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IT HAS BEEN FIVE DAYS SINCE YOU got teleported to Devildom as a part of the Exchange Program. The demon brothers learned a few things about you in this short period. One of them and the most repeated thing was how you forget everything that was told to you. Even though Ginko explained your forgetfulness, they were still curious about how did you end up like this.

What caused you to forget everything even your name?

Lucifer asked you about it, but as usual he got the answer, "I forgot." He didn't question it any further and thought that you would open up in due time. He reminded himself to never let you go around Devildom without one of the brothers with you.

As for Mammon, the poor demon seemed to always be offended whenever you don't remember his name. He spent hours to teach you how to use your D.D.D which ended up with him storming out of your room in anger. It wasn't your fault that this thing was a bit complicated for you to understand. However, he was the most one to visit you in your room whenever he doesn't spot you downstairs.

"What is that?" You asked Mammon, pointing at one of the apps in your D.D.D. The white haired male facepalmed and growled lowly, "For the third time human, this is Devilgram!" He exclaimed, getting pissed off by your repeated question while you just hummed and looked back at the device. You both were sitting in the common room with him and Asmo who was painting his nails. "You need to be patient Mammon, this is all new to Y/N." Asmo spoke up, waving his hand slightly to dry the paint.

You tapped the app and suddenly found many pictures as you strolled down. You weren't going to lie, but this was impressive. You found a video of Mammon showing off different outfits and this got your curiosity, "How are you here and there in the same time?" You asked, grabbing Mammon's attention to you.

"Uh, that an old video."

"What's a... vido?"

Asmo laughed, "It's video, dear Y/N, not vido. It's just a bunch of moving old pictures." He simply explained to you and you let out a small 'oh' while trying to process the information, "By the way, why are you still wearing this plain uniform?" The peach haired male added. You looked down at your demon slayer uniform then back to him, "A lot of people died just to wear this plain uniform, so don't called like this." You remarked which made Asmo sweatdrop at your words, they sounded harsh for some reason. He quickly cleared his throat to clear the tension between you both, "I apologize for this, I didn't mean to insult your occupation." You didn't reply to him and just looked down at your D.D.D.

"Occupation? You have a job."

"I work as a demon slayer... I guess."

Mammon quickly went pale and moved away from you, "Lucifer made babysit a human who kills us?! Does he want me dead or something?!" He exclaimed, pointing his finger at you in a panicking manner. "The demons I kill are different from you, so don't worry. However, that doesn't mean I trust you all." Your statement didn't seem to sooth Mammon one bit, but at least he was assured that he won't be killed... yet. Lucifer did actually explain to you about how different they were from the demons you fight in the human realm, but you still needed time to trust them.

Asmodeus clapped his hands together, "Now now, let's calm down. Also, let's go shopping Y/N, you need some outfits!" Before you could answer, he pulled your hand and rushed out of the room.

"Oi, don't take the human away from me like this." Mammon yelled, chasing after you both.


You had just returned from the shopping spree with Asmo. You weren't bothered, but you never expected him to go to every shop and buy many things to you and HIM. He surely was like Mitsuri with his way of fangirling over anything he likes. You quickly took your stuff and went to your room. You sat on your bed and threw yourself back, staring at the ceiling, "I want mochi." You sat up again and looked at Ginko, "Come on, let go and make some mochi." You said as you held your hand out to your crow.

"Caw caw! Let's go! Caw!"

You went to the kitchen and started to look for the needed ingredients while trying to remember them with Ginko's help. Surprisingly, you found everything you needed and started making the sweet mochi. You rolled your sleeves up and started working with your crow. Being deep in work, you didn't see Beel who walked to the kitchen, "Huh? What are you making, Y/N?" You looked up at him for a moment then returned back to work.


Beel took a peek as you pounded the steamed rice strongly with your hands since they don't have the mallet to pound it, "That looks delicious." Beel said as his eyes twinkled in amazement. You hummed and nodded in agreement, "Yes, it is. You just need to wait..." You looked at him for a short moment before speaking up, "I forgot your name." Beel blinked a few time before smiling.

"It's Beel, don't forget it."

You nodded and returned to finish the mochi.

Time Skip:-
"Wow! This looks good!"

"What is this human food?"

"I wonder if it's edible."

"Well, isn't this interesting?"

"I want to have one."

"They are so cute!"

"Are you sure this is eatable?"

You watched as the seven brothers observed the plate filled with mochi along with the teaset. Lucifer looked at you as he pointed at the sweets, "What's this, Y/N?" He asked and suddenly you forgot what's called. However, Ginko was there to save you, "Caw! That's mochi! Caw! It's a traditional Japanese sweets! Caw!" She screamed and everyone turned back to the plate.

"Drink green tea with it, it makes more delicious." You spoke up, pouring tea in the cups. Everyone picked one piece of mochi and stared at it for a moment, except for Beel who ate it quickly without even taking another look at it. You weren't bothered and just picked up the cup, blowing the steam away. Eventually, the demons decided to take a bite and let's just say they didn't regret doing so.

"It's so fluffy when I eat it." Levi said and took another bite. "I can just sell these and get money for it." Mammon added, taking another mochi. Satan sighed and shook his head, "You always ruin good moments." You looked up and took one yourself, but before you could eat it, Beel talked to you, "Make this mochi everyday Y/N. It's delicious." He said as he stuffed another one in his mouth.

You nodded your head, "I don't mind..." You went quiet for a moment to remember then opened your mouth, "...Beel." All of the brothers looked at you with shock, aside from Beel who was happy that you remembered his name.

Slowly, the brothers started to warm up to you and you started to blend in with them. It was just a matter of time before you will be joining the school.

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