Spoiled Prince with their BumbleBee

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*Third person*

A tall Enderman roamed around the land of Origin smp.

The Enderman wasn't liked by many of the smp because of their selfish ways, demanding of things, making rude or sarcastic remarks, the only one that seems to like them was Tubbo.

Ranboo looked up at the Pub seeming to glare at it since it was over a fucking lake, like who ever thought of doing that is on the hate list for Ranboo.

"RANBOO!!!!" A happy scream yelled, Ranboo turned over to look at the voice to see Tubbo.

Most of the time Ranboo would just roll their eyes, snicker and tell them to go away but with Tubbo it was different, they likes to tend to his needs and wants, to make him happy and smile.

"Hey Tubbo" Ranboo said showing a small smile.

"How are you Boo?" Tubbo asked with a big bright smile..

"Im doing fine, you Bo?" He asked.

"Amazing! I found this amazing flower field! Want to come with me!?" Tubbo said all hyper, with big puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, anything for you" Ranboo smiled, and they started to walk with Tubbo, making small talk, or well it was Tubbo ranting on and on about lot's things and Ranboo just listened.

The two made it to the field and Tubbo started to fly around the flowers with a giant smile plastered on his face.

"Come on Boo!" Ranboo playfully rolled their eyes with a smile and walked over to where Tubbo was.

Tubbo hovered above Ranboo with his arms down to Ranboo, wanting to hold their hands which Ranboo happily agreed to.

Tubbo started to fly higher, wanting Ranboo to fly with him.

"Bo no"

Tubbo pouted.

"Whhhhyyyyy" Tubbo whined.

"I don't like using my wings, plus I haven't used them in years" They said, making Tubbo pout more and made the most adorable puppy eyes Ranboo has ever seen, making them blush a dark purple.

"I-I fine" They said, unfolding their wings.

Tubbo smiled and the two hovered a few feet above the ground looking each other in the eyes, well the best they could since Ranboo covers his eyes.

Ranboo would never admit it out loud but Tubbo looked beautiful in the sun, he just looked absolutely gorgeous to Ranboo.

"Hey Bo?" Tubbo asked, wrapping his arms around Ranboo's shoulders, the two leaning in.

The Ender hummed.

"You know, your very handsome right now" He said.

"Oh so im not always handsome?" They asked teasingly.

"No, your always handsome" He said.

Tubbo wanted to kiss their lips so badly but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Ranboo wrapped their arms around Tubbo's waist, pulling him in.

"You know, since you think im so handsome why don't you give me a kiss" Ranboo chuckled, knowing he wont do it, but then again Ranboo gets everything they want even if it's a person.

Tubbo looked at the Enderman shocked but smirked and leaned in.

"I mean ok, you asked" He said, the two closed their eyes and their lips met, it was magical for the two.

The kiss was sweet and simple bit lasted a few moments, till they broke apart slowly.

"I wasn't expecting for you to do it" Ranboo said.

"Don't underestimate me Bo" He smirked.

The two just looked at each other, Tubbo moved Ranboo's hair so it was out of the way.

Ranboo caressed Tubbo's cheek and leaned in again kissing him once again and Tubbo happily kissed back.

They broke apart and smiled.

"I love you Tubbo" Ranboo whispered which at that made Tubbo smiled.

"I love you too my Spoiled Prince"

"Oh if im the Spoiled Prince your my BumbleBee" Ranboo said back making Tubbo just chuckled.

"Your spoiled BumbleBee that you love so much"

"Yes and I plan to keep spoiling you, I mean you are with the Prince almost King"

"Oh so does that mean-" Ranboo nodded and Tubbo squealed which Ranboo just rolled his eyes.

"Don't do that or I might rethink my decision" Tubbo just rolled his eyes.

"You wouldn't"

"Don't test me"

"We'll see about that"

"So my BumbleBee, how does a picnic sound?" Ranboo asked.

"That sounds lovely my Spoiled King" Tubbo said with a smile.

"But im not King?" Ranboo said confused.

"You may not be King of the End yet but that doesn't mean your a King to me" That made Ranboo smile, at least one person loves him for who he is.

"Now how about that picnic" Ranboo said and Tubbo had a bright smile and smiled and the two went back to the pub to get stuff for a picnic.
780 Words.

Hello, I hope you liked this, I just wanted to do something with origins smp, I hope this wad ok.

Ok have a nice day.

Love you, bye!💕

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