Chapter 10

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During art, Kate was paying close attention to the information that was being said. Throughout the class Kate felt the same connection to Mr.Mikaelson as she did to Kol, she didn't understand though. She tried to push it to the back of her mind, but whenever she tried to focus on the information on the board it would take over her thoughts. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the bell had rang. Connor started shaking Kate trying to get her to snap out of her daze.

He looked where she was staring and saw the new art teacher. He smirked and raised an eyebrow. After a minute she snapped out confused. Connor chuckled and said," Great now that I've snapped you out of googling the teacher. We have to meet up with Rebekah, Kol and the rest of the new kids so get up and come on."

Klaus heard the first part and smirked, but to say he was pleased that Rebekah and Kol would be there with them. Especially since the Mystic Falls gang was going to be there.

Kate scrambled up, out of her seat, and swung her bag over her shoulder. The best friends walked out of the room not noticing the teacher's eyes on them. After the two exited Klaus picked up the letter off the desk. He was worried about what the situation was that Kate may have to leave at random.

He opened the letter and pulled out the paper.
It said

Dear Mr.Mikaelson
This letter is for the allowance of the leave of Kate Haraway. This is related to her job working at SVU of New York City. Here it is required by the state that she may be dismissed upon being called. This is also to inform you she is carrying a weapon on her person and it may be used on school grounds related to the safety of students and staff personnel in the area.
Sincerely Mrs. Kleinberg.

He was not happy about this one bit. He read it over again, he knew there was a high chance of being harmed as a cop. The situation put her in danger and he couldn't do a thing about it. He picked up his phone and sent it to his siblings. He usually went head-on into things like this, but one wrong move and getting sent here would be for nothing.

With Kate

The two best friends walked out of the room and headed for the library. When they got there they saw Elena and Bonnie standing on one side of the room, Kol and Rebekah on the other. Kate turned to Connor and asked," So that's Rebekah?"
She looked over at the blonde girl and smirked. Rebekah hearing Kate slightly looked over but didn't make it obvious.
"She's pretty and totally up your alley."
" you sure she seems way out of my league," Connor said nervously.

Kate nodded her head and shoves Connor in the sibling's direction. Kate turned on her heel and went over to Elena and Bonnie.
" Hey guys, where's the rest of the group?"

Bonnie was the one to reply," They should be here soon."
A few minutes later Caroline and Stefan walked in followed by Matt and Jeremy.
She glanced over her shoulder only to meet Kols's eyes. He smirked at her, she blushed and quickly turned back around and involved herself in the conversation.

They talked for a minute before Connor came over with Rebekah and Kol. Kate saw Elena glare at something behind her. As she turned she saw it was Rebekah that she was looking at but when she turned back Elena had a smile on her face. To say she was confused was an understatement, but she brushed it off and introduced herself," Hi you must be Rebekah. I'm Kate."

" Yeah, I hope it's alright that we join."
Kate smiles and nodded. She introduced Kol and Rebekah to the other group little did she know that they had a rough past together.
They acted politely to each other hoping not to mess up any possible advantage that the two sides could gain. Kate could see the tension but didn't mention it thinking it was because they seemed a little closed off.

They walked into the lunch room. They went to one of the center tables. The new kids followed when they heard," Hey Kate I see you brought the newbies. Welcome to popular central."
Kate rolled her eyes at Lisa who had just called out the new kids. After Lisa said this half of the room stared at the small group. Kate turned to them and said," Ignore them, and don't talk to the school newspaper reporters they will eat you alive."
They spread out at one of the long tables.

Kate and Connor were quite popular even though they hadn't gone to school for long. Everyone knew them, they were both nice but nobody other than the other higher-up cliches talked to them. They intimidated people, but not on purpose of course.
The group was chatting with cheerleaders, the jocks, and others in the higher-up cliches. Kate suddenly got a call and excused herself from the table.

Kol sat there and shared a worried glance with Rebekah. They had a good idea of what the call was involved in after the text from Klaus. This made the call he listened to earlier make much more sense. It made them more nervous that Connor started getting antsy in his seat. Kate came back in grabbed her bag and said," I'm heading out it was a call from Detective Rollands."

And with that, Kate headed out to her car and eyes trailing behind her.

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