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Once all the bags were in the front living room after the Mikaelson's and Conner loaded them up Kate went to get Noah. It was a little past 11 pm. She felt bad waking him up but they had to be ready for when the portal opened to bring the Mikaelsons back to their dimension. Kate went forward to wake her little brother and he refused to get up. She could tell the little boy was out of it.

She tried again, but it still didn't work.

"Allow me love," she heard behind her.
She whipped her head around to see Klaus leaning against the doorway with a gentle smile on his face.
She gestured for him to go ahead. He just picked up the boy and carried him downstairs and let him sleep until the last 10 minutes.

It was now 11:50
Noah was awake and everyone was ready to go. Kate's eyes were starting to grow heavy and she lost her balance. She was quickly stabilized by Elijah and he asked," Are you alright elskan?" She lazily nodded.

He gently pulled her closer to him and leaned her against his chest. She didn't resist In the slightest.
Suddenly there was wind and everything went black.

Back in tvd dimension
When everyone woke up they were in the Mikaelson mansion.

They all woke up Kate still in Elijah's arms.
Finn looked out the windows and saw nothing but darkness. He turned to Klaus gesturing to the boy beside him. Klaus took the hint and said," It's late and I believe everyone should get some sleep. Elijah, take Kate to sleep in your room Rebekah you and Connor can take your room. Noah can take the guest room." The siblings nodded and went to their designated rooms. Kate was still a bit out of sorts. Her eyes were starting to close. Elijah noticed this and quickly scooped her up in his arms and took her upstairs. Klaus knelt at Noah's level and said," Let's go and take you to your new room. Tomorrow if you want we can decorate it." Noah smiled and nodded as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes the best he could. Klaus grabbed the boy's hand and took him to the guest room and made sure he was all set. As he walked out he realized how much he missed Marcel. He failed him, but he wouldn't fail this time around. His mate and those she cared about were his top priority.

With Rebekah and Connor

He followed her up to her room. He stood there a bit awkwardly. Although he and Rebekah were getting close he didn't want to overstep boundaries.

Rebekah turned to her mate noticing he was still standing by the door and said," Why are you standing there like that?"
"Um I-" he started to say.
"Ah Bekah, he's probably terrified of you. Haven't courted anyone yet mate?"
"What is the term these days? Ah yes, dating."
"That's none of your business."
" Knock it off Kol!" She yells as she rips the clothes from behind his back and hands them to Connor. She turns back to Kol who had a large smirk on his face and quickly shoved him out of the room. They heard the footsteps leave and both go ready for bed.

Kate and Elijah

Elijah entered his room with Kate in his arms. He laid her on the bed and quickly got changed into something that wasn't a suit. Luckily Kate was wearing a T-shirt with yoga pants. He laid down beside her and pulled the covers over the two of them, laid his arm over her waist, and pulled her close. Within minutes he drifted off to sleep.

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