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YOU FOLLOWED AFTER MAMMON WHO WAS grumbling most of the time. Ginko was resting on your shoulder as she was glaring daggers at the white haired demon. You were calmly following, not really caring about the demon mumbling incoherent words.

You wanted to call him, but like usual you forgot his name, "Hey, where are we going?" You spoke up without calling his name. Mammon looked at you over his shoulder and glared at you, "We're goin' to the House of Lamentation where ya will live. Also, I have a name and you know that." He replied with irritation at your very bold way of questioning him.

"I forgot it."

At your words, Mammon froze in place and turned around to look at you, "What?! You forgot my name?! It's Mammon and Lucifer made it clear who am I!" He exclaimed while you kept on staring at him with that blank expression. You tilted your head to the side as an imaginary question mark appeared on your head, "Who is that... Lucifer?" You asked again, making Mammon fall upside down.

"You forgot who's Lucifer too?!" He quickly stood up and grabbed your shoulders, making Ginko to fly and land on your head. You didn't reply and just shrugged your shoulders, "She forgets fast. At this rate, she might've forgotten almost everything!" Mammon thought to himself, staring at your emotionless mint green eyes.

Silence loomed around you both as Mammon was puzzled by your quick forgetfulness.

You both arrived at the House of Lamentation that looked, in your point of view, a lot different than any normal house you saw back in your home. You kept on following after the demon while observing your surroundings. The house looked way different and bright from the inside that you felt a bit dizzy. You shook your head, your hair swaying gently with your movements.

"Too much light..." You thought as you kept on following after the make up a set of stairs until you stood in front of a door. He opened it and moved aside, "This is your room." He said in boredom. You walked in and analyzed your room, it was different from your old room.

 You walked in and analyzed your room, it was different from your old room

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"Alright human, enjoy your room! See ya later." Mammon waved and started to leave. However, he felt a strong grip on his wrist which made him look back. His eyes widened as he saw you standing there while holding his wrist in your iron grip, "H-How did she got here so fast?!" He thought as he looked at you with shock, "You were told to look after me, I believe." You told him, tightening your grip around his wrist. Mammon tried to free his hand, but to no avail, "O-Oi human! Let go of me!" He demanded angrily, but you were unfazed by his orders.

"What's with the commotion here?"

"You're too loud Mammon."

Two voices that belonged to males spoke up from behind you which made you look back. You saw one with purple hair and orange eyes and another one with dark blue hair with white tips and purplish-pink eyes. The purple haired guy looked at you, "Is that the new exchange student?" He asked as he and the other male approached you.

Mammon nodded, finally managing to free his hand after you loosened your grasp. He can definitely see a red mark around his wrist, "Yes, that's her... Whatever her name is." He said, blowing on his wrist. The one with dark blue hair eyed you then opened his mouth, "What's your name?" He asked and you gave it a small thought, but ended up shrugging your shoulders.

"I forgot."

"Caw! Her name is Tokito Y/N! You can call her Y/N! Caw!" Your crow exclaimed as it landed on your shoulder. You nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, that's my name... I guess." You told them. The three of them stood there, only staring at you as three imaginary dots appeared behind them. They really were surprised that you forgot your name.

"You're a weird normie." The purple haired male said. Mammon sighed and crossed his arms, "This is Leviathan, third eldest and Avatar of Envy and this one is Belphegor, Avatar of Sloth. The youngest and Beelzebub's twin." He introduced briefly. The word twin suddenly clicked something in your mind, you felt a really familiar sensation from it. Like you know someone dear to you with the term of twin. You shook your head and grabbed Mammon's wrist again.

"It's nice meeting you. Now, I need to go." With that, you pulled him into your room and closed the door behind you.


You sat in the dining room with the seven brother, staring down at the unfamiliar type of food while the others ate normally.

You managed to force Mammon in teaching you how to use the D.D.D and thankfully you managed to understand how that thing worked. It wasn't that hard, you just need to get used to it.

"Y/N, why don't you eat?"

You heard Lucifer speak to you and you raised your head up, "I don't like how this food looks like... it's... strange and how do you use this thing?" You muttered, pointing at the plate in front of you and held the fork in your hand, "I want Yakitori." You added, frowning cutely.

"That sounds delicious." Beel who was sitting next to you spoke up which made you look up at him and nod, "Yes, it's made of... I don't remember." You told him, scratching your cheek with your finger.

The only thing the brothers thought of was, "Does she have amnesia?"

Lucifer cleared his throat to gain your attention, "I konw it's not like the food in your home, but give it a try, Y/N. It's not bad. Beel, show her how to hold the fork." The said male rolled his eyes at his brother and turned to you, "You hold it like this." He sais, fixing your hand position so that you were holding the item more properly. You stabbed the meat in your plate and took a bite from it. Your eyes widened slightly as the new flavors dance on your tongue. Surprisingly, it was delicious. "What do you think?" Lucifer spoke up as he anticipated your reaction.

"It's... delicious." You said, stuffing another piece of meat in your mouth. Lucifer sighed in relief, knowing that you were satisfied. For once, he didn't want to mistreat a person who works as a demon slayer.


Author Note:-
Hi everyone, thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.
Anyway, unfortunately, the last update of obey me doesn't match with my phone version, so I'm going to use the short episodes that are published. That's really so saddening because I really wanted to play this game. Another thing, all of the brothers will be here in this story. That's all of now.

Be safe and amazing.

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