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AFTER THE SCOOPING GAME, you all went to different parts of the town to see more of its beautiful sights

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AFTER THE SCOOPING GAME, you all went to different parts of the town to see more of its beautiful sights. You were then pulled by Asmodeus who took you to a traditional Japanese store that sells kimonos, accessories, and many more things.

The rest waited outside the store since it wasn't that big. Asmo's eyes sparkled as he saw the pretty stuff he can buy from this place, "Oh my Diavolo! Look at those beautiful fabrics! They will make me prettier than already am!" He exclaimed as he pulled the materials he needed. Then he turned to you and rushed there, "Come on Y/N~ I want to buy you some clothes too, ones that will make you look cute~" He chanted, grabbing your hand and pulling you to were the kimonos are. He grabbed one that had floral patterns and showed it to you, "What do you think of this one?" He said and you shook your head in disapproval.

"Too much flowers."

"This one?"

"The colors are bright."

"This one."

"It's so short."

Asmo let out a sigh as he found difficulty to satisfy your tastes in clothes, "I don't know what you like, Y/N!" He whined, but you ignored him and kept on eyeing the kimonos until you found a mint green colored kimono with mist patterns. Your eyes sparkled and pointed at the it, "This one." You stated which made Asmo look up with delight when he saw you finally choose one. He smiled big and took the kimono, "Alright then, let's buy them." He went to the cashier and paid for the clothes.

You both exited the store to see everyone waiting outside in boredom, "It took you so long to get your stuff!" Levi exclaimed since he was irritated that his brother took so long in the shop. Asmo huffed in annoyance and placed his hand on his hips, "Excuse me?! I had to pick the best materials for me plus it took me long to pick a kimono for Y/N." He protested, but Lucifer stepped in before a fight between the brothers start.

"Now you two, let's not fight. We're all here to enjoy our time." He said which made both demons just huff and turn away from each other. Mammon then perked up when he saw a stand that sells masks, "Hey let's get some masks!" He said, making you look at the place he talked about.

Without wasting anytime, you went there to buy a mask. Mammon stood beside you as you both eyed the masks. His eyes landed on a mask that was designed in mint green color. He picked it up and stared at it in anticipation, should he get you this one? For some reason it reminded him of you.

 He picked it up and stared at it in anticipation, should he get you this one? For some reason it reminded him of you

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Making up his mind he decided to buy you the mask as a special gift. Once he bought it, he turned to hand you the gift, but he stopped when he saw you holding a mask in front of his face, "O-Oi! What's that for?!" He exclaimed as he felt embarrassed. You removed the mask away and held it to him, "I'm giving you this and you better like it." You said, giving him a dangerous blank look.

Mammon's face paled and took the mask from you, "Y-Yeah, thanks..." He said and took as he blushed a deep shade of red. Then he handed you the mask he got for you, "H-Here, it's a gift from the great Mammon... Don't ya lose it! I don't buy things to anyone." He said, blushing in embarrassment. You gave him a small smile as you both put on the masks on the side of your heads. As you were about to leave the stand, a three colored dango was in front of you.

You looked up and saw Beel holding the dango while munching on another one, "Eat this Y/N, you're probably hungry." He said with his mouth filled with food. You took it from him and nodded, "Thank you Beel." He nodded his head as a reply and you continued your trip around the town. Just then...

"Huh?! The limited edition of Ruri-chan figurine is in this game!!! I want it!!"

Levi exclaimed as you saw him standing by the String Lottery game stoll. You went there and looked at the many strings that are connected to the gifts cautiously while Levi tried to get the figurine multiple times, but he failed. You went to the strings and held one, pulling it to see the gift you got. Surprisingly, you got Ruri-chan figurine. Levi gasped when he saw you holding your prize, "Whoa! You got me it! Thank you so much Y/N!!" He said as he was about to take the toy from you, but you stopped him and moved it away.

"It's not yours, it's mine." With that you walked away and left him behind.

You were going to give it to him, but not now. Hopefully you don't forget about it. He begged you and whined for you to give it to him, but you ignored him. For the rest of the day, you did so many other things with your friends. You played with the kites with Belphegor who ended up sleeping shortly later. You fly lanterns with Lucifer and played with some sparklers with Diavolo with Barbatos watching over you both of course. You even played shooting game with Solomon to see who is the best in shooting which was you of course. And many more things you did with them.

Now, all of you were waiting for the fireworks to begin. You sat between Simeon and Luke while staring up at the sky. After a few moments, the fireworks began and you all oh-ed at the beautiful colors exploding in the sky.

"Whoa! This is beautiful!" Asmo exclaimed as he watched the show with admiration. "I believe they did a good job in this final show, it's exactly like the ones in the human world." Solomon spoke up as he smiled with pride. Luke who was bewildered by the beauty in front of him spoke up, "Why don't we have this in the Celestial Realm, Simeon?" He asked which made Simeon chuckle, "It's because it's always daytime there and you won't be able to see them more clearly like now." He explained which made Luke let out a small oh and turn to watch the fireworks.

Suddenly, Simeon felt a light weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw you fast asleep as you snorted softly with Ginko resting on your lap. He smiled gently at how adorable you looked while sleeping, "She slept..." He said which resulted in the rest to look at you and awe at your cuteness.

"A year had passed rather quickly, who would of thought her departure day would come this fast." Diavolo said as a sad smile tugged on his lips. Everyone suddenly became sad, they got used to you being around them. It would feel strange once you leave Devildom, but they hoped you got the best experience here with them. Lucifer let out a sigh and shook his head, "This is the rules my lord. Let's just hope she doesn't forget about us." He stated as they all turned to continue watching the fireworks.

However, Barbatos kept his gaze at you. He had a look of concern on his face, "I hope what would happen next won't take away your life... I wish you survive, Y/N..."

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