Forbbiden love (part 2)

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Tw- A little heated again because I have no idea what im doing-

*Third person*

Tubbo looked back to the voice, only to see Tommy, he must have left the den to find him.

"Tubbo what the fuck!"

"Eh! Tommy! It's not what it looks like!" Tubbo quickly let Ranboo go, who was still in shock by the way.

"What do you mean 'not what it looks like'! Your fucking making out with a vampire!" Tommy yelled.


Ranboo walked up and Tommy pulled Tubbo behind him.

"Stay away bitch" Tommy growled.

"Tom Tom stop-"

"Tubbo shut up!" Tommy barked at Tubbo and went back to looking at Ranboo, who was giving Tommy a death glare and if looks could kill Tommy would be dead standing.

Tubbo was not happy with the way Tommy was acting, Tommy has always acted like he was the alpha but in reality he's second in charge, a beta in the pack, and it's like he forgets that his best friend, his brother was the alpha.

Tubbo could hear the growl from Tommy, he was pissed, really pissed, so Tubbo took about it himself.

"Tommy" Tubbo said sternly.

"Not now Tubbo!"

Tubbo grabbed Tommy's shirt and pulled him back so he was against the wall.

"Tommy!" Tubbo shouted, he was so done with him.

"You don't boss me around. Did you forget your place" Tubbo growled.


"No Tommy! I can protect myself!" Tubbo yelled but Tommy didn't back down.

"No Tubbo! You listen to me, you need me to protect you, your just a small omega who needs protecting!" Tommy yelled, but that only infuriated Tubbo.

"Who the fuck do you think you are! Forgetting who your alpha is! Did you seriously fucking forget I was your alpha!" Tubbo yelled in Tommy's face who looked down in embarrassment.

"Tubbo im sor-"

"Shut up Tommy!" Tubbo snarled, his sharp canines showing, making Tommy whimper and cower in fear.

Tubbo was beyond angry at Tommy, he just couldn't believe that own friend would just forget about his rank.

"Please Tubbo im sorry!" Tommy said.

"Darling calm down" Ranboo whispered in Tubbo's ear, calming Tubbo down immediately.

The two can see Tommy gag.

"That's fucking disgusting man" Tommy said disgusted.

Tubbo gave Tommy a glare.

"Well get use to it" Tubbo said.

Ranboo bent down and started to kiss Tubbo's neck, not caring that Tommy was there.

"Please just get that blood sucker away from you" Tommy said hating seeing the sight infront of him.


"Because it's fucking gross!" Tommy said, sticking his tongue out.

Tubbo opened his mouth to say something but got cut off when he felt a gentle soft bite on his neck, so he immediately covered his mouth.

"Ewwww fucking stop that!" Tommy whined, but Ranboo didn't stop, Ranboo's eyes shifted and locked with Tommy's, Tommy could see the smirk in his eyes and Ranboo went to another part of Tubbo's neck and bit down.

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