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Finn entered the Mikaelson mansion with depressed expression on his face. As he entered the living room his siblings immediately noticed it.

Kol was the first to comment and said," hmm poor Finn did she not want to give you a kiss."

Finn quickly glared at his youngest brother," This is no time for jokes Kol. It all went terribly wrong." Finn sat down and was shaking his head as his hands covered his face.

After this the rest new that something serious had happened.
Elijah was the first to question his brother,"what went terribly wrong brother."
Klaus was glaring at Finn wondering what had happened.

"Everything. She was about to be shot on the roof so I moved her out of the way and I lost control." Finn said.

Klaus budded in not liking the sound of what his brother just said," Lost control. What do you mean lost control did you drain her Finn!" By the end he was yelling, anger clear in his voice.

"No of course not Niklaus. I would never hurt our soulmate." Finn shouted back.

Elijah being the only calm one asked," after you lost control what happened?"

Klaus was glaring at Finn while Kol was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"She saw the veins and ran. I followed her and she was shaking and when she saw me she backed away. I couldn't get her to listen. They the older Salvatore brother showed up with your doppelgänger. Then they drove away."

Kol stopped his pacing and yelled," and you let them! What if they hurt her or compel her to hate us huh. Then what!"

Rebekah budded in and said,"they can't compel her because eat out last sleep over she saw some of the bracelets I bought and I gave her one soaked in vervain. I knew you idiots would have spaced it out so I gave my basically soul sister it to protect herself since Elena kept dragging her away."

"Thank you Rebekah." Elijah said with a bit of relief showing through his voice.

She simply nodded in return.

"The only thing you my darling brothers need to worry about is getting her back."
Rebekah looked between her brothers.

Klaus walked forward and said "then that's what's we do. Kol tomorrow you have Kate in your first class see if you can talk her into coming here after school. Elijah and I will intercept her during our classes. Rebekah talk to Connor and see if the two can come over tomorrow."

All the siblings nodded in agreement.

With Elena, Kate and Damon.

During the car ride Elena had gotten Kate to calm down. And she brought her in the house that Damon had compelled. As the two girls walked into the doors Caroline and Bonnie were talking on the couch, but immediately stopped when they saw Kate.

"Oh my god what happened," Caroline asked worriedly as she rush over to the two girls.

Bonnie was close behind and gestured up the steps. As they climbed the steps she pointed to her room.

The four girls went in.

"Kate what happened with Finn?"
Elena asked.

"Finn?" The other two girls asked.

Kate told them everything that happened up to the point that Elena had arrived to pick her up. She was shaking a little.

"You-you guys knew didn't you?" Kate asked.

The three girls shared a look and nodded.

"I'm such an idiot you guys were trying to get me away and I didn't listen." Kate took a breath trying to calm down.

Bonnie moved closer to Kate and said,"Your not an idiot Kate and yes we did know but we didnt want to freak you out."

"What was he?" Kate questioned.

" He was a vampire an original to be exact?" Caroline replied.
"A vampire those aren't real, this isn't some dracula film."

Caroline looked at the girl.
"Kate not all vampires are bad, but they do exist. I'm a vampire and so is Damon and Stefan."

"What?" Kate was quick to try and stand up but she was frozen.

"Kate please listen ok and let me explain. And before you try to bolt have we given you any reason not to trust us?"

Kate shook her head.

For the next hour the three girls explained everything that had happened since Elena was kidnapped by rose and trevor. To say Kate was shocked was an understatement.
They also explain how they came to her universe to save her from the original family, but of course they left out the part on how they were trying to kill them and that she was their soulmate.

After all this they sat in silence. Kate was trying to process what she had just heard.

Bonnie looked at the girl and asked,"Kate are you alright?"

At first Kate didn't know how to reply. But after a few minutes she took a deep breath and said," I I know this is a lot to ask of you guys but you seem to be the only ones I can trust. Can you guys change your classes so they align with mine I cant be alone with them after everything I just heard."

Caroline nodded that they would do it.

Elena needed someone to compel there schedule changes.

"Damon!" Elena yelled and within a second Damon was in the doorway with a smirk on his face and arms crossed.

"You called." He said.

"Yeah we need a schedule change can you get that arranged."

He nodded and was gone.

Bonnie said," Why don't you call live and tell her your staying here tonight and we can have a girls night. It seems like you need one."

Kate chuckled and nodded.

After calling Liv the girls spent the night talking and watching movies like twilight. They spent the night laughing at how bad it was.

Everything was arranged so Kate didn't have to be alone with any of her soulmates not that she knew that part.

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