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YOU FOUND YOURSELF BEING DRAGGED BY the white haired male to god knows where. You didn't know if the others know or not, but meh, who cares. It was the end of the school day, so you were free to go home. However, Solomon suddenly appeared and grabbed your hand, telling you that he wants to take you to some place named Purgatory Hall.

"Umm... What's your name again?"

"It's Solomon, Y/N. I'm surprised you forgot it."

"It doesn't matter. Why are you taking me to... uh... I forgot."

Solomon stopped and turned to you, "You forget so quickly..." He paused to sigh and rub his eyes, "... We're going to the Purgatory Hall because I want you to meet two of my friends and don't worry, I already told Lucifer and he agreed." You blinked two times then nodded your head.

"Caw! I'm coming too! Caw!"

Ginko appeared out of nowhere and landed on your shoulder, glaring at white haired sorcerer. Solomon stared at the talking crow, "You... know this crow?" He sweatdropped as he pointed at the mad crow. You nodded your head and gave Ginko a head pat, "Yes, she is my friend. Her name is... Um... Introduce yourself." You said, completely forgetting the name of your mission partner.

"Caw! I'm Ginko! Caw! The Kasugai crow of Tokito san! Caw!"

"Uh... It's nice to meet you, I guess. I'm Solomon by the way, a human like Y/N."

"Caw! I don't care! Caw!"






In the House of Lamentation...

The door to your room opened very quietly as a certain greedy demon peeked inside to check if you were in your room or not. He smirked when he didn't see you, so he stepped in and closed the door.

"Okay now, I need to find that precious sword and leave as fast as possible." Mammon mumbled as he rubbed his palms against each other. He searched everywhere for your Nichirin blade, but couldn't find it at all. He sighed as placed one hand on his hip while the other scratching the back of his head, "Where can she hide it?" He mumbled to himself, trying to remember the places he didn't search in. His eyes then trailed to your bed and he raised an eyebrow, "She wouldn't be that dumb to hide it there, right?" He went to the bed and crouched down, lifting the covers up to see under your bed.

Mammon's eyes twinkled as he saw the Nichirin blade placed there. He grabbed it and stood up, holding your sword high up, "I guess she is a dumb! This thing will make me the richest demon ever!!!" With that, Mammon sneaked out of your room to hide the sword in his room.






You stood in front of two males, one with tan skin, brown hair, and soft blue eyes. The other was a little boy that looked younger than you, he has blond hair and blue eyes as well, but he was looking a bit grumpy.

You waved your hand in greetings, "Ohayo, my name is... What was my name again?" You started, but stopped to remember your name.  Solomon sighed and decided to introduce you instead, "Her name is Y/N Tokito, she is from the human world and forgets a lot. Y/N, meet Simeon and Luke. They both exchange students and angels."

"Why is he telling me this if he knows that I will forget?" You thought as you kept your bored expression.

The one known as Simeon smiled at you softly, "It's very nice to meet you, miss Y/N. I hope we get to be friends." You were mesmerized by his way of talking that you just nodded and didn't know how to reply. Your eyes then trailed to the little boy and you approached him, bending down a bit since he was shorter than you, "Do you want to be friends, shortie?" Luke scoffed at the nickname you gave him.

"I'm not short!!!"

Simeon laughed at the way you both interacted with each other, "It's better than chihuahua though." He said, earning a glare from the little boy. He suddenly felt light taps on his head and looked to see you petting his head, "Cute..." Was the only thing you said to make Luke blush a deep shade of red. Both of the angels then noticed the crow standing on your shoulder, "Is that your pet, miss Y/N." Simeon asked, pointing at Ginko.

"Huh? Oh, yes she is and please no formalities. I hate them."

"Caw! I'm pleasured to meet you! Caw! My name is Ginko! Caw!"

Luke and Simeon's eyes widened in surprise when they heard her talk, "Simeon, you heard that?! The crow just spoke up!!" Luke said as he pointed at the crow while looking at her in amazement. Simeon nodded as his expression turned back to the soft smile, "It seems Y/N has so much hidden up in her sleeves I believe." He said and chuckled afterward. You extended your arm toward Luke and Ginko landed on it, "You can pet her, she likes it." You said and Luke looked a bit hesitant. He looked at Simeon and the said angel nodded.

Luke slowly placed his hand on Ginko's head, petting her gently, "Wow, she actually enjoys it." Luke thought as he saw how the female crow leaned against his hand. Solomon scoffed and crossed his arms, "Ginko was all the time glaring at me and now she is acting all friendly toward you both, why?!" He objected only to get the same glare from the Kasugai crow.

"Alright everyone, let have some tea and chat more, shall we?" Simeon suggested and you nodded.

Time Skip:-
After long time of chit-chating with the angels, it was time for you to return home. Surprisingly, your relationship with Luke got better since you both share somethings in common. He actually told you that he wanted to be your friend and know more about you, but you didn't bring yourself to tell him about your bloody occupation because you didn't want to ruin his innocence. Simeon already warmed up to you, he was gentle and kind. To be honest, he reminded you of Oyakata sama a lot.

When you returned home, you informed Lucifer of your return and went directly to your room since you had dinner in the Purgatory Hall. You placed the sleeping Ginko on your bed and was about to prepare yourself to sleep; however, you started to feel something off. There was a faint presence of a demon around your room. You thought that maybe someone was hiding in your room without the acknowledgement of the brothers. Following your instincts, you went to your bed to get the sword, but... it was gone...

Your eyes widened in shook as sweat appeared on your face, "My Nichirin blade... who took it?..."


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