The Powers Out? Oh god. (Fluffuary)

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Tw: Nothing really, I guess.

Au: TWACH!Beeduo

*Third person*

It was a peaceful, Wednesday night between the two young adults, they were both sitting on the floor across from each other, coffee table inbetween them. They were playing a board game, it was Candy Land, while a movie played in the background.

Tubbo started to warm up more and more to the thief, somehow trusting them more and more as they stayed together.

"It's your turn Tubs" Ranboo said, right after moving their character, knowing that Tubbo probably got distracted, and they were correct, as Tubbo whipped his head around looking at the game instead of the t.v.

"Oh. Alright then.... Two red" He muttered grabbing a card, reading it, and moving his character two spaces. Ranboo was way in the lead, almost to the end, he was about to grab another card before the lights went out, with a huge crack of thunder.

"Ugh! Really!? I was just about to win!?" Ranboo scolded to the dark room, huffing.

God was it dark in the room, you couldn't see anything infront of you.

Tubbo frowned, aftering being with Ranboo for along while, he developed a fear for being in the dark, it scared him, not knowing where anyone was.... Where Ranboo was. To say the least he was still slightly scared of them, I mean who wouldn't!?

I went silent for a moment. Tubbo curled in on himself, scared.

"R-Ranboo?" He mustered up the best he could.... No response and that terrified the younger, he was waiting for something to happen now.

A big roar of thunder was heard, making Tubbo jump and tears build up.

"R-Ranboo, this isn't funny" Tubbo said, frowning more, where did they go?

Suddenly arms where around him, scaring him to death, Tubbo was sure his soul left his body.

He started to freak out, not wanting to die this young.

"Sh, sh, sh, shhhhh. It's ok and be quiet" Ranboo's voice... it was soft, soothing even. He felt feather light kisses on his neck, making him shiver.

"Ranboo... Stop it" Tubbo said quietly. "This wasn't one of your ideas to do something.... Was it?" He continued, his voice went softer.

"No, no it wasn't, and sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean it" He replied back, giving Tubbo's neck another soft kiss.

"Markus, stop with the kissing" Tubbo said, rubbing his arm, hoping the power will durn back on soon.

"Oh~ Using my real name are we~" Ranboo said, gently tracing Tubbo's back with his fingers. "I kinda like that, don't you Toby~"

Tubbo visibly gaged as Ranboo laughed.

"Ugh, gross, don't ever do that again" Tubbo said, disgusted at the man behind him.

"Im sorry, that was to funny!" Ranboo said between laughs, and just like that the lights were back on.

"Huh, the lights are back on I guess"

The table was a mess, probably because of Ranboo when he moved around to get to him, but all in all, they messed up the board, having them to restart the game.

"I hate you sometimes" Tubbo huffed.

"I love you too" Ranboo replied, hugging the boy, it sounded genuine, and Tubbo's heart fluttered with love and happiness, making him smile.

Good things always come into the light after the dark.

546 Words.

First oneshot of Fluffuary is done!

I hope it was ok, it's my first time doing writing prompts for fanfics, but I think I did good.

It wasn't all fluff, but like what more do we expect from these two-

Anyways, Please vote for the next au for the next chapter please!

Reference the pic up top to have a feel of what the next au should be!

(Yes I will do D/Osmp)

That's all, have a good day/night!

Love you, bye!💕

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