Chapter 12

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Kate headed to her car and got in. Kate looked at her phone to see the address, and with that, she headed off following her GPS.
With Connor
It was the end of the day and Connor was going to call Liv to give him a ride since Kate left after her call. As he searched for her contact he felt an arm swing itself around his shoulder. He looked up startled and saw Kol. Through lunch after Kate left Connor and Kol started talking. They got along quite well, better than Connor and Jeremy.

Of course, Kol was just doing this to get on Kate's good side at least at first. But he had to admit Connor grew on him a little bit.
"Hey mate, what's up?" Kol said.
Connor looked up and saw Kol with Rebekah not far behind.
" Oh hey guys, I'm just calling Liv for a ride since Kate had to leave."
"Why don't you just come over to our house until Kate's done with work," Kol said. Rebekah couldn't keep the look of surprise off her face. Connor look questioningly at her, but then he just disregarded it.
He look at Kol with a smile and nodded accepting the invitation.

The trio started walking to the main parking lot. Rebekah looked around while Kol and Connor were chatting away when she saw Klaus.
"Nik!" She called out to her brother.
Connor turned to see Mr. Mikaelson the art teacher. Rebekah had a smile on her face and turn towards Connor.
"Connor this is my older brother Klaus," Rebekah said.
Connor was confused about the name thing, Klaus saw this and said," The full name is Niklaus but I prefer Klaus."
Klaus decided to give the boy a slim chance considering he was Rebekah's mate, but one wrong move and he was a dead man.

Connor nodded, he wasn't as intimidated as he was when he first saw him. Especially after the Ason jocks.
Klaus wasn't as agitated with him as he was in the morning after learning they were best friends and this was Rebekah's mate.
Klaus saw that Connor was somewhat at ease and asked the question that had been bugging him all day.
" Connor do those two boys from class earlier do that often?"
Kol chipped in confused and Rebekah had a questioning look on her face.
" Do what often?"

Klaus told Kol and Rebekah about the events in his class and turned back to Connor.
Connor replied," Yeah, everyone calls them the Ason jocks. They're jerks that won't take a hint. They keep hitting on Kate like it's nobody's business. I've punched both of them for it more times than I'd like to admit. They've been doing this since we first moved here. Kate keeps turning them down. They just keep trapping her against a table like earlier or they pull her into a classroom. The worst thing about it is that the teachers don't do anything about it even if they see it. All because those two idiots are the star players for the school team so they turn a blind eye to it all."

Kol and Klaus were fuming. Rebekah was disgusted by the boy's behavior.
Klaus said," Well we'll deal with that, our older brother is going to be teaching a class here also. Does your friend have AP literature this semester?"

Connor nodded. Klaus decided he was going to enlighten Elijah on the situation with their mate later that night. They made it to their cars. Connor got in with Kol and Rebekah and they went to their house.
Except that it wasn't a house it was more like a mansion. He hurried to catch up as Kol and Rebekah headed into the house. When they entered they were greeted by Finn who just walked into the entryway. He simply raised an eyebrow in question.

Rebekah quickly caught on and said," Finn this is Connor my ma- my friend." She caught herself not wanting to freak her mate out. He simply nodded and put on a polite smile. The 4 were joined by Klaus and Elijah. The group walked into the living room waiting for Kate to come.

Klaus and Elijah were talking on the couch while Rebekah listened and kept sneaking glances at her mate. Connor and Kol were playing video games on the floor while Finn sat in an armchair, fascinated by how the times changed.
A few hours later there was a knock at the door.

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