The Ender Prince meets The Starborne Prince

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Tw- None.

Origin Smp.

*Third person*

When the Ender Prince heard there was a new person on the smp, they didn't really mind, but when they got word he was a Prince, they had to do something about it.

"Ugh, Im the only Prince on the smp! No one else!" The Ender mumbled, mostly to themselves, as they quickly walked around the smp. They spotted their bumblebee and walked over to him.

"Bumblebee, my love, do you know where this other... eh prince is" Ranboo said, with a hint of disgust in their voice.

"Oh! Hi my Prince! Your looking for... What's his name... Sparklez or something but I believe he's with Scott" Tubbo said with a bright smile.

"Thanks love, i'll talk to you later, ok?" Ranboo said with a smile, showing their sharp pointed teeth.

"Yeah, see you later darling!" Tubbo buzzed, and gave Ranboo a short but loving kiss.

"Bye Darling! See you later" Tubbo smiled, after he broke from the kiss and flew away with the brightest smile on his face, which made Ranboo smile, and they went in their way to find Scott, which didn't take very long since Scott and Sparklez were just showing off their powers and just talking kinda loudly.

Scott was the one who noticed Ranboo coming up to them.

"Oh, hey Ranboo" Scott said, a small smile on his lips, as much as people don't like Ranboo, people still respected them.

"Hey Scott, I heard there was a new person" Ranboo said, a forced smile on their lips.

"Uh yeah, this is CaptainSparklez" Scott said, gesturing to the man next to him, he wore all red, kinda like a robe, kinda like Phil's, but just very very formal, he had red sparkles all around him, shining bright, much more then Scott's, and a pare of sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

"Hi, nice to meet you, im CaptainSparklez, the Prince of all StarBorne" Sparkez said, smiling, showing his pearly white teeth, and sticking his hand out for the ender to shake.

"Ranboo, The Ender Prince" Ranboo said, hesitantly shaking his hand.

"Oh, I didn't know there was more Royalty on this planet" Sparklez said.

"Yeah- the only other royal here" Ranboo said through gritted teeth.

"So do you rule this place or-"

"Uh no, I came from a different planet that can accessed from a portal that the pea- people here can make, I just kinda stuck here" The ender said, trying not to use the word peasant, they didn't want Scott to be upset and then tell others, because then Tubbo would be upset, they promised their bumblebee to do better and not be all spoiled and rude to others.

"Fascinating, what planet are you from?" The Starborne asks.

"The End" Ranboo said blandly.

"Oh, I've heard of your kind, the Endermen, normally really kind unless provoked, but also very greedy, and spoiled at times" Sparklez explained.

"I see it's not only Ranboo to be greedy in their speices" Scott scoffed.

"Hey! I told you im getting better" Ranboo said crossing their arms.

"Ugh, yeah, this is Ranboo, spoiled, greedy and won't take 'no' as a answer, they get what they want, and doesn't care about anybody who gets in their way" Scott said, yeah he definitely doesn't like Ranboo because of their greedy ways.

"I said Im changing my ways" Ranboo growled.

"Oh, do you guys not have a good relationship or something" Sparklez said, stepping back, feeling awkward from the angry tension from the two.

"Yeah, you can say that" Scott said, having to crank his head up to look at the ender.

The sudden sound of buzzing with filled in the air.

"Oh look, a bee" Sparklez said.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Tubbo asks.

"Oh just meeting CaptainSparkez over there" Ranboo said, not breaking eye contact with Scott.

"Oh hi Captain!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Hi bee" Captain said, Ranboo broke eye contact, not liking someone else calling their Tubbo bee. Ranboo let out a protective growl.

"Don't call him that" Ranboo said lowly.

"Hey, don't get all protective over me" Tubbo said.

"But I don't like it when some calls you that, that's not me" Ranboo said.

"Fair" Tubbo said.

"Uh, what's all this is about?" Sparklez said confused out of his mind.

"These two are the lovebirds of the smp, so don't mind them if they start making out or something" Scott said, slight disgust in his voice, he's not being homophobic, he's just sick of watching the two being all lovey dovey with each other.

"Oh, ok then" Sparklez said, rubbing his shoulder, feeling a little uncomfortable and single.

The two's faces heated up in embarrassment, not exactly happy that Scott was saying stuff like that.

"Ugh, we're just going to leave, we'll see you later, im still not happy that other Prince is here" The Ender said, walking away, muttering some more.

"Sorry about them, Im guessing they don't like that someone else is royalty" Tubbo said with a frown.

"So don't take it personally if they insults you or something" Tubbo continued, he waved a goodbye and flew over to Ranboo.

Sparklez scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.

"They really don't like me"

"Yeah get used to it, their normally like that Tubbo but they are trying to get better, plus Tubbo doesn't like it when they acts all spoiled and rude to people" Scott said.

Scott may not like Ranboo or their selfish ways, but he's glade that the bee is changing the spoiled prince, maybe CaptainSparklez will teach the young prince a thing or two about things, but you never know what the future holds.

950 Words

This was a cool thing to write.

And I had to do something with the new stuff in Origins.

I think that Ranboo wouldn't like that a new Prince was joining the smp so they just acts like a jerk to him, even though Sparklez just ignores it and still acts all nice and clueless towards all that stuff.

But I hope it was good.

Have a good day/night!

Love you, bye!💕

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