Chapter 5

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( I'm going to put the time down on how long the groups have at the beginning of the chapter so you can see when we get to the seasons.)

30 days left

Meanwhile with the Mikaelson's...

They made their way towards the building when they hear," Hey you guys lost or looking for someone here?"

They figured if Ayanna had sent them to this area their mate could be nearby.

Elijah spoke up and said," Yes I'm looking to enroll my younger siblings in school here."

" Well, I'm Mr. Riker, And you can find the office through those doors, and to the left, you should see it straight ahead. I would take you myself, but I have a family emergency to deal with."
They thanked him and went inside the building. They spent that night getting their lives situated in the large city.

Each Mikaelson spent the night thinking about their mate while Rebekah thought about the girl, she could finally consider her sister or a best friend.


Kate, Kylie, and everyone else had just finished watching finding nemo and were getting ready for bed. Kate had this strange feeling that something big was going to happen tomorrow. Finally, she fell asleep.

An hour later in Kates's dreams.

Kate felt herself laying on the ground with grass tickling the tip of her nose. She slowly got up and looked around, she saw that she was in some sort of park but across the street, she saw a place called the mystic grill. She dusted herself off and made her way to it. She walked in and saw it had a bar that was surrounded by tables and a decent amount of people.

Kate started to make her way to the bar, someone was walking to the exit of the establishment. Kate didn't move out of the way at a time when the person walked straight through her. Kates's eyes were wide, it didn't dawn on her that she was sleeping at all.

She heard a chuckle from the right side of the bar. It was like music to her ears, and she felt herself drawn to it. She turned her head and walked over and saw it come from a man with dirty blonde hair, he had a smirk present on his face. She started feeling dizzy as the place around her started to spin. She felt that she was falling until she hit the ground hard on her front and her head hit the floor hard.

She glanced around and saw it was an old, abandoned house covered in cobwebs and dirt. She heard footsteps coming near her and scrambled to get up and hide, her heels hitting the floor. Her heart was racing thinking her heels gave her away. Two people entered, a woman with a short haircut and a man in a suit that she had felt the same draw to. She felt the same dizzy feeling as before and thought to herself," Not again."
She felt the falling sensation again. This time luckily falling on a couch.

She looked around and saw 2 sitting while another two walked into the room, she quickly recognized the two from before. But what surprised her was that the other two she swore she saw just earlier that day. That's when she started listening to the conversation.

Elijah and Damon walked back into the dining room. Klaus noticed this and said," Elijah, why haven't you left?"
Elijah looked his younger brother in the eye and said, "Well where are your manners brother, we forgot dessert." He takes the cloth off the tray the compelled lady was holding revealing the daggers.
"What have you done?" Klaus said starting to get nervous by how Elijah was acting.

"What have you done, you see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises Klaus, we're doing this on my terms now."

Klaus saw movement behind Elijah, his eyes widened at the sight of Kol." Kol," he started backing up.

Kate, he looked younger but as she sat in the room watching the scene in front of her, she felt she couldn't look away. She a pull of sorts in 4 different directions.

Kol advanced and said," Long time brother."
Finn vamp sped into the room picked up a dagger and stabbed Klaus through the hand as Klaus said," Finn don't."

As she watched it happen, she realized that's where the last pull was coming from. She was too focused on the feeling to notice how fast he had entered the room.

Klaus turned and ran only to be stopped by Rebekah.
Rebekah stabbed him in the stomach, and she leaned down and said," This is for our mother."
As Klaus stumbled back Kol pulled his arms behind his back to restrain him.

Elijah looked at the Salvatore brothers and said," You're free to go, this is family business."
Rebekah walked around and looked at everything and said sassily," I like what you've done with the new place."

She picked up a glass vase and chucked it at a painting on the wall, the paint fell as the glass shattered on the ground.

Klaus looked defeated and said," I wanted it to be for all of us, a place we could all call home, a place we could all be family. None of us will ever have to be alone again."

Elijah intervened and said," And your right none of us will be."

Elijah walked away with Finn behind him saying," You're staying behind."

Rebekah followed suit and said," We're leaving you Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench, and you will be alone always and forever."

That's when she heard," Kate, Kate wake up, Kate."

She was startled awake and accidentally rolled out of her bed and onto the floor and saw Connor standing over her.

" Woo you ok," Connor looked at her concerned.

She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief as she recognized her room.

" Yeah, just a crazy dream," Kate said as her heartbeat started to slow down.

" Want to talk about it?" Connor asked.

She shook her head as she was having a hard time remembering herself.

She shooed her best friend off and got herself ready for school, but little did she know just how things were going to change.

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