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Kate was still arguing with her thoughts. She decided to ask them about Ayanna. She knew it was far fetched but what could it hurt.

She calmed herself down and asked," Do you guys know a woman named Ayanna by any chance."

The Mikaelsons all froze.
"And how do you know that name love?" Klaus asked.

She didn't respond. She just sat and ran her hands through her hair trying to process everything she was just told.

She said quietly," So this is all true."

After that she explained about the dream and Ayanna. But of course she left out the future mikaelson and how they were together, just the part where Ayanna showed up.( If you need a refresher I believe its chapter 13 or 14 and it follows to the next chapter. I know it starts in one of the two.)

Kate just sat on the chair in shock not knowing what to do.

She was lost in her thoughts. All of a sudden she jerked as an arm wrapped around her, pulling her from her thoughts. When she looked up she saw Kol was the one sitting on the arm rest.

"Are you alright darling?"

Kate didn't know what to say. She didn't know what this entailed and she hated being unprepared.

As Kate looked around trying to gather her thoughts she realized that Rebekah and Connor weren't there anymore.

She took a deep breath and looked to the four who were looking at her in concern.

"So tell me exactly what does this entail?"
Kate wouldn't admit it out loud, but she secretly hoped it would be similar to her dream.

Finn was quick to answer from his chair to which he moved back to.
"It would mean what ever you need us to be Kate. This can go as fast or as slow as you wish. At least if you choose accept."

Kate took a few minutes to digest this. While she was listening to Finn she didn't miss the hopeful looks on each of there faces.

She nodded and said,"alright we can g-give this a try."

There was only one matter left to deal with and that was leaving back to their own universe.

Elijah approached her and said,"Elskan there is only one more matter to discuss."
She raised an eyebrow in question.

"You see with us coming from another universe our time here is limited. In a weeks time we will be forced to go back to our universe and we want yo-"

He was cut off by Kate saying,"me to go with you."

She looked up and they nodded.

"But what about Liv Connor and Noah. If I just disappeared or if Connor disappeared she would freak."

Kol walked over from his seat and sat on the arm rest and swung his arm around her shoulders.

"Well darling, I'm sure you've heard of compulsion by now. As for Connor, the poor bloke is stuck with our dreadful little sister unfortunately."

"Hey," they heard from a very clearly annoyed Rebekah upstairs."

She gave a small smile and hoped that this could work.

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