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Author Note:-
This chapter contains some manga spoilers of Muichiro's past. If you don't want to spoil the manga, don't read this chapter. You have been warned. The next chapter will be like seeing their reaction individually.

I hope you enjoy.

THE NECKLACE STARTED TO GLOW A BRIGHT golden light. It wasn't that bright to blind you, but you squinted your eyes to see what was happening. After the light dimmed, you looked into the necklace to see a man, a woman, and their child. Of course being the forgetful you're, you didn't recognize them at all.

 Of course being the forgetful you're, you didn't recognize them at all

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However, you felt like you know them... especially the child.

"Who... are they?" You spoke up, looking at everyone around you. Lucifer took a peek to see whom are you talking about. When he saw the mini photo, he recognized the child as you and the adults as your parents, "Those are your parents, Y/N and you're the child." He told you which made you look down at the necklace again, "My... family..." You mumbled as you kept on eyeing the child. For some reason, you felt that this child wasn't you at all. Something was wrong, how can't you remember them? Some flashbacks were coming to your mind, but you couldn't get what they represent. They were fuzzy.

After knowing that, you continued the party. However, you couldn't enjoy it anymore since your mind was drifting to the picture in the necklace. The party ended and you decided to call it a night. You went to your room and fell asleep because you were pretty tired, but the demons and the exchange students remained in the livingroom for further discussion.

Diavolo smiled at his friends, "Alright, now we see Y/N's past. Barbatos!" Diavolo cheerfully said as he called for his butler. Barbatos entered the room while dragging a what looked like a mirror, "What is this my lord?" Lucifer asked, eyeing the mirror suspiciously.

"My friends, this mirror is connected to the necklace that managed to get out Y/N's long lost memories. Now we will watch it through this magical mirror." Diavolo explained and none of the males uttered a word.

The mirror started glow, showing an image of a child wearing a sleeveless black yukata with mint green mist design on it. The child was sitting outside alone while trying to fix a what looked like a kite. Beel smiled and pointed out, "This is Y/N when she was young, but why is she angry?" He said, being confused as to why 'you' were angry. Belphie smiled as well, "It's probably because she couldn't fix the kite." He stated which assured Beel a bit.

"Both of you, shh!" Levi demanded as he tried to listen to what 'you' were saying. Just then...

"Onii-chan!! Onii-chan!!"

Another child similar to first one ran out of the small house. The second child was were a white sleeveless yukata with the same design, "What's it now Y/N?"

"Wait! That wasn't Y/N but her ELDER BROTHER?!" Mammon exclaimed as he pointed at the mirror, guessing from the voice that the first child was a male. Satan noticed the similarities between you and your brother, everything was the same as if looking at a reflection, "Not only her elder brother, her TWIN elder brother." Both Beel and Belphie looked at each other, "She has a... twin?" Belphie mumbled, holding into his pillow tightly. Lucifer let out a hum, "Then the child in the necklace wasn't Y/N. The child was the one wearing black in the picture." Everyone went quiet as they were unable to react.

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