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YOU AND THE BROTHERS FOLLOWED AFTER LUCIFER through the hall of RAD for your long waited sword training. You were finally able to put on your demon slayer uniform and carry your Nichirin blade with you. Since you were right behind Lucifer, the rest of the brothers were able to see the kanji word on your uniform's back which means...


For some reason, they felt terrified because of that word. They know that you're a demon slayer, but they never you that you're a high ranked one. That explanation will be left later to Ginko who was on your shoulder since you forget everything. The brothers insisted to see your training and you didn't mind at all, let's just hope they don't pass out from fear because you were incredibly strong.

You all reached the Colosseum in RAD that was prepared specially for your training. You could see different types of dummies for training, they were made of stones as you requested plus you wanted them to be in different sizes and mostly bigger that you. They were actually made very will that they looked like statues.

"Alright Y/N, you can start now." Lucifer said, holding his hand toward the training arena. You looked at him with confusion and tilted your head, "Start what?" The dark haired male sighed, knowing that you did forgot about this.

"Your training as requested, Y/N. We made you those training figures out of the most solid stones in Devildom."

"Oh, I remember now. But, can you make them move?"

Your question took Lucifer off guard, "Wouldn't this be dangerous for you to fight something five times your size?" Satan spoke up, earning your attention. Your mint green eyes started directly at his green ones, "I know what I'm capable of." Satan went quiet after your semi-harsh reply. You then turned to Lucifer who was still thinking, "So, can you?" You asked again, waiting unenthusiastically for the answer. The male sighed and nodded, "Very well, I will grant your request." He said, using his abilities to make the dummies move.

The brothers sat in audience's seats to watch you, Ginko landing on Satan's shoulder. "After I snap my fingers, they will start attacking." Lucifer instructed and you just nodded, gripping your sword.


One of the big dummies launched at you, slamming its large hand down at you, "Ahh, is she okay?!" Asmo asked, getting worried about you. The dust cleared and surprisingly you weren't there, "Huh? Where did she go?" Mammon asked, looking around for you. The first to notice you was Levi, "She is up there!!" They all looked where Levi was pointing, seeing you still in midair, "H-How?" They all thought, aside from Belphie who fell asleep in the very beginning.

"Mist Breathing: Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist."

You mumbled as you unleashed eight forward slashes with each one on top of the other in extremely quick succession, cutting the dummy into pieces. You landed down gracefully and saw three other ones running your way, "Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze." You dashed forward in high speed, sending several slashes from your sword that ended the dummies' short lives. There wasn't much left which actually displeased you, but what else can you do?

"First Form: Low Clouds, Distant."

Meanwhile with the brothers...

The six demon brothers watched in shock how you easily handled the stone dummies without even caring about risking your life. The first one to speak was Levi, "L-Lucifer, are you sure those things are made of the hardest stones in Devildom?" He asked with a stutter, pointing a shaky finger at the dummies. Lucifer snapped out of his shock and quickly composed himself, "Y-Yes, I'm certain of that." He confirmed, mentally facepalming because of the stutter.

"The human is a beast!" Mammon exclaimed, placing his hands on his head.

"Go go, Y/N!" Everyone turned to see Belphie awake while cheering for you, obviously enjoying himself. Satan then decided to speak up his question, "How strong is Y/N?" He heard a chuckle from Ginko which made everyone look at her.

"Caw, Tokito san is the thrid strongest Hashira! Caw!" She proudly said. Since they didn't know what the Hashira is, they decided to ask and the one to ask was Beel, "What's a... Hashira?" He asked while trying to pronounce the unfamiliar word.

"The Hashira is the highest rank in the Demon Slayer Corps! Caw! Tokito san got it in a very young age after slaying over 40 demons! Caw!"


"Yes! Caw!"

They all turned back to you, seeing that you almost finished your training without breaking into sweat. Asmo laughed nervously while holding his neck, "Remind me not to mess with Y/N ever." They all nodded in agreement as a terrified aura surrounded them. Even Belphie was afraid after what he heard, "I will cancel my plan of killing Y/N..."

Back to you...

You placed your sword back in its sheath after you finished the last stone dummy. You turned around and saw the demon brothers looking pale, "Are they okay?" You thought as Ginko flew to you. You held out your hand and she landed on it, "Caw! Great job, Tokito san! Caw!" She praised you, earning a head pat from you as a reward.

Time Skip:-
After the brothers calmed down and gathered themselves, you all made your way back to the House of Lamentation.

"You were so cool Y/N! It was like an anime fighting scenes! Like that anime where the he-..."

"No one wants to know, Levi. Y/N is tried to listen to your blubbering about anime." Satan cut him off with an eye roll. Levi huffed, but decided not to argue back. Asmo made walked beside you, "Can you be my bodyguard, Y/N? There might be people who want to ruin my beauty." You didn't stare at him, but reply anyway, "Really? That would be too bad." You monotonously said, sarcasm dripping from your tongue.

"I must say I was impressed by your fighting style and training with dummies bigger than you." Lucifer confessed as he smiled. You nodded your head and said, "My job requires from me to work out." You replied, making Beel curious, "What kind of work out you do?" You gave a small thought.

"I think over 500 sword swings everyday and training in places with low amount of oxygen." You answered, making everyone gasp.

Belphie frowned after hearing your answer, "That's tiring."

"I manage."

You and the brothers kept on talking and chatting about your training routine, not noticing the rapacious eyes of the greedy demon who was staring at the Nichirin blade, "That sword will be worth a lot." Mammon thought, setting a plan to steal your sword without your acknowledgement.

He didn't know that a raging storm was coming to him and this storm is Tokito Y/N.

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