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A FEW MONTHS HAS PASSED PAINFULLY slow after you left Devildom

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A FEW MONTHS HAS PASSED PAINFULLY slow after you left Devildom. The demon brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos were missing you a lot. They tried to contact you, but something always goes wrong. Both Simeon and Luke were quiet and never really bothered to ask about you, it was as if they were hiding something from everyone. Solomon didn't contact either for some reason.

The demons have been recently feel kind of strange, something was definitely wrong with you. They couldn't rest or sleep as that weird feeling was bothering them. That's why they teleported to your world to see you and check on you.

Once they teleported to the human world, they were met with the beautiful sight of the forest and the sunlight seeping through the leaves. Diavolo took in a deep breath as a big smile formed on his lips, "Such a wonderful weather! Let's start our search for Y/N!" He excitingly said. Everyone nodded and decided to go after him until they found themselves in a village. They noticed how the people were working and wearing yukatas and kimonos. The people around them eyed the demons strange appearance and clothes, but none of them bothered to talk to them.

Lucifer noticed that Diavolo was looking around with slight panic, "My lord, do you know where Y/N lives exactly?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. Diavolo chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head, "Well, not really... Hehehe..." He stated which made Lucifer sigh in disappointment. The black haired male shook his head, "This means we are lost, how can we find her residence?" He questioned as he tried to think of a way to look for you. Just then...

"Oi! Isn't that the shady sorcerer?!" Mammon exclaimed as he pointed at the familiar white haired human walking in front of them. Asmo perked up when he heard this and looked where Mammon was pointing, "Oh yes! That's Solomon definitely! Hey Solomon!" He called which earned the human's attention. Solomon turned around and was surprised to see the demons in this place.

"Oh hi, what are you doing here?" Solomon said as he made his way toward them. "We could ask you the same thing." Satan said, crossing his arms. Solomon rolled his eyes as he knew he can't lie about anything, "I came to visit Y/N." He confessed which surprised the males around him. "Do you happen to know the place?" Barbatos asked, placing his hand on his chin. Solomon let out a sigh, "Tag along, I will lead the way." Saying that, he started to walk with everyone behind him.

It didn't take him long to take the demons the Demon Slayer HQ to ask about your whereabouts. Once they stepped inside, the saw a burgundy haired boy just exiting one of the houses. He noticed them and widened his eyes as the males made their way toward them.

Solomon gave the boy a friendly smile, "Hi there, we're looking for Y/N, do you know where to find her?" He asked as the boy kept on staring at them for a few moments. He nodded his head, "Yes I know, but may I ask how those demon survived? Their smell tells me they are demons." He asked as he looked at the demons. "What do you mean by that? Just take us to Player 2.0!" Levi exclaimed as he glared at the boy. Solomon quickly shushed him and faced the burgundy haired boy, "I'm sorry for this, but those demons aren't like the ones you fought. Please we're just looking for Y/N." He said, hoping that the boy would stop questioning them and lead them to you.

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