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After Lunch Elena had joined her classes and they were approaching the end of the day. Her last class just happened to be Elijah's class.

As they entered the class room they immediately saw Elijahs eyes on Kate. Elena quickly guided her away from his gaze to her desk.

Through out the class Elijah kept looking at her but she avoided eye contact. At the end he didn't approach her not wanting to make the situation worse.

Elena said she had to go talk to Jeremy and Kate was left to gather her stuff.

As Kate exited the classroom she was finally in the clear or so she thought. When out of no where Kol came out of nowhere and started walking backwards in front of her.

Kate scoff and annoyance was clear on her face.

"Kate come on darling talk to me." Kol said.

Kate tried to go around him but he wouldn't allow it.

"Your relentless." Kate said with a glare.

"I prefer the term persistant."

"Look Kol Im standing by what I said this morning and im not changing my mind. Not to mention II have to get to work."

"You know Finn wants to talk about what happened yesterday."

"There's nothing to talk about. I have all the information I need on the topic."

"From who darling, Elena on her little group of friends. Kate you cant trust them."

"And what Kol? Am I supposed to trust you?"
Kate scoffed in disbelief.
"As if."

Kate pushed him out of the way and walked to Simons's car.

Later at work just as she entered Liv directed her to her office.

"Hey Liv what's going on?" Kate asked.

"I have to go undercover for a job it will take all week we're hoping it won't be any longer than that. That includes tonight. And I need you to watch Noah along with taking and picking him up from school." Liv said while shuffling through the files on her desk.

"Yeah I got it, just be safe ok."

" I always am."

"Alright then is there anything I need to do here or am I good to pick up Noah?"

"Your good to pick up Noah. Also instead of having Simon pick you up I got another car just to make things easier." Liv looked up with a smile and handed her the keys.

"Yes! That definitely makes things easier. Thanks Liv."

Kate turned to head out but just as she was opening the door Liv said," By the way there's money on the fridge for this week."

Kate nodded and walked out of the office and started out the main set of doors when she was suddenly pulled and pressed against the wall.

When Kate focused again she saw it was Finn and she wasn't very happy. The girls didn't know anything specific about Kol or Finn, but she rather not push her luck.

"Finn let me go," Kate said sternly.

"No. Not until we talk about the situation."

"There's nothing to talk about Finn."

"Enough Kate there many things to talk about, but you won't give us the chance to explain. I know it may have been startling because this is nothing you've ever seen bu-."

Before he could finish Kate spoke up anger clear in her voice as she shoved him back away from her.
"Nothing I've ever seen! Oh I've seen it before Finn it's why I ran in the first place. The last time I saw someone with veins come out of theirs eyes like that I almost died. So I'm sorry if I'm not to fond of sticking around!"

"Kate, my family and I would never hurt you. We would never hurt our mate." He said before he could stop his slip up. This was definitely not the time for that bit of information but it was to late.

"Mate what the hell is that?"

Then another voice came out of nowhere. It was Elijah,"that elskan is a soulmate and it precisely why we are here. Those mis criants left it out I suppose when they were explaining. Please just come over so we can explain the whole story and not the just bits and pieces."

He placed a hand on her face cupping her cheek.
"Please we just want you to hear us out."

"I can't listen to all this nonsense about soulmates and vampires or anything fantasy related. It's ridiculous. I have to go pick up my little brother."

She shoved the two men away and went to get in the car Liv got for her. They watched as she drove away.

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