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TODAY YOU WERE BEING DRAGGED BY BEEL to Levi's room. He told you that he was going to play video games with Belphie and Levi and assured you that you were going to have fun.

Once you arrived to the room, Beel knocked three times to see if Levi was there or not, "Levi, you in there? I'm coming in." Beel announced and opened the door, but it was suddenly slammed shut while hitting his face. You looked at him as he hissed in pain, "Are you alright?" You asked and he nodded his head as a reply, "Don't worry, it's nothing."

"W-Wait a second!" You heard Levi scream from the other side. You and Beel shared a questioning look, "Huh? Something up?" The gluttonous demon asked.

"Um... Ah... So, I was just Ruri Hana-ing..."

You tilted your head to the side since you didn't understand what he was saying, "Ruri... Hana-ing?... What is that? Why are we here again?" You thought as an imaginary question mark floated above your head. Eventually, you and Beel had to wait for a few moments since Beel was impatient. He opened the door and walked in with you following him like a lost puppy. You saw that Levi jumped into his tub like bed and covered himself. You didn't bother to listen to what the two brothers were talking about as you kept on looking around the room. It was the first time you enter Levi's room and it was kind of impressive, aside from some books thrown here and there.

You picked one and opened it, "A book filled with images? The words are lesser than the images." You thought, skimming through the pictures with awe. Just then, you felt two hands on your shoulders which made you look up only to see Belphie. You didn't notice him coming since you were distracted by the book in your hands, "You seem interested in this book, eh Y/N?" He spoke up, offering you a lazy smile. You blinked a few time and then nodded, "Yes, we don't have this kind of books in my world." You replied, closing the book and placed it back where you found it.

He took your hand in his and pointed at where Beel was sitting, "Come on, let's play some video games." As you nodded your head, the slothful male dragged you to sit beside him.

"... I say we play this RPG." Beel had already picked a game while Levi sweatdropped, "That's the definition of a single-player game." He stated, but nobody seemed to listen to him. "I hope we can do a good job cheering him on, right Y/N?" You snapped out of your daze and looked at Belphie, "Huh? What are we doing here?" You asked, already forgetting why you were in this room.

"We will cheer for Beel." Was the only thing Belphie said and you nodded in agreement. Levi looked at you with a deadpanned look, "You agreed to be a cheerleader easily." He told you, but all you did was jusy shrugging your shoulders. You turned to the screen as you just kept on staring at it with blank expression, "But Levi, isn't Bad Devil Slayer your favorite game at the moment?" Beel asked and this boosted Levi's pride as he was showing off how he finished all of the levels with ease. Eventually, Beel decided to play Levi's save which almost gave the envious demon a heart attack.

"So, what? I choose the weapon I want?" As Beel asked this, you perked up, "Nichirin blades are good weapons." You suggested making Beel look through the menu of weapons, "No, they don't have it, Y/N." All you did was just blink a few time and nod your head. You kept on watching the game with boredom because you felt so. Whenever Belphie decides to cheer on, you just raise your arm up in down with the same blank look.

As the game progresses, you noticed that Beel was losing motivation, "This is already over." He said with hopelessness.

"Are you giving up?" He turned to you, noticing the tone of your voice was a bit harsh, but your face still had that emotionless look, "You dare and call yourself one of the powerful demons while you easily gave up? So disappointing. You should never surrender like this, you're not weak." You calmly said just to encourage him. However, the three males felt as if you're not the one talking. You haven't shown any aggression or mean attitudes, you were mostly spacing off ro just nod your head.

They felt like the one was speaking to them was... Yuichiro.

"She is right! Never say never!..." Levi started, but you blocked his words as your eyes caught glimpses of a golden fish in the wall-like tank. You ran to it and gently tapped your finger on the glass, "Fishy fish..." You trailed off as you watched in awe how the fish swam in front of you. Suddenly, you were pulled back to your place by Belphie. You gave him a puzzled look as if asking him why, "Levi is going to play, let's cheer him on." You made an 'oh' sound and nodded.

All of you focused on the screen, not noticing the dress Levi was wearing. That was until Beel pointed it out, "Hold up... There's something we should take care of before the boss. What are you wearing?"

"What? Right..."

Everyone went quiet as you three stared at Levi with confusion.


➢Beel intentionally brought you with him to play video games with him.

➢Belphie tagged along when he knew you're going to play as well.

➢You felt really bad when Beel got hit on the face.

➢You actually didn't understand this video game thingy.

➢You didn't mean to be harsh on Beel.

➢Belphie thought you looked adorable when you were looking at the book.

➢Levi was ashamed that you saw him wearing a dress.

➢You thought it looked cute on him.

➢Levi had to make sure you forget about this.

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