Chapter 1

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Ok, so I'm going to clear some things up right off the bat. So this will start in season 3 episode 13. Elijah wakes up his siblings during dinner but the only difference is that Bonnie and Abby couldn't wake up ester but when they tried the coffin burst into flames.

Elijah and Damon walked back into the dining room. Klaus noticed them enter and said," Elijah, why haven't you left?"
Elijah looked his younger brother in the eye and said, "Well where are your manners brother, we forgot dessert." He takes the cloth off of the tray the compelled lady was holding, revealing the daggers.
"What have you done?" Klaus said starting to get nervous by how Elijah was acting.

"What have you done, you see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus, we're doing this on my terms now."

Klaus saw movement behind Elijah, his eyes widened at the sight of Kol." Kol," he started backing up.

Kol advanced and said," Long time brother."
Finn sped into the room picked up a dagger and stabs Klaus through the hand. Klaus said," Finn doesn't."

Klaus turned and ran, only to be stopped by Rebekah.
Rebekah stabbed him in the stomach and she leaned down and said," This is for our mother."
As Klaus stumbled back Kol pulled his arms behind his back to restrain him.

Elijah looked at the Salvatore brothers and said," You're free to go, this is family business."
Rebekah walked around and looked at everything and said sassily," I like what you've done with the new place."

She picked up a glass vase and chucked it at a painting on the wall, the paint fell as the glass shattered on the ground.

Klaus looked defeated and said," I wanted it to be for all of us, a place we could all call home, a place we could all be family. None of us will ever have to be alone again."

Elijah intervened and said," And your right none of us will be."

Elijah walked away with Finn behind him saying," You're staying behind."

Rebekah followed suit and said," We're leaving you Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench, and you will be alone always and forever."

Kol," Without our mate, we'll find her and you won't even get a glimpse all because of what you did."

Klaus started to get angry, he stood up and said," If you run, I will hunt all of you down."
Elijah intervened again and said," Then you will become everything you hate, our father."

Klaus started yelling," I'm the hybrid, I can't be killed. I have nothing to fear from any of you."

"You will when we have that coffin."
The siblings all stared at each other until the door opened. They were shocked to see Ayanna walk through the door. They gapped at her as they hadn't seen her in a thousand years.

She looked at them and said," Enough, you are all acting like foolish children. I told you 1000 years ago about your mate and you've still done nothing about it."
Kol stepped forward and said," I've looked for Ayanna I haven't found her. I went to witch coven after witch coven." He started getting frustrated and knocked over one of the chairs at the table.

" Yes but had I told you all those years ago?" she questioned.

" We have to look together as a whole and not alone," Finn said remembering what the woman had said. She nodded silently.

" If you ever want to meet her we need to stop wasting time before it's too late."

"What do you mean Ayanna?" Elijah questioned the witch.

"Your mother gave up coming alive again by becoming spirit in a sense to help your enemies find your mate. She used the power that was supposed to release her from her coffin to show them who your mate was and to send them to her dimension."
This left them in shock until Klaus said angrily," Who, who dares go after our mate?"

" The Salvator brothers, the blonde vampire, the doppelganger, and my descendant. If I send you to your mate's dimension you must promise that no harm comes to her as she is one of the last of my bloodline."

"No, if she is so much as you-," Klaus began.

Elijah then stepped forward," I believe we can agree with that."
Klaus was about to argue but went silent from the look Elijah gave him.

Ayanna started to flicker in and out of sight.

"I am running out of time. Here take this it will point you in the direction of your mate, you must find her before the others, or else the whole supernatural world will suffer the consequences."
Finn then said," What do you mean, what consequences? And how do we make sure they don't happen."
" If they make her hate any of you a white oak stake won't be the only thing that can kill you-."

She didn't have time to finish what she was saying before she disappeared into thin air. The siblings looked at each other.

Kol then said," How the bloody hell are we supposed to get to the other dimension and find her.'

" With our help. Ayanna sent us but do not mistake this as kindness, we are only doing this for the balance of nature," a woman with a black cloak walked in followed by others in similar attire.

She lowered her hood and said," I will only say this once and I will not repeat it. We will send you to the other dimension but there is a time limit. You have one month to convince your mate to come back with you. It has to be consensual, Rebekah if your mate happens to be in this alternate dimension same rules apply."

The Mikaelsons nodded in agreement and the witches started chanting. Then everything went black.

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