Chapter 18

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Week two Tuesday
They finally had a hit on the Prince Charming mask over the weekend or at least a suspect based on a photo.

Kate and Finn walked into the office after Olivia called her out from class halfway through the day. She was lucky enough that Elijah offered too help her with her assignment sometime this week.

"Mikaelson, Kate great your here. We have a hit on some information from Carresse and Finn on the victims social media accounts. I need the two of you to go and talk to a Nick Collins." Olivia said this while the two followed her to her office.

"We can handle it." Finn said confidently.
Liv gave him a smile and turned to Kate and said," Careful with these guys their main goal is to bed some chick every night of the week. Both of you stick together." Concern was evident on Liv's face as she shuffled through the papers on her desk.

"Not a problem liv, plus I have Finn here for backup." Kate said calmly giving Finn a small nudge as she said his name.

He chuckled and said," I got her back Benson. There's nothing to worry about."
She nodded at the two and they headed out the office door.
They grabbed their bags and headed to the squad car.
Finn opened the door for her. Kate smirked and said,"what a gentlemen."
He simply smirked and climbed into the car.

Once they arrived they went to the elevator. They got to their floor and got off. Kate walked forward her black heel ankle boots clicking against the hard tiled floor. Finn was close at her heels not liking what the guys around here did for a living.

They went through the receptionist and finally they got to Nick collins.

They followed him to his work area.
Kate glanced and around and noticed the T-shirts every one of them was wearing and asked,"What's the t-shirts stand for?"

Nick turned to look at her as he guided the duo through the office space and smirked.

He replied," They're the number of girls we bedded. Why you intrested Red?"

Kate looked at him in disgust and said," No can't say I am."
Finn pulled her a little bit closer to him not liking the looks the men around him were giving his mate. He already had to share with his brothers but that's as far as he was willing to go.

Finn's face was stern as he said," What's the use for the number huh? What you call it then?" He nodded his head towards the t-shirt.

Nick smirked wider and said," A sales tool. Would you pay someone to teach you how to spice up your sex life who could count...

Finn interrupted him quickly and said," Don't say conquest." His eyes narrowing.

Nick continued by saying," His successful dates on one hand?" Nick said turning around to look at the two cops.

"What's you secret?" Finn asked.
" That'll cost you. You planning on useing it on sexy red here," Nick said  with a suggestive look at the red head who was heatedly glaring at him.

Kate then said with a fake smile on her face as she turned to Finn who could clearly see she was agitated ," You want to call him in for fraud or should I."

Nick was quick to stop her by sayin," Fine look at me. What do you see. A little bit of Brad Pitt's younger brother right? Around the eyes." He raised his eyebrows looking right at Kate.

Kate honestly couldn't care less about this guy considering she kept thinking back to her dream with Finn, Klaus, Elijah and Kol.

Finn was starting to lose his patients with this guy and said," Yeah, if I had one too many and the lights were out."

Kate giggled quietly. Finn heard and smiled inwardly.

Nick said," Bottom line it works."

The two were getting annoyed at this guys ego. They wanted it done with.

Kate stepped forward in her heels and said," So, did you use that Brad Pitt bull on Savannah Ross?" Kate raised and eyebrow at the end.
She took another step closer and said in her best intimidation voice she used to interrogate people in and said," Or did you just go straight to the rape?"

The guy looked confused at her and she could see him panic a bit and he quickly said," Rape? What?"

Kate chuckled coldly and said," Before you met her for drinks.

"She's like my kid sister. There's no way I'd ever...Is she okay?"

Finn pulled out his phone and pulled up the picture the other Finn sent him and put it to nicks face and said," Well I have one sister and you never see me touching her like that." Finn stepped closer eyes narrowed.

( For that he was just referring to Rebekah because he doesn't know about Freya yet. I'm sorta following the tv show.)

After Finns comment Nick caved and said," I'm not the one you should be talking to there's this guy who has been at her store creeping around. One time he showed up at her apartment unannounced, with flowers."

Kate and Finn shared a look.

The two walked out both clearly agitated. Kate walked through the building trying to ignore the stares and looks from the guys in the building. Finn noticed this quickly and moved closer while wrapping an arm around her waist.

Kate gave him a weak smile and leaned in closer as they made their way to the elevator.

When they finally made it to the elevator Kate let out a sigh of relief.

They finally made it to the car and Kate immediately called the other Finn and Carresse.

They told them to go talk to the girls last employer.

Kate hung up the phone and took a deep breath.
Finn watched and could see how uneasy she was from the building they were parked in front of.

"Kate, you alright?" Finn asked the concern clear in his voice.

"Yeah,I'm fine. Sorry just the guys in their just stared at me like a piece of meat and it's throwing me off.."
Kate replied shakily.

Kate shook her head and said," Sorry I shouldn't be laying this on you. That-that was totally unprofessional on my part."
Kate leaned back in her seat still tense.

Finn reached over his hand and grabbed hers. She straightened up and turn to look at him.

He had a completely calm demeanor. He said,"Kate they shouldn't have done it in the first place. You have nothing to be sorry about and I'm happy that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it."

Kate gave him a sweet smile.
She chuckled and said,"I probably would have been a goner if you hadn't warded them off thanks for that."

They both chuckled at her comment and then it grew quiet. They just stared at each other. Kate leaned in and Finn followed suit. Kate pressed her lips to his and leaned forward more. Finn wrapped his arm around her and kissed her back. They both pulled back and both were breathing heavily looking at one another.

Kates cheeks were clearly flushed.
She didn't know what to think. She liked him, but he was her new friends older brother not to mention her partner. And last but not least he was probably 26 or 27 liv would flip.

She knew Finn liked her from the way she reacted to her kissing him. She couldn't deny she felt a pull to him and the two had gotten closer over the week especially with work.

She gave him a smile and he returned it. But he could see the wheels turning in her head.

The two headed back the station and sat in comfortable silence both wrapped in their own thoughts.

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