Mammon is upset because you hardly talk to him." You turned to Beel who decided to join your conversation then back to Mammon who was ready to object, "H-Hey! Knock it off! Like I'd ever be upset!" He exclaimed, but you read through his words and stuffed a carrot in his mouth, "Here. You will feel better." You stated as you took the greedy demon off guard. He blushed as he took the carrot, "Hmph, you think a carrot will make it better? I didn't even want it." He mumbled, the last of his sentence muffled by the carrot.

"Asmo told me rabbits get lonely easily and if you leave them too long, they'll die. I know that feeling all too well."

Beel who was explaining about rabbits stopped when he saw standing in front the bar, "Hi Beel." You said as you offered him a small smile. He smiled back and gave you a head pat, "Hi Y/N, wanna try a new drink I came up with?" He asked with adorable excitement.

You nodded your head, "Yes please." Being happy with your answer, Beel placed a cup with a small yellow umbrella in front of you, "It's called 'Devil Carrot Curry'. You know, because curry and drinks go hand-on-hand. Take a gulp. It goes down like a charm." You eyed the cup in front of you with curiosity before taking a gulp from it. Surprisingly, it was delicious so you found yourself downing it all. After you finished, you pulled out a carrot and gave it to the orange haired demon.

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