Chapter 16

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Hey guys I'm going to start labeling days through the month so that you know when the deadline is and so its less confusing.

week 1 Tuesday

"Kate," she heard Liv call.
Kate stood up from her desk with a smile on her face.
"Finn nice see you again," Kate said with a kind smile on her face.
"Like wise Kate," he replied with a smile.

"Wait again. You two know each other?" Liv said, she was confused especially with the age difference.

"Yeah, you remember how Connor and I told you about Kol and Rebekah."

" Rebekah the one your planning on having a sleep over with Friday?"

"Yes this is her and Kols older brother."

"Well if your already acquainted this makes things much easier. Mikaelson your paired up with Kate."
He nodded in acceptance.

(He'll be called mikaelson since there is already a Finn on the show unless she is referring to partner. Those of you who watch know.")

Liv looked at her phone and realized that she had a meeting and then left the office. Kate looked to Finn her new partner and showed him to his new desk next to her.
After about an hour of him settling in he met everyone and they were getting along fine.

Rollands got a call from her dog walker. She was on her way out to save her carpet.
This is following s19 ep2
As Kate was working on some paper work, Finn was sneaking glances at his mate without anyone seeing.
All of a sudden he hear," Kate."

Kate looked up to see a blonde woman with Rolland's. Kate grabbed a notebook and stood up hurried to the meeting room to get statement knowing this was an attack.

Finn sat at his desk finishing up the paper work that was given to him. He silently listened in on the conversation in the meeting room.

With kate.
She and Rolland's sat across from the victim and listened to her story.

"There was music, some kind of opera or something." The woman said tears in her eyes.
Kate sat silently listening and jotting it down.
"He brought it himself. He said he didn't speak German, but it was a song about two lovers who could only be together after they were dead." She continued.
Rollands said gently," Can you describe what he looked like?"
Kate added in gently," Maybe what he sounded like?"

"I never actually saw his face, but his voice was sorta deep. Not like muscle builder deep but like a calm business man type of voice if that makes sense."
Kate nodded with a gentle smile on her face.
Rollands asked about tattoos or anything that stood out, but the girl didn't say anything other than shake her head.

"Well, we should get you to the hospital." Rollands said as she stood up and gathered her things.
Kate following her actions until she heard a startled," Why?"

Kate said," There's this thing called a rape kit, it will help us find out who attacked you and hopefully put him behind bars."

Kate reached over and gave the young woman's hand a reassuring squeeze.

The woman then said," He made me shower, for a long time and and i heard a ticking. I really dont think they will find anything."

"You'd be surprised," Rollands replied.

" It happened two weeks ago." She said.

Kate stepped out of the room and saw Finn, Caresse and her partner.

Finn said," He could be long gone by now."
Mikaelson and Caresse agreed.
They listened as the young woman said," Her attack said something about fixing a window lock."

"Her lock must of been how he broke in," Kate said.
They listened and heard her say he looked like Prince Charming.
They we confused until she clarified that it was a mask.

Liv walked in and the boys gave her the update on what they had heard.

Kate thought to herself.
"Time to solve another case."

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