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YOU AND BEEL STOOD IN FRONT of Lucifer to tell him about the picnic invitation you received from Luke. The little angel connected Beel to bring you and join the picnic since Luke was slightly fond of the gluttonous demon. Thus, they have to bring so much food for Beel. When Beel told you, you decided to make some mochi to bring with you to the picnic.

"Is that so..." Lucifer trailed while thinking about the possibilities of you being out. All you did was gaze around the luxurious office Lucifer had, "Why am I here? It has something to do with going out... Oh well, it doesn't matter." You thought, completely ignoring the conversation between the two brothers. "I promise to look after her, Lucifer. You know Y/N forgets a lot, so someone has to take her." Beel reasoned, trying to convince his elder brother.

Lucifer sighed and nodded his head, "Alright, but you must keep a watchful eye on Y/N. I don't want her to get lost." He stated in a warning manner. Beel smiled and excitedly nodded his head, "You can count on me!" He then turned to you and grabbed your hand, "Come on Y/N, let's go." You stared up at the orange haired male and tilted your head as a question mark appeared above your head, "Where to?" Was your simple question.

"I will tell on the way." He said that and dragged you out of the office after chanting out, "Thanks Lucifer!"

Time Skip:-
You and Beel made it to the park where the picnic took place in, looking for both angels and a human. You have Ginko following you right above you since she was flying. The crow couldn't allow you to go alone with your demonic friend. You were wearing your demon slayer uniform and decided to bring your sword with you since you still don't trust Mammon.

"Beel, where are we going?" You asked, earning a sigh from Beel.

"It's the tenth time you ask me, Y/N. We're going to meet Luke and the others."

You let out an 'oh' sound and a slight nod, feeling sorry that you were asking the same question over and over. From the distance, you can see three people sitting under a tree, "There they are!" Beel exclaimed and started to run, pulling you along with him. The three exchange students saw you and waved their hands, "Y/N!" Luke exclaimed and ran toward you, giving you a tight hug.

You looked down at him and blinked a few times, "Moshi moshi..." You trailed off, trying to remember his name, but obviously you failed. Luke looked up at you and pouted, "You forgot my name again, right?" He asked you, crossing his arms and stomping his foot down.

"Yes." You bluntly replied, earning a chuckle from Simeon, "Luke, you knew Y/N forgets, so it's nothing new." He gently stated with his usual soft smile. Solomon sweatdropped, "You must really find a way to remember the names at least." He addressed you.

"Caw! Stop insulting Tokito san! Caw!" Solomon flinched when he heard the sound of your Kasugai crow.

Ginko landed on your shoulder and glared at Solomon for a moment, "Caw! Hello! Caw!" She loudly greeted as Luke mentally squealed, "Hello Ginko chan! I'm happy to see you too!" The crow slightly blushed and quickly hid behind your long black hair. You ignored her sudden shy action and lifted up the mochi box, "I made some mochi." You informed in a monotonous voice.

You all sat down on the blanket and started to eat and chat. You opened the box and everyone gawked when they saw the beautifully colored mochi, "This looks fluffy." Simeon said, picking up a green one. "It's so delicious and sweet!" Luke exclaimed after taking the first bite of the blue mochi. Solomon nodded, stuffing his mouth with mochi, "I have to agree, it's so tasty!" He said, acting like Beel for some reason.

"Y/N makes the best mochi, she once made it and all of my brothers like it." Beel proudly expressed as he picked up the fifth mochi. You all continued to eat and chat, having so much fun during your time. Luke offered you a pie that he made by himself and you couldn't deny the fact that it was so delicious, he is so talented for a young boy.

"Y/N, if you don't mind, can I braid your hair?" Simeon ever so politically asked.

You kept on looking at him for a few seconds then nodded your head, "Okay." The brown haired male smiled and came behind you. "Thank you, Y/N." You just shrugged your shoulders as he started to braid your hair. Solomon noticed the sword you were holding close to you and pointed at it, "Y/N, why do you have a sword with you?" You looked at him then your eyes trailed to the sword attached to your waist, "I forgot." You stated, making Solomon fall upside down.

Beel quickly gulped the food in his mouth and decided to reply in your place, "Mammon sold her sword once and since then she doesn't trust to keep it home." He explained, earning a few 'oh's from the others. Luke huffed, "That's so rude of him to take Y/N's stuff without permission!"

"He is the avatar of greed, so this's nothing new to him." Simeon added, chuckling afterwards, "Alright, I'm done!" As Simeon announced, everyone's eyes looked at you with a blush creeping up their faces since you looked so cute with two hair locks framing your face and a long braid hanging on your shoulder. Ginko landed in front of as sparkles twinkled in her eyes, "Tokito san is so cute! Caw!"

And everyone seemed to agree with her.


You and Beel were on your way back to the House of Lamentation, walking side by side. You have removed the braid since you felt a bit uncomfortable with your hair being tied like that. You were holding the sleeping Ginko  in your arms, she was pretty tired that she slept after a few minutes of your arrival.

There was silence between you both, but Beel decided to break it, "Did you have fun today, Y/N?" He asked, snapping you out of your daze. You hummed quietly, "You can say that, it was enjoyable." You uttered calmly and decided to ask about something else, "Beel, how does it feel to have siblings?" You asked out of blue, making Beel confused as to why did you asked this specific question.

He thought about it for a moment to find a good answer to your question, "It can be chaotic, but nonetheless it's not bad at all. I care about them all, especially Belphie." He honestly answered, making you look down to process the information. Beel noticed your quietness, "Y/N, do you have siblings?" It was his turn to ask.

You went silent for a second, "I... really don't know. I want to remember, but my mind refuses to do so." A hint of sadness was evident in your voice. Beel suddenly stopped, making you move a few steps ahead of him, but stopped to look up at the sky, "If I really used to have a sibling, I wish they didn't regret being my sibling because..." You turned around, surprising Beel with your soft smile.

" You turned around, surprising Beel with your soft smile

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"... I really fear not being a good sibling to them and I only want for them to be happy and safe." You finished. In your smile, Beel felt sadness emitting from it. Only one thought came across his mind, "What happened to you, Y/N? Why are you sad deep inside?"

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