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ANOTHER BORING DAY AT SCHOOL, NOTHING interesting happening. Well, aside from Beel who was following you like a lost puppy. He was holding into your skirt as if you will disappear if he let go. You didn't mind it, but you were just curious.

This started ever since you woke up this morning. The brothers were acting strange as if they had done something bad. They kept on insisting on you to eat breakfast because it's an "important" meal. Belphie even suggested you to stay with him and take a nap of course without Lucifer knowing about this; however, you refused because you wanted to go to school. The strange behavior of course didn't go unnoticed by your jealous crow. She knew they had done something that might upset you and she is ready to give them a piece of her mind if they made angry or sad.

Anyhow... back to what is happening right now.

You turned around to look at Beel who flinched when he saw your emotionless mint green eyes, "Why are you following me like this?" You asked with monotonous voice. The orange haired male looked away from you as he blushed lightly, "Um... Nothing in particular... Say Y/N, do you wanna go to Hell's Kitchen after school?" He quickly changed the topic, hoping that you would forget about your question. You blinked a few times then nodded, "Okay, I will go with Beel." You said, making the gluttonous demon sigh in relief, but he smiled after that.

"Alright, I will come to your class after school."


Time skip:-
School day has ended and stayed seated in your desk, waiting for Beel to come and take you with him. Truth to be told, Beel was your favorite. You liked him a lot because he was so adorable and innocent. He always asks about you all the time. Plus he and Luke are the only ones Ginko had accepted as trustworthy to be around.

You like Beel's company, you can consider him precious to your heart.

Your train of thoughts was interrupted when you heard the door open. You gaze went there and you saw Beel entering the classroom while waving happily, "Sorry for being late." He apologized and you shook your head as you stood up, "It's alright... Um why are you here?" You asked with puzzlement which made Beel let out a small laugh.

"We are going to Hell's Kitchen, remember?"

"Hell's Kitchen? What's that?"

"You will know once we arrive. Come on, I'm hungry!"

With that, Beel grabbed your hand and started to jog his way out of the school. To be honest, Beel didn't want anyone to be with you in this time, even Belphie. He just wants to be selfish this time and have a... date with you. Because of his speed-walk, you couldn't even get to see around Devildom in your small journey.

Once you both arrived, you both took a seat in one of the tables, "What would you like to eat Y/N?" Beel asked and you pondered what food do you want. You shrugged your shoulders, "Anything is fine." Was your reply which made Beel nod his head, "Okay, wait here."

He quickly left you to order some food. You sat alone, eyeing the place around you. It was quite different from the food shops you went to with Shinobu and Mitsuri. There wasn't mush people in the hall with you which give it the peaceful silence. Maybe you can rest your mind since the school was a bit too noisy today. Shortly later, Beel came with a lot of food. He placed them on the table and sat across from you, "Go on, Y/N. Eat as much as you want." He said and started to eat. You blinked a few times before you digged in, eating only the amount your stomach needed.

Beel did his best to entertain you with a small conversations every now and then. Right now, he was telling you a story of how Belphie and Satan pranked Lucifer by messing his alarm clock. As you heard him, you couldn't help but think that he was adorable. You let out a small giggle that made Beel stop talking and look at you with amazement, your giggle was so cute and barely noticeable. Beel found himself staring at you as a blush crept up his cheeks, "C-Cute..." He said as if he was suffering a heart attack.

"Are you alright? Your face is red."

At your question, Beel snapped back to reality. He noticed that you were looking at him with confusion. Beel laughed nervously, "It's really nothing, I'm fine. Just eat up okay." He said as he handed you a sandwich to distract you.

You stared at him for a moment then took the sandwich from him, taking a bite.


After finishing your meal, you and Beel walked through the streets of Devildom. You really missed laying on the grass and watch the clouds, but there's no daytime here and you can barely see clouds this time. However, you can go star gazing, right?

You tugged into Beel uniform to get his attention which actually worked, "Can we go somewhere quiet and watch stars?" You requested and the demon started to think of a place where you can watch the stars.

It then clicked...

Beel snapped his fingers as he got an idea, "Let's go to the park." He offered and you both went there.

You sat on the bench with Beel and your head immediately went up, staring at the twinkling stars up in the dark sky. They looked so calming and pretty, like shiny pearls hanged in the air. You then pointed up at one of the stars, "That one is shining more than the others." You spoke up out of blue, making Beel look at where you were pointing. He smiled and nodded, "Yup, it shines brightly... like Y/N." He said, mumbling the last part to himself.

You didn't hear him because you were distracted by the stars. The male couldn't take his eyes off of you, "Do I like Y/N? I must aske Belphie about this... I feel kinda weird whenever I'm with her..." He thought as he averted his gaze up to the stars.

"Thank you, Beel."

"Huh? For what?"

"For taking me out."

Beel smiled and nodded, "No problem."

Some time later, Beel felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw you already asleep on his shoulder, you must be very tired.

Beel blushed but smiled gently, "Goodnight, Y/N." He said and decided to stay like this for a while to enjoy the silence with you.


Author Note:-
Thank you all for reading this book and thank you for making this story reach over 100K reads. Here a fanart from one of the readers of this book, thank you for the beautiful artwork!❤❤

 Here a fanart from one of the readers of this book, thank you for the beautiful artwork!❤❤

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Credits goes to DarkShadowsBestbird

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