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THE DAY HAD FINALLY ARRIVED, the day you will leave Devildom to return to the human world and back to your duty as a Hashira

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THE DAY HAD FINALLY ARRIVED, the day you will leave Devildom to return to the human world and back to your duty as a Hashira. Everyone was sad that you were leaving, especially Luke, Beel, and Mammon. These three got used to you so much and they will miss you so much.

Right now, you were finishing your final report to hand it to Lucifer as requested from you since your arrival to Devildom. You were trying to remember other things you experienced in RAD, but your mind failed you. Thus, you decided to write what you felt when you stayed in this place and how everyone was treating you. You knew Lucifer won't blame for this since you have a memory problem and he is secretly scared of you, you might decapitate him if he showed dissatisfaction about your report.

After finishing your writing, you let out a sigh. Ginko landed on the desk beside you, "Caw! Tokito san, prepare yourself! Caw! We will be late! Caw!" She exclaimed and you nodded, standing up from the chair and moving to pack the gifts you received from your friends.

Meanwhile, everyone was waiting for you down stairs in the common room. They all had sad looks on their faces and were quiet, none of them wanted to break this silence... Well, not Luke who was sniffing lowly, "Simeon, why must she leave? She will just forget about us." He said, clenching his fists tightly. The other angel sighed then smiled, placing his hand on Luke's head, "She have to, Luke. Don't forget she has a duty to fulfill, so you can't be selfish about this." He gently said, giving the boy a small smile.

"It's true that she will forget about us though." Satan spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest. At this time, Mammon started to panic mentally, "What can we do? She won't remember any of us!" He exclaimed as the others realized the situation. They all started to think of a way so you can remember them.

"We can give her something special from everyone." Solomon spoke up, but none of the others agreed to his suggestion. "We need something to give her right now, we will take forever to find something." Belphie told him, letting out a yawn afterward.

"Let's make something like a small poster that has all of our signatures." Barbatos suggested which made everyone perk up. Diavolo grinned in happiness, "Great thinking, Barbatos! Like this she will remember us through our names!" He exclaimed as he clapped his hands in delight. "Wait here! I have the great materials for this!" Levi stated, rushing to his room to grab everything he needed.

Back to you...

You finished putting everything in a small suitcase and wore your demon slayer uniform, placing your sword in the white belt around your waist. Ginko landed on your shoulder as you left your room. You turned around to get one last glance at your room, "For once, I wish I could keep all of those memories..." You thought and turned around, leaving the room behind. You made your way to the common room where everyone is waiting for you. Once you stepped into the room, you saw everyone circling around something.

Tilting your head to the side, you stared at them for a moment, "What are you doing?" You asked which made everyone move quickly from each other, giving you a nervous smile. Asmo was the first one to speak, "It's nothing important, hehe! We assure you!" He said with a nervous laugh and you didn't believe him, but didn't question it anyway. You went toward Lucifer and held out the report, "Here, the report you want from me." You monotonously said as Lucifer took the papers from you. He gave you a small smile and nodded, "Thank you, I hope your stay here was to your liking." He said as he placed the report away for now.

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