Love between two worlds (pt. 1)

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This oneshot is based on a movie called Avatar, it's very good, and I recommend you watch it, it's on Disney+ if you want to watch it, ok, enjoy :) also completely original au, I don't think most of you heard of the movie so, I say this is completely original. Also, im very excited for the sequel to come out this Dec!

*Third person*

Ranboo got off the ship with their face mask on, that produces oxygen so the humans could breath, the planet Pandora doesn't have breathable air for humans, unlike for the natives who live and populate the planet, the Na'vi, those are the people who roam the planet, their extremely tall, 2x taller then humans, and their weird unnatural blue skin is what makes them so unique with their tails and long ponytails that helps them bond with some of the creatures, just like everything else on the planet.

Humans were coming to Pandora for science, or well some were, some were coming for a special geode called  the Unobtanium, which is 20 million dollars per kilogram, that's what most people are here for, others, who knows.

Ranboo quickly made it inside the main base, being careful of the giant vehicles going by, some with giant arrows in the tires (and I mean huge)

Ranboo went inside, taking the mask off when the air vault opened, letting Ranboo breath the semi fresh air.

They walked around, being greeted by soldiers that walked by and scientist.

"Aw, hello, my name is Dr. Max, you must be Mx. Beloved, correct?" He asked, shaking their hand.

"Yes, that's me, lovely to meet you!" Ranboo replied with a cheerful smile.

"Great, follow me! Your Na'vi is ready" Dr. Max said, walking away, with Ranboo following him, they went to a lab, Ranboo looked around at all the amazing things around the lab, from all the tech that they were using.

"Here it is Mx. Beloved" Dr. Max said, showing me a giant tube that held their Na'vi.

The Na'vi has part of the person's DNA, so it would perfectly link up to host that was controlling the Na'vi, but they were designed to look like them and held DNA of them.

"You will be able to test it out tomorrow" Dr. Max said with a smile.

Ranboo looked to the next test tube, that held another Na'vi, Ranboo noticed that it was a little smaller then their own.

"Why is mine bigger?" Ranboo asked, touching the glass that held their Na'vi.

"Well it seems that your DNA has affected a little bit of the height of yours, but I guess that makes yours more special" Dr. Max explained, chuckling at the end, looking at his paper work.

Ranboo said their goodbyes and walked out of the lab and off to a meeting he had to go to, where they had to explain some more about the planet and that natives.

Pretty much after a boring day, they did a quick video log, colleting data on what they did that day, since they would have to do that everyday.

Ranboo went to their bunck, got changed and did all the stuff they needed to do and went to bed, excited for the next to come.


Ranboo's alarm went off, they groaned, turned around and turned it off, waking up, it was around 7am, not to bad of a time to wake up, They got out of bed, got changed, ate breakfast and left towards the lab, excitement going through their body.

As he arrived, he greeted people they passed by and went to Dr. Max who was working on some paper work at his desk.

"Morning Dr. Max" Ranboo said with a bright smile.

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