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TODAY YOU'RE GOING WITH DIAVOLO SOMEWHERE that was supposed to be a suprise

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TODAY YOU'RE GOING WITH DIAVOLO SOMEWHERE that was supposed to be a suprise. You stood in front of the brothers as they all were kinda unpleased in letting you go with their lord. You noticed that they became a bit overprotective, especially Mammon. He would mostly glare at any demon who would approach you or just whine about him being the one who took care of you and he had the priority to be with you.

After what happened to Levi that day when you, Beel, and Belphie went to play video games, he kept on dragging you to either watch him play or teach you how to play. He even gave you a nickname, Player 2.0. However, what was important to him was that you don't ever remember him wearing Ruri-chan dress. As for Satan, he helped you more in studying and writing your reports. Even thought he was the embodiment of wrath, Satan surprisingly very patient with you and your forgetfulness. He once offered you to be in the Anti-Lucifer League, but you refused since you didn't want any problems with anyone. He had to accept your opinion in the end or else he will have his head rolling on the floor.

Asmodeus was actually using you like a dress up doll. He would buy you various of clothes and accessories then forces you to try all of them on. He struggled in convincing you to put some makeup on which you didn't like. This ended up with Ginko screaming at him. Beel and Belphie were the ones mostly with you. Beel would nag at you to make him mochi while Belphie asks you to nap with him. Finally we come to Lucifer, he was acting more like an overprotective father who can't trust anyone around his daughter. Whenever he senses that you're uncomfortable with his brothers' behavior, he would order them to leave you while giving them a sharp glare. He made sure you would understand every lecture you get in school. Not to mention that he would check on you in class secretly.

The other exchange students would be spending time with at school. Luke would spoil you with pastries, Simeon would try to have conversations with you even about the smallest things, and Solomon would try to impress you with his magical powers which ended up with you being completely uninterested.

"Now remember this, Y/N. If you get lost, call anyone of us using your D.D.D. Understood?" Lucifer instructed while you nodded, knowing that you will eventually forget about this. The rest of the brothers decided to give their advices to you as will...

"Don't let him get too close to you!"

"I put a gaming device in your bag if you get bored."

"Don't let your outfit get ruined."

"Most importantly, stay safe."

"Eat a lot when you get hungry."

"Take a nap when possible."

As everyone told you what they have in mind, you just blinked at them with a blank expression, "Why are they telling me this? I'm going to forget anyways." You thought and just nodded your head. But then, something came to your mind... "Why are you telling me this? And where am I going?"

The seven brothers just facepalmed, realizing that you're going to forget everything.


Your mint green eyes sparkled as you stared at the clear blue sky and the fluffy clouds floating around. In front of you was what you thought was a huge lake. Diavolo smiled at your dazed expression and moved to stand beside you while Barbatos prepared the picnic site, "Do you like it, Y/N?" He asked which snapped you back to reality.

You stared at him and nodded, "Yes... There's... What are they called?" You said, pointing up at clouds. Diavolo laughed, knowing that you forgot what they are called, "These are clouds, Y/N. I know you like cloud-gazing, so I brought you to my private beach." He said, ruffling your hair.

"My lord, everything is prepared." Barbatos stated as you and Diavolo turned to see that everything was ready. Diavolo gently held your hand, "Come on Y/N, let's set down." You nodded as he guided you to the picnic blanket that had various types of food. Barbatos had already excused himself, leaving you and Diavolo alone.

The whole time, Diavolo was happily chatting while you would nod or just say a short reply to him. To say that he was happy was an underestimate, he was delighted that you were happy to see sun light after a long time of only seeing night. After finishing eating the food, it was now time to watch some clouds.

You both lied down on the blankets while gazing up. You pointed at one of the clouds, "That one looks like a cat... Or is that tiger?" You spoke up with uncertainty. Diavolo looked at the cloud you were pointing at and chuckled, "I believe it looks like a cat." He stated which made you nod in agreement.

"Yes... I think it's a cat."

Then everything went silent as you both watched the clouds in peacefulness. However, Diavolo still felt guilty about what he had done. He still couldn't accept that you went through that hell just to save your elder brother. It pained him that your mind refuses to make you remember your past and he understood why. He turned to look at you who was still looking up at the sky, "I'm sorry, Y/N..." He apologized out of blue.

"Why are you sorry?" You spoke up, not looking at him. Diavolo let out a sigh and placed his hands on his chest, "I... have invaded your privacy and looked up in your past." He honestly said, feeling ashamed of himself. You hummed and then closed your eyes, "Although it's unacceptable for someone to stick their nose in my business..." You harshly stated which made Diavolo mentally hiss while waiting for you to continue scolding him, "But I will let it pass since you meant no harm." You added and the demon prince let out a sigh of relief.

"I just have one question."

"Hm? And what would that be?"

You stayed quiet for a moment as Diavolo waited in anticipation for your question, "Was my past... happy?" As you asked, Diavolo's golden eyes widened in surprise as you looked at him with hope. Should he tell you the truth or just lie? For once he could see sparkles in your eyes. However, if he told you the truth, that hopeful sparkle will disappear. It's better if you discover it by yourself later when you regain your memory back, maybe then you can understand why he lied to you.

Diavolo smiled at you, "Yes, your past was filled with happiness." He said, half lying while you hummed and turned to look up at the sky, "I hope your future would always be filled with happiness." He thought, keeping his gaze at you. He could see innocent beauty and sheer purity in you. Even though you have an omnipresent rage within yourself, he was sure that you're a very nice and kind person deep down. He couldn't help but blush at the beautiful sight in front of him.

"That cloud looks weird, what is it?"

Hearing your voice, Diavolo snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at where you were pointing, "Hmm? I guess it looks like a bird." Both of you stayed like this, gazing at the clouds until you fell asleep, taking a short nap.

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