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YOU WERE SEATED IN YOUR ASSIGNED CLASSROOM, waiting for the teacher to come and explain the lecture. Lucifer made sure to escort you there since he knew you wouldn't know your way around the school. He also instructed you to remain in the class until he or one of his brothers come to fetch you. He did in fact take you in tour around the school, but you were mostly zoning out which resulted in Lucifer taking you straight to the class.

You sat alone while gazing outside the window, watching the dark sky and twinkling stars. "Why is it still dark again?" You thought while blinking a few times.

"So you're the new exchange student, huh?" You snapped out of your thoughts and turned around to see a male with white hair about to sit beside you. You didn't reply and just kept on looking at him which made him feel a bit awkward. The male cleared his throat and offered his hand for a handshake, "My name is Solomon, and you're?" He introduced himself as you held his hand. You hummed for a bit, "I'm Tokito Y/N... I think." You uttered calmly, pulling your hand away. All Solomon did was looking at you with a little bit of puzzlement, "I think?" He felt weird that you were uncertain of your name.

He shook the thought off and decided to strike a conversation with you, "I believe it's your first day, correct?" He asked you again and you nodded, "Yes, I have been here for..." You trailed off, trying to remember how long were you in Devildom, "I don't remember." You shrugged while looking at him with dotted eyes. Solomon's figure turned chibi as he stared you while sweatdropped, "Why is she so careless like that?" He questioned himself while still looking at you.

"You're not a demon, right?" You suddenly spoke up, catching Solomon off guard. "Y-You are right, but how did you know?" He was confused about this. He didn't say he was a human, but you managed to know just by a mere look. You closed your eyes and turned away from him.

"Your aura is that of a human... It's good that I'm not the only one."

Before your new friend can say anything, the teacher entered the class. Everyone went silent as the teacher tapped on the table, "Alright students, let's start the lecture." He stated, but you didn't care about him at all.

Time Skip:-
The classes ended rather quickly when you were mostly dozing off. Solomon stood up and looked at you, "Aren't you leaving? It's lunchtime." You shook your head as an answer then said, "I have to wait here for... I can't remember his name." You placed a finger on your chin, trying to remember the name of the black haired demon.

Solomon chuckled and sat down again, "You mean Lucifer? Well, it wouldn't harm if I stay with you until he arrives. I don't like the cafeteria anyway, it's too noisy." You hummed, playing with the pencil in your hand. You both remained in the classroom, chatting every now and then.

"You're a demon slayer? I read about their organization, but I never thought it existed." Solomon thoughtfully said, secretly gawking at you. You nodded and looked at him, "And you? Do you have work or are you just a student?" It was your turn to ask, earning a laugh from the white haired guy. His laughter died down yet was still smiling, "I'm a sorcerer and I study magic." You made an 'oh' sound, finding something a bit interesting. There wasn't sorcerers in the Taisho era which was pretty amusing for a human to use magic.

"That's... interesting..."

You both kept on talking, you trying to remember your adventures and mission. As you both enjoyed your time, the door opened and you saw three unfamiliar demons walk in with smug looks. You felt they were up to no good, so you kept your guards up. "Well well well, if it isn't the humans." The leader of them said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. You frowned slightly in displeasure. In occasions like this you can just use your Nichirin blade to decapitate demons like them, but noooo. Lucifer had to make you leave it in your room.

"Look at this human! This is the new exchange student! She looks like an idiot!" He laughed out loud while you started to get irritated, the others joined him in laughing. Solomon stood up and pushed the leader away, "Leave from here." He threatened, glaring at them. The leader stopped laughing and grabbed the white haired boy by the collar, "You better shut up you shady sorcerer or yo-..." He was suddenly cut off by a fist collided with his face. You punched the demon while having the blank look.

 You punched the demon while having the blank look

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"What the hell?!"

The demon said while holding his cheek, but stopped when he saw the shadow on your face, "You're annoying..." You trailed off, cracking your hands to prepare yourself for the fight.


Lucifer made his way to your class along with Diavolo. He completely forgot about you and thought you were probably still waiting in the class alone. "I'm sure she is fine, Lucifer. No need to rush." Diavolo said as he tried to assure his bestfriend. Lucifer sighed but didn't stop walking, "Pardon my rush, my lord. However, Y/N is my responsibility in the school and it was very careless of me to forget about her." He politely explained as he went around the corner, your class coming to his view. Diavolo laughed lightly, "I'm sure she is alright, Y/N is not an easy human." He said as Lucifer opened the door to your class.

As they walked in, Lucifer spoke up, "Y/N, it's time to-..." He stopped mid-sentence as he saw you and Solomon still in the classroom. The poor white haired human was trying hardly to hold you back while you were giving kicks to the three whining demons on the floor. Lucifer stood there frozen while Diavolo smiled nervously.

"I told you, she is not an easy one."


Author Note:-
Hi everyone!!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I want to thank you all for making this book reach +10K in just a short while. I appreciate it so much and it inspires me to write more. Feel free to request anything you like, but please if you want something about Obey Me events, do explain it to me because I'm no longer able to play the game. I'm opening them to show my gratitude to you guys. Again, thank you all.


Until we meet again.

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