Chapter 2

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With the Mystic Falls gang

Stefan and Damon had just left the Mikaelson mansion after the awakening of the Mikaelson siblings. They went to check in the caverns below the town to see if Bonnie and her mother had succeeded.

As they walked through the tunnels Damon said," Let's hope big witch and little witch got that coffin open."
Stefan responded saying," Somethings got to make this night worthwhile... Bonnie."

Stefan saw the Bennet witch on the floor and got to her quickly to see if she was alright and said," She's still breathing."

Damon looked around, he saw Abby unconscious on the ground and said," Mama's still breathing, I can hear her. Coffins open, well it's not going to do us any good. Whatever in it's gone."

Then a voice behind them said," Not quite young ones."

They quickly turned to see a woman in old clothing with pieces of her hair tied back.

Stefan looked at her and said," Who are you?"
"I am ester, ester mikaelson. I know what you have awakened me for and I will help you get rid of my children who are abominations."

Damon looked at her not believing it, not hearing a heartbeat only made him not believe her more." How you're not even alive?"

She looked at him about to reply when Stefan said," Damon. Ester can we take this our place so we can help the Bennets." Stefan gestures to the two unconscious females on the floor. Ester nodded in agreement. Damon sent out a text to everyone to meet at the boarding house.

Elena texted back and said," Alaric's been stabbed, ill come Matt said he'll stay and watch over him.

About 20 minutes later everyone was at the boarding house waiting for the brothers to arrive. Finally, they walked in with Bonnie and her mom but also a woman.

They quickly filled everyone in on what happened.

Elena asked the question everyone was dying to ask," How are we going to stop the originals? And are you a ghost or?"
Ester politely smiled at the doppelganger who reminded her of Tatia.

" Since we don't know where any of the white oak is there is only one way to stop my children, their mate."
" Mate?" Caroline asked.

" Yes, dear Mate like a soulmate."

Damon then questioned," And how exactly is a soulmate supposed to help other than leverage?"

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement wondering the same thing.

" You see, you need to sever the bond between the two. A soulmate bond is formed when the first soulmate is born. Severing can only happen when one soulmate completely hates their soulmate and they completely break the bond. After the bond is severed it can be reformed but it is almost impossible, but by breaking the bond the one who hates their soulmate will live while the hated one dies."
Stefan then says," Wait but wouldn't we need 5 soulmates for them? And why are you so willing to kill your children?"

Ester was expecting these questions and said," No, you will need two but the second is Rebekah's and I have a stake from my late husband that will deal with her. You see my sons share a mate who lives in another dimension. As for why I want to rid the world of my children they are an abomination on this planet, and I regret not letting them die a thousand years ago. It was the biggest mistake I ever made."

Elena looked at Ester and said," Will their innocent mate be harmed in any way?"

" No, she will not. Will you help me fix the mistake I made so long ago?"

The group shared looks and they could see it in the eyes of each other that they were going to go through with this.

"How do we get there and save her from those monsters?"
" As you can see I'm not alive, I allowed myself to be a spirit so I could use the energy to send you to the other dimension. You won't have much time, my children will come after you and their mate. You have to make her see what monsters they are before one month is up."

Damon budded in and asked," And how the hell are we supposed to know what this soulmate of theirs looks like huh."
"It's not like she's going to wear a hat that says hey I'm the soulmate of the originals come get me," Damon continued sarcastically.

Ester waved her hand, It showed a girl with fiery red hair and a gentle smile. " That is her, as to how you'll get there I will perform a spell and it will send you to a place she will be the following day."

" Send us there," Bonnie said looking the older witch in the eye.

Ester performed the spell and then everything went black.

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