Chapter 7

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With Kate during history

Kate had just separated from the rest of the group and was heading down the hallway. She was halted on her way to class when her phone rang.
The name that popped up was Agent Rolland.
Kate quickly stepped to the side of the hallway and answered. She sat and listens to what was happening at her job.
Kate was shocked at what she heard and said," Ok let me get this straight. So you're telling me that Nico's mother just tried to light someone on fire through their basement window!"
"Yes," Agent Rollands replied.
"Oh geez ok. I'll swing by the station later to see if you can find out anything new. Bye."
Kate hung up and started to head to class. As she was on the phone she didn't notice a set of eyes on her watching. She continued with her walk to her classroom and she collided with someone. She started tripping over her feet as she stumbled back, until a set of arms wrapped around her waist.
She was breathing heavily when she heard the person she collided with say," Woah you alright there darling?"
Kates's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at what had just happened. She glanced up, She saw a guy with brown hair and a charming smirk on his face.
She went to reply but it came out as more of a stutter," U-um sorry, I got lost in my mental world."
Kate was trying to get her composer back.
" No worries darling, it was partially my fault I was coming over to ask where I can find room 213?"
Kate gave him a small smile and replied," Well as an apology you can come with me, I happen to have it next so come on before we're late."
He smiled gratefully at her, at least that's what she saw, but she didn't notice the look of relief and happiness lurking behind his eyes.
As they walked in a comfortable silence Kate didn't notice the glances sent her way when she wasn't looking. Kol decided to make small talk, eager to know more about his mate.
"I don't believe I caught your name, but I'm Kol," he stated.
Kate's blush that still lingered on her face got slightly darker and she replied, "Kate."
By then they arrived at the history classroom. He kindly opened the door for her and they walked in. Everyone had heard of the new students going to their school. As Kol followed Kate with a look in his eye that none of the girls noticed as they were too focused on his looks.
Some of the girls glared, some just mumbled to themselves, but then there was Jennifer.
Jennifer had given Kate a hard time ever since she had stepped foot onto the school's grounds.
Was it to just be mean? Was it jealousy? No one knows. Jennifer would find any way to make Kate uncomfortable. Kate never backed down but she also didn't give Jennifer the satisfaction of feeding into her.
Jennifer walked over to the two, but her attention was immediately on Kol. If he didn't have a Mate or any particular lover, he would have loved the attention. As Jennifer got closer and started making her way into his personal space, he felt annoyed and disgusted by the teen coming closer. He glanced at his mate to see if they were friends, but he didn't see anything other than annoyance.
Jennifer turned to Kol immediately and said," Hi, you must know of me, obviously. I'm Jennifer, the homing queen, head of the decorating committee, and the captain of the cheer team."
She paused for a breather and looked over at Kate and acted as if she had just noticed her and said," Hmm... I see you've met Kate... If I were you I wouldn't get mixed in with her kind."
Kate rolled her eyes in annoyance knowing that Jennifer was just trying to get on her nerves. Jennifer stepped closer and whispered in his ear," If you wanted I could show you around some time and maybe go back to my place after if you're not too busy."
Jennifer batted her eyelashes and put on a flirty smile.
Kol backed away with a look of disgust on his face taking both girls by surprise since no one ever turns Jennifer down. Kate was trying to control her laughter before the teacher came in, she was almost in the clear until Kol said.
"You should know my answer by the look of disgust on my face. So if you would be so kind as to leave us alone. I have more suitable company to be with at the moment."
Jennifer stormed back in her seat. Kate lost it and started laughing.
"What is it darling," Kol asked confused about what was so funny.
"S-sorry it's just that no one turns down Jennifer and the look on her face was priceless," Kate choked out between laughs and trying to catch her breath. By then the bell had rang.
In walked Mr.Saltzman to teach history.
Kol his anger and irritation. They sat and listened to the lecture and by the end of class they got up and Kate asked," Hey any chance you want to sit with me and some friends for lunch?"
He was happy that his mate wanted him near and said," Yeah sure, would it be alright if I brought my sister along."
Kate nodded and said," Yeah, she might even like the new kids that also joined today." She finished grabbing her class supplies and walked out of the classroom.
Kol looked at her hoping she wasn't saying what he thought she was saying and said," New kids what are their names."
She looked at him and said," Their names were Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, and Elena."

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