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ALL YOU DID WAS BLINKING AFTER LUCIFER explained what you were supposed to do in this place. This wasn't the only problem, he gave you a thing called D.D.D that looked like a phone as he said.

You don't know what's a phone, how could you know this D.D.D thingy?

You have already forgotten their names, so you just raised your hand up, "How can... use this thing?" You asked, having the same bored expression while blinking twice. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at you, "You don't know how to use a phone?" You shook your head no as a reply.

"We don't have "phone" in the Taisho era." You could hear a faint hum as a guy with blond hair approaching you, "It seems reasonable now, Taisho era is one of the ancient periods in Japan as I read in one of my books." You looked at him and nodded in agreement. Lucifer sighed and crossed his arms, "Y/N, this is Satan, Avatar of Wrath and fourth eldest. Don't be fooled by his appearance though. He might be the calm guy he is, but he is quite the opposite."

All you did was just staring at the three of them, "Why is he telling me this? I'm going to forget it anyway." You thought as your eyes turned to dots. Before anyone can say anything, a sudden shout was heard.


All of you looked at the source of voice and saw your Kasugai Crow flying toward you. You extended your arm out and she landed on it, "Caw! I'm glad you're fine Tokito san! Caw!" She said as you can see some sweat drops on her face. You smiled faintly and petted her head. "It seems we also brought your friend by mistake." Diavolo chuckled after he saw how you interacted with your crow.

Lucifer cleared his throat and proceeded to introduce the other two males with him, "Anyway, let's continue. This is Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust and fifth eldest." The male with light brown hair approached you, offering you a smile, "Hello there, you look really cute... after me of course." You tilted your head while your crow had an irk mark on her head.

"Caw! Tokito san is cuter than you and strong! Caw! Don't say this about her! Caw!"

Asmodeus was taken aback by your crow's outburst, but laughed nonetheless, "It doesn't matter." He said, shrugging off Ginko's words which irritated her.

"Quit fooling around, Asmodeus. Anyway, this is Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony and the youngest among us." Lucifer uttered, holding out his hand toward an orange haired male that was stuffing his mouth with food. He didn't say anything and just waved at you and you waved back.

"You will meet the rest later, but for now and since you're from an ancient era, you will have two weeks to learn how to use this device and anything that's unfamiliar with you." Diavolo spoke up and all you did was just stare at him only that he felt awkward. Lucifer's face became more serious as he gave you a warning, "You need to be careful around other demons, they might kill you just to get your soul." He warned, frowning his eyebrows.

You closed your eyes in careless manner and said, "I'm a demon slayer, demons do not scare me.... What was your name again?" You opened your mint green eyes, offering the black haired male a questioning look. Lucifer sweatdropped at your puzzlement, how can you forget his name like this? As if answering his question, Ginko spoke up, "Caw! Tokito san tends to forget everything! Caw! Especially names! Caw." The five demons looked at you with wide eyes while you just were staring out the window, finding the dark sky really interesting.

You were forgetting everything you know in just a few seconds! How can you be a demon slayer? That was the only thought crossed their minds.

Suddenly, the door bursted open, making everyone look at it. You saw a white haired male entering the room as a smug look was drawn on his face, "The great Mammon has finally arrived!" He chanted as he walked in. Something about him made you remember that boar headed boy with pretty face, but this one seemed to be a bit different. You noticed how the other five males deadpanned at him, especially Lucifer who was glaring daggers at the white haired guy known as Mammon.

"Took you long enough to arrive. Y/N, meet Mammon, Avatar of Greed and second eldest." Lucifer told you while rolling his eyes at his brother's stupid behavior.

"He is a jerk and scumbag, so don't trust him." Asmodeus whispered in your ear then moved away as Mammon approached you.

He eyed you up and down, but you didn't really care about what he was doing, "So this is the new human? She seems fragile." He mocked while leaning over to be in the same height as you. Your eyes twitched slightly and you unexpectedly flickered his forehead which made him move away while holding his forehead, "Ow! Why would ya do that?!" He exclaimed, glaring at you.

"I don't like your attitude... and don't call me fragile."

Your words seemed to satisfy the other males as they all smirked, Asmodeus even snickered at him. "She is a brat!" Mammon yelled again, pointing a finger at you.

Lucifer smirked, "A brat you will take care of during her stay home for two weeks before going to school." The white haired male appeared to be shocked by what he heard.


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