Love blinded by red

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Tw- Blood, death

"Butler!" Sir Billiam III yelled and the butler quickly appeared and bowed.

"Very good butler, maybe i'll let you eat this week, anyways, I would like you to show this new butler how we do things" Billiam said gesturing to the boy next to him and the butler nodded bowed and motioned for the boy to follow them but he didn't move.

"Go on boy, follow the butler" Billiam said but the boy just crossed his arms and looked away, pissing the rich pigman off.

"I said follow the butler" Billiam said, grabbing the boys chin to make him look at him.

"Or I won't give you food for 2 weeks" Billiam said lowly, and he let go of the blondes chin harshly.

"Why don't you speak to tell me why you aren't following my orders" Billiam said, it's so unlike him to say that but Billiam wanted to here his lame excuse.

"Because I don't want to work for a shit person like you" The boys said and spit in Billiam's face.

Billiam grabbed the boys hair and pulled it up, tugging on it.

"Don't disrespect me boy" Billiam growled, and threw him to the ground, and wiped his face.

"Butler take this boy and don't come back until he's dressed and ready, especially for tonight for the masquerade" Billiam said brushing his shoulders off lightly.

The butler nodded and bowed and  went up to the blonde, helped him up and took him to the butlers room.

"Sooo what's your name?" The blonde asked, rubbing his shoulder.

The butler didn't speak.

"You can talk you know"

The butler just shook his head and continued to walk until he got to a room and went in.

"Soo you gonna talk? Or no?" The blonde asked, curious.

"Im not aloud to talk, I was worried Sir Billiam would hear" The butler said quietly.

"Oh, so you got a name?"

"Sir Billiam said I don't have one because im poor, so I guess my name is just butler" He said, grabbing clothes for the shorter.

"So you just don't have a name?"

"Nope, now change into this" The butler quickly shoved the clothes into the blondes arms and went out of the room so he could get changed.

The blonde quickly got changed and called out to the brunette and they quickly came into the room.

"Let me fix your hair, Sir Billiam wanted you to to look all nice for tonight" He said, and went behind the blonde, starting to braid the long hair.

"The names Tubbo"

"Don't get used to that name, your gonna be refered to as butler by Sir Billiam"

"I know, I just wanted to say" Tubbo said.

"... You can call me Ranbutler or just Ran, also this might be how Sir Billiam will differentiate us, just saying a bit of our name infront of butler or he will just call you butler #2 or something" Ran said, continuing to braid the hair of the shorter.

"Oh... Im guessing he doesn't treat you well?"

"Well of course not, the only purpose I have is to serve him, im poor and he's rich, he owns me" Ran said.

"There, done, let's go see Sir Billiam" Ran continued and walked out of the room with Tubbo following behind as they went to find Billiam.

"Ah I see you have gotten the other butler ready" Billiam said clapping his hands when he saw the two, and ran nodded and bowed.

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