Tea Party

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Tw- Fluff (Michael can fully speak english with a few speaking mistakes)

*Tubbo's pov*

It was a nice Saturday afternoon with white snowflakes gently falling from the sky, me and Ranboo were peacefully cuddling on the couch, just enjoying each others presents.


I hum, telling him to continue.

"You promised to have a tea party with me today" Michael huffed.

"Oh, sorry buddy" I said, feeling bad that I forgot.

I carefully got out of my sleeping husbands arms and took Michael's hand and let Michael lead the way.

We went to Michael's room, which had a little plastic table with some chairs in the middle.

"Come on Bee!" Michael started to tug on my arm, I reluctantly went into the room and went to the table.


Michael ran out of the room and quickly came back with something in his hands, he shoved the thing in my hands, it was a white piece of fabric.

I looked at Michael confused.

"Come on bee! Go put it on!" He said excitedly.

I sighed and smiled and left towards the bathroom and got dressed.

I sighed and smiled, but also I was confused, how did Michael find this? I straighted out my dress, the exact same dress that I wore at my wedding (ooo Tubbo in a dress, was this an excuse to do that? No but I wanted to put him one, also here is the dress-

I sighed and smiled, but also I was confused, how did Michael find this? I straighted out my dress, the exact same dress that I wore at my wedding (ooo Tubbo in a dress, was this an excuse to do that? No but I wanted to put him one, also here is t...

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I quickly went back to Michael's room.

He gasped and ran up to me, giving me a huge hug.

"So very pretty!"

I giggled and smiled.

"Thanks Michael, how did you even find this?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Back in the closet!" He yelled and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the little table and chairs.

I sat down same with Michael, there were a few stuff animals at the table that, we all had a tea cup in front of us.

Michael held up a tea pot.

"Would you like some tea my lady?" Michael said with a large smile.

"Yes I would kind sir" I said, returning his smile.

After while of having our tea party, Michael asked if we could have a dance and I agreed to it, so here I was, bent down to Michael's level, slowly dancing to some slow dancing music, which I turned on, Michael just had a wide bright smile on his face the entire time.

"I never thought I would see you in that dress again"


I turned around to see Ranboo leaned against the door frame.

My flushed a deep red and let go of Michael, he went to go play with some of his stuff animals while I went up to Ranboo, my dress trailing behind.

"You still look beautiful in that dress" Ranboo said, grabbing onto my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Can I have this dance HoneyBee?"

My face went a bright red and nodded.

So here was the entire family dancing, it started as a simple tea party with me and Michael to the whole family dancing in my sons bedroom.

It felt amazing as we dance, with my dress slowly swaying as we danced, Ranboo bent down and I went onto my tip toes and our lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss.

We broke a few moments later and continued to dance, with Michael on Ranboo's toes.

"I love you HoneyBee"

"I love you too Sunflower"

It was truly an amazing moment that we will all remember.
589 Words.

Hey guys, I hope you like this.

Also thank you for the nice comments on my A/N, I am feeling much better now, but I will update when ever I can or when ever im not stressed.

Again thank you.

That's all.

I love you all, bye!💕

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